Why so many perverts in the democrat party

Just look at the leader of the democrat party, joe blow hole biter. he clearly has issue with kids , we have all seen the pictures of him with them touching and hugging and kissing them and smelling them ,like a pervert.
And several women have accused him of being a pervert
He even bragged about letting kids play with his legs when he was young . and his son has followed in his foot steps.

bill Clinton was a pervert and O bung hole was also only with men.
the liberal media ignores all of this, I think they agree with it and support perverts.

His "hairy legs". Gawd, what a pervert.
Hard to tell with your type.

I don't think I'm better than other people, Bob. OTOH, I know I'm better than you since you've repeatedly dishonored yourself the past week.

Arrogant Asshole was part of my job description my entire career of telling lazy, fat fucks like yourself "Get back to work".

You were never a leader of anything, arrogant asshole.
Says the folks who worship the admitted pussy-grabbing, peeping tom of teen girls and accused rapist philanderer. At least the Dems get rid of the baggage while the Christo-Fascists idolize theirs.

Since fascism is a form of socialism, you must be speaking of Democrat 'Christians'.
Yes, birds of a feather. Notice the Republicans didn't toss out Pedo Donnie. They condone his actions in the 1990s.


...such as?
Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats.

Do the work. This has never been close. The Repubs are the perversion party. They are, in this case, like they are in economics. They loudly and frequently claim they are not the pervert party and the Dems are. The record clearly shows the opposite.
wrong. fascism is corporatism.

No. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Communism is government ownership of markets.

The concept of a corporation as a business structure is a fairly old one. It's even older than the stock market.
Businesses survive by making a profit. If they don't make a profit, they don't survive. That single success metric makes the business responsive to it's customers, a voluntary relationship. Nothing is forced. The creation of a product or service that people want to buy is creation of wealth. It is capitalism. It is not socialism. Capitalism is the only economic structure that creates wealth. Socialism is theft of wealth.

Both fascism and communism are forms of socialism.
No. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Communism is government ownership of markets.

The concept of a corporation as a business structure is a fairly old one. It's even older than the stock market.
Businesses survive by making a profit. If they don't make a profit, they don't survive. That single success metric makes the business responsive to it's customers, a voluntary relationship. Nothing is forced. The creation of a product or service that people want to buy is creation of wealth. It is capitalism. It is not socialism. Capitalism is the only economic structure that creates wealth. Socialism is theft of wealth.

Both fascism and communism are forms of socialism.

no. fascism is when corporations and government join together in a monolithic power stucture.

there's market manipulation involved, especially manipulation of the labor market through open borders extremism, and hatred of tariffs.
BBBrain, let the moths fly out of your wallet and just pay for whatever sexual fantasies you may have.
Nobody expects you to get laid for the pleasure of your company, so just pay up and get it over with. Girls, guys, farm animals, whatever you like except kids.

Maybe then you won't have to type garbage onto the forum with one hand while rubbing one out with the other.
I understand that you don't mind humiliating yourself publicly on this forum,
but try to be a little more considerate of others.
Don't trumpanzee parents teach their offspring anything?