Why so many perverts in the democrat party

...and Trump, the kid fucker and drug addict.

no trump likes adult women , your talking about joe biter who likes to touch and smell kids and whisper in their ears and hug and kiss them , and isn't it joey junior who has the drug problem crack I think it is, trump don't even drink .

you voted for Joe didn't you ?
sorry dutch hes not a who likes underage kids like blow hole joe bier and his son perv hunter and bill the perv Clinton who took 26 flights on the flying whore house even sneaking away from secret service so he could screw minors and he spent time on perv Island also .

Trump likes adult women who are ht, you don't see him smelling little girls and hugging and kissing them in public and whispering in their ears, or his staff having to tell him to stop touching and smelling kids lol. that's how bad joe is

You voted for him and supported him didn't you dutch ?
Trump is a pedophile. A child fucker who was raping women and children before he did the same to Ivanka. Why do you support Trump so much, Bob?

I voted for Dr. Jo, not Trump or Biden. You voted for Trump the Pedo didn't you, Bob?

Trump is a pedo but has his limits.

Trump is a pedophile. A child fucker who was raping women and children before he did the same to Ivanka. Why do you support Trump so much, Bob?

I voted for Dr. Jo, not Trump or Biden. You voted for Trump the Pedo didn't you, Bob?

Trump is a pedo but has his limits.


LOL dutch show us some evidence about trump doing these things instead of your delusions dutch , why do you make it up what are you scared of hes not president any more,.
Whats funny is I can post dozens of pictures of blow hole biden touching kids smelling them whispering in their ears and kissing and hugging them, even where joe told stories about how joe had kids playing with his legs on the beach and lots of pictures of joe touching women, hell his staff even had to tell him to stop touching kids first president I ever heard of that his staff had to tell him not to touch little kids because he was acting perverted . You voted for him didnt you dutch .
LOL dutch show us some evidence about trump

Us? Who? You, yourself and Irene, Bob?

I've provided exactly the same evidence you provided about the other Washington pedos, Bob. Get a grip on reality for a few minutes, please.
Us? Who? You, yourself and Irene, Bob?

I've provided exactly the same evidence you provided about the other Washington pedos, Bob. Get a grip on reality for a few minutes, please.

Us dutch all the people reading here,no afraid you have not dutch not even close and you know it. You just think you have I guess its your overly inflated ego thinking your better then other people . guess thars why you call your self a arrogant asshole cause you know you are one hey dutch. Shouldn't you be kissing owl sluts ass about now instead of writing to me ?
Us dutch all the people reading here,no afraid you have not dutch not even close and you know it. You just think you have I guess its your overly inflated ego thinking your better then other people . guess thars why you call your self a arrogant asshole cause you know you are one hey dutch. Shouldn't you be kissing owl sluts ass about now instead of writing to me ?

Hard to tell with your type.

I don't think I'm better than other people, Bob. OTOH, I know I'm better than you since you've repeatedly dishonored yourself the past week.

Arrogant Asshole was part of my job description my entire career of telling lazy, fat fucks like yourself "Get back to work".
The pervs join the Democratic Party because there is no room for them in the Republican Party. The GOP is maxed out with pervs.
Says the folks who worship the admitted pussy-grabbing, peeping tom of teen girls and accused rapist philanderer. At least the Dems get rid of the baggage while the Christo-Fascists idolize theirs.
Says the folks who worship the admitted pussy-grabbing, peeping tom of teen girls and accused rapist philanderer. At least the Dems get rid of the baggage while the Christo-Fascists idolize theirs.

For real. I'm a bit concerned about BullshitBoob's fixation on perverts, aren't you? And why he's blind to the creeps (like the former Sleaze-in-Chief) in the QOP.
For real. I'm a bit concerned about BullshitBoob's fixation on perverts, aren't you? And why he's blind to the creeps (like the former Sleaze-in-Chief) in the QOP.

why youn like to change what I say like a good little democrat , you should be on CNN or Bidens staff they need accomplished lying tools like you
For real. I'm a bit concerned about BullshitBoob's fixation on perverts, aren't you? And why he's blind to the creeps (like the former Sleaze-in-Chief) in the QOP.

He makes claims without doing a lick of homework. The Repubs have been the party of woman abuse, molesting and closet gays for many decades. Dems are not close to the reds.
Because all the other political parties toss them out the second they are outed...
flocking birds and their feathers....

Yes, birds of a feather. Notice the Republicans didn't toss out Pedo Donnie. They condone his actions in the 1990s.

Because all the other political parties toss them out the second they are outed...

There's a second factor.

Democrats feel like they are the Elite. They are 'better' than anyone else. They look down on anyone and anything they try to enslave. Such become objects of their perversions. From raping slaves to gay marriage to 72 different 'genders', it is the same.

Let me tell you about two guys in our history......one, never drank, never smoked, wasn't a womanizer and dressed in a crisp uniform each day...the other was a womanizer, drank, smoked cigars, was pretty much a player......but changed the course of history in our country.

Adolph Hitler was the clean cut guy and John F. Kennedy was the lowse....I rest my case

Adolph Hitler created sex camps where 'pure Aryans' would meet other 'pure Aryans' to produce more 'pure Aryans'.
Hitler himself had sexual encounters with his half niece, Geli Raubal (she committed suicide, using Hitler's own gun). He also has relations with Eva Braun, whom he once openly claimed as his 'wife' (died in the double suicide with Hitler). These are two of the seven women in his life.
... because the Demonkkkrat Party tends to follow the ways of Satan rather than the ways of Jesus.

That is assuming, of course, that people have read the Bible enough to know who the character of Satan is, and who the character of Jesus Christ is.
Though both you and I are Christian, there are others that have not ever read the Bible but are nevertheless good men. They have never heard of Satan or Jesus Christ.

There are others that have read the Bible, of course, but deny the teachings of Jesus Christ and hearken to the teachings of Satan. Some of them even call themselves 'Christian'.