APP - Why should people believe in Liberalism?

they failed to mention in the Constitution
Uh huh....
a right to kill your unborn children
9th and 10th
a right for people of the same sex to marry
9th and 14th (granted the 14th wasn't written by the founders)
a right to partake of recreational drugs
a right to have a strong federal government take care of all your problems from cradle to grave
While that's not exactly a social issue, I'll concede on that. But I already stated I'm not referring to neo-liberals..
I have not spoken out much on the abortion issue except to say that the problem is that there are only two extreme views being represented.

On the one hand the Right to Life group wants no abortions for any reason. And the Pro-Choice group wants abortion available to any woman at any stage in their pregnancy.

My position is that there are times when abortion is an appropriate choice but should not be used as retroactive birth control.

So I am not pretending anything.

??? is not the position of Right to Life that there be no abortions for any reason......they have always supported the use of abortion to save the life of the mother....
Uh huh....
9th and 10th
???....unbelievable....and because of the 9th and 10th, wouldn't you think it appropriate for us to tell the federal government to get the fuck out of the issue?.....

instead, you've just argued the federal government has the right to step in because 1) there are rights not listed in the Constitution and 2) anything not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution is the responsibility of the you see the problem with your argument?....
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But I already stated I'm not referring to neo-liberals..

I don't give a fuck what you call them, liberals, neo-liberals, left wing whackos, you can't pretend the items I have listed are not the prime elements of the liberal agenda on a national level.....
uh, you have it upside down....Modernists are grounded in materialism, postmodern rejects're a generation behind in your 'isms'........

Not true, I have yet to see postmodernism lead anywhere except wholesale self-indulgence and materialism. Except among the most committed nihilists, many of whom are suicidal, postmodernism engages in a hypermaterialism that knows no restraint. Modernists at least can constrain themselves.
???....unbelievable....and because of the 9th and 10th, wouldn't you think it appropriate for us to tell the federal government to get the fuck out of the issue?.....

instead, you've just argued the federal government has the right to step in because 1) there are rights not listed in the Constitution and 2) anything not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution is the responsibility of the you see the problem with your argument?....
I'll assume you're referring to abortion. I have literally NO opinion on it. So don't ask me about it. At most I feel that it is delegated to the 10th, left for the states to decide.
Not true, I have yet to see postmodernism lead anywhere except wholesale self-indulgence and materialism. Except among the most committed nihilists, many of whom are suicidal, postmodernism engages in a hypermaterialism that knows no restraint. Modernists at least can constrain themselves.

????...well, I don't want to derail the thread....but you obviously don't have a clue what postmodernism actually means....
I'll assume you're referring to abortion. I have literally NO opinion on it. So don't ask me about it. At most I feel that it is delegated to the 10th, left for the states to decide.

/boggle....which is the opposite of what you just argued....we were talking about the founding fathers and what they intended the federal government to do.....
A little boy walks into first grade and the teacher asks his name. My name is Southern Man says the little boy. Interesting the teacher replies, and why do you call yourself Southern Man. The little boy puzzled now, thinks hard, starts to answer but is obviously confused. The teacher recognizing the little boy is too young for knowing why, says, well that is nice and someday maybe you will know why you call yourself Southern man.

Will we? I mean, within your pointless story.

Here, you have me half defending DamnYankeeMan. I hate you. :)
independence versus dependency......liberals cannot abide a society which is not dependent upon the government......

"Dependent." Interesting word.

Dependent: relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.

Depend: (1) to rely; place trust
(2) to rely for support, maintenance, help, etc.

If you ask someone if they're dependent upon their partner most will say, "No". However, if you ask them if it's important to be able to depend on their partner most will reply in the affirmative.

While one may not expect the government to find them a job it's reasonable to expect the government will assist them financially (food, clothes, shelter) until such time they find employment. If one is ill it's reasonable to expect the government will help, if necessary.

As regards Liberalism it's not a question of being dependent upon the government. It's being able to depend on government.

While it's common place to say one is expected to give their life for their country the fact is governments declare war, thus, one is giving their life for the government. If one must be forever prepared to do so surely expecting assistance in times of need is little to ask in return.
??? is not the position of Right to Life that there be no abortions for any reason......they have always supported the use of abortion to save the life of the mother....

Which makes their argument that a fetus is a human being and should be guaranteed an equal right to life a perverted joke. In the large majority of cases (tubal pregnancy being an exception) the fault lies with the defective body of the woman; uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes being the prominent two.

Kill the innocent, healthy human being so the one with the defective body may live. Is it any wonder why the majority of the population, including the lawmakers, don't support the Right to Life's position?
Which makes their argument that a fetus is a human being and should be guaranteed an equal right to life a perverted joke. In the large majority of cases (tubal pregnancy being an exception) the fault lies with the defective body of the woman; uncontrolled high blood pressure and diabetes being the prominent two.

Kill the innocent, healthy human being so the one with the defective body may live. Is it any wonder why the majority of the population, including the lawmakers, don't support the Right to Life's position?

apple, your opinions on abortion are fucked....I have hit the quote button, but I haven't bothered to read your post....I haven't done so in months....I suggest you take some time to rethink your ridiculous position on this issue....if you ever do, flag me with a great big :good4u: and I will start reading your posts again....
apple, your opinions on abortion are fucked....I have hit the quote button, but I haven't bothered to read your post....I haven't done so in months....I suggest you take some time to rethink your ridiculous position on this issue....if you ever do, flag me with a great big :good4u: and I will start reading your posts again....

That's OK, PmP. I don't take it personally. You're known for your blind ignorance.

When it comes to ridiculous positions it's claiming fetuses are human beings and then sanctioning killing them so a defective human may live. It's placing a higher value on one class of human (the mother). It's classifying one type of human (the fetus) just a little less valuable, a little less human, if you will.

Unfortunately, the world has been down that road before. Obviously, you never learned anything.
If your god tells you that butt fucking is OK then he's not the Founder's God.

How do you know that in the middle of the night, that some of the founders weren't spooning with their wives, it was to cold to move the covers, and a little "back alley love" didn't occur.