Why so many perverts in the democrat party

No. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Communism is government ownership of markets.

The concept of a corporation as a business structure is a fairly old one. It's even older than the stock market.
Businesses survive by making a profit. If they don't make a profit, they don't survive. That single success metric makes the business responsive to it's customers, a voluntary relationship. Nothing is forced. The creation of a product or service that people want to buy is creation of wealth. It is capitalism. It is not socialism. Capitalism is the only economic structure that creates wealth. Socialism is theft of wealth.

Both fascism and communism are forms of socialism.

Fascism is a marriage of corporations the military and the government. There are other earmarks like joint propaganda and joint control of the media. Yeah, it does sound like us, especially the last 4 years.
no. fascism is when corporations and government join together in a monolithic power stucture.
Nope. Not necessarily at all. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Nothing more. Nothing less.
there's market manipulation involved,
Sure there is. By government too. In each case, that is fascism.
especially manipulation of the labor market through open borders extremism,
That could be argued so, yes, but you have yet to point out the theft of wealth.
and hatred of tariffs.
No. Tariffs are taxes. They are theft of wealth.
Fascism is a marriage of corporations the military and the government. There are other earmarks like joint propaganda and joint control of the media. Yeah, it does sound like us, especially the last 4 years.

Nope. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. No more. No less. Like any form of socialism, it is theft of wealth.
Fascism does exist in the States of America, and especially in the SOTNY, the SODC, and the SOTC.
Capitalism exists in all of these places too.
Nope. Not necessarily at all. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Sure there is. By government too. In each case, that is fascism.

That could be argued so, yes, but you have yet to point out the theft of wealth.

No. Tariffs are taxes. They are theft of wealth.

no. being wrong fallacy.

and tariffs are not taxes. it's more specific than that. we don't need globalist idiot neocon redux from the peanut gallery, k?
Look, we all know weird, nasty, criminal types exist. The truly weirdest part of this is that the DEms and lefties love it. They actually revel in it. They support crime and evil. They are 100% behind the BLM - a proven criminal organisation - yet never flicker an eyelash when you show them this direct participation. This is the worry. This is the psyche. This is why they should be spoken at directly for the evil they are.
That they LOVE criminal immigrants who rape and kill as long as they have brown skin and the "poor things" get their free residency. BUT IN NO WAY WOULD WANT THEIR CHLID RAPED OR DRUGGED - AS LONG AS IT IS SOMEONE ELSE'S CHILD THEY ARE FINE WITH THAT.
Mockery. Denial of logic.

Yes they are. That's all they are.

Nope. They are taxes. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Insult fallacies. Insults do not make you win arguments.

you're a moron.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

—Giovanni Gentile* “Encyclopedia Italiana”

and tariffs are specifically related to trade.

destroying language and memory-holing what words mean is very stupid, and authoritarian.
you're a moron.
Insult fallacy. You can't win an argument by insulting people.
"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

—Giovanni Gentile* “Encyclopedia Italiana”
Which is government manipulation of markets.
and tariffs are specifically related to trade.
So? Tariffs are taxes.
destroying language and memory-holing what words mean is very stupid, and authoritarian.
Therefore you are being very stupid and authoritarian.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. It is on the road to communism, another form of socialism, which is government ownership of markets.
You are making a modal fallacy. A corporation is not necessarily fascist. It is simply a business structure allowing multiple investors in the business. Whether a business is organized as a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation has nothing to do with fascism.

Capitalism is not fascism. Capitalism is not communism. Capitalism is not socialism.
Insult fallacy. You can't win an argument by insulting people.

Which is government manipulation of markets.

So? Tariffs are taxes.

Therefore you are being very stupid and authoritarian.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. It is on the road to communism, another form of socialism, which is government ownership of markets.
You are making a modal fallacy. A corporation is not necessarily fascist. It is simply a business structure allowing multiple investors in the business. Whether a business is organized as a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation has nothing to do with fascism.

Capitalism is not fascism. Capitalism is not communism. Capitalism is not socialism.

nowhere is fascism defined as "government control of markets" only.

nowhere are tariffs defined as "a tax totally unrelated to trade".

everywhere is there evidence of your moronicity.

you're still stuck on neocon globalist stupid.
nowhere is fascism defined as "government control of markets" only.
Never said it was. Pay attention.
nowhere are tariffs defined as "a tax totally unrelated to trade".
Never said it was. Pay attention.
everywhere is there evidence of your moronicity.
you're still stuck on neocon globalist stupid.
At least your insults are more create than the usual run of the mill insults, but they still are a fallacy.