APP - Why should people believe in Liberalism?

One of my history profs mentioned to me in conversation about Burr and Hamilton that they were noted for being young, handsome, dashing, and frequently successful with the ladies during their gallant war years. In some ways, they were competing right from the very start in that respect, but aside from that, I've never heard of Hamilton getting involved with any other women besides his wife and the one affair he was accused of having...

I have not heard of any other than his wife and the one other woman either. I suppose one of us could research it. But the point has been made well enough, I think.

The discussion was never about their life's work. You are trying, yet again, to derail the discussion to avoid being shown as wrong.

You made the claim that the founding fathers would not have indulged in sodomy because they were moral men. That was shown to be untrue, for at least some.
Something to do with love the sinner, hate the sin...
Since this thread has basically degraded into SM making claims with no evidence (what a fucking shock), I would like to publicly express my gratitude to Threedee for his valuable counterpoints to our otherwise doppleganger trinity. You are a worth addition.
Why, thank you.

It is extremely difficult to not hate the sinner, witnessed by how many sinners I hate. Specifically, I mean, people that earn your contempt entirely due to their sins, rather than poor taste, douchebaggery, incompetence, etc.