independence versus dependency......liberals cannot abide a society which is not dependent upon the government......
"Dependent." Interesting word.
Dependent: relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc.
Depend: (1) to rely; place trust
(2) to rely for support, maintenance, help, etc.
If you ask someone if they're dependent upon their partner most will say, "No". However, if you ask them if it's important to be able to depend on their partner most will reply in the affirmative.
While one may not expect the government to find them a job it's reasonable to expect the government will assist them financially (food, clothes, shelter) until such time they find employment. If one is ill it's reasonable to expect the government will help, if necessary.
As regards Liberalism it's not a question of being dependent upon the government. It's being able to depend on government.
While it's common place to say one is expected to give their life for their country the fact is governments declare war, thus, one is giving their life for the government. If one must be forever prepared to do so surely expecting assistance in times of need is little to ask in return.