“Liberals have flooded millions of 3rd World immigrants into 1st World countries trying to erase White people.” Nope. That’s a tin foil hate lie.Liberals have flooded millions of 3rd World immigrants into 1st World countries trying to erase White people.
Liberals have canonized the worst dregs of society and favor special privileges for all those destroying our nations.
Liberals tried to indoctrinate our kids in an effort to turn them into gay/trans communists.
Liberals have forced us to fund endless wars.
Liberals have destroyed our economies.
Liberals have ruined the NFL, the Boy Scouts, the NBA, Hollywood, the Girl Scouts, Restrooms, women's sports, and at least 9 states.
Liberals/Leftists are we we can't have NICE THINGS ANYMORE.
“Liberals have canonized the worst dregs of society and favor special privileges for all those destroying our nations.” Nope. That’s a tin foil hat lie.
“Liberals tried to indoctrinate our kids in an effort to turn them into gay/trans communists.” Nope. Another tin foil hat lie. But, the right will try force Judeo-Christian beliefs on our kids to indoctrinate them.
“Liberals have forced us to fund endless wars.”
The longest wars we have experienced were optional ones by Republican administrations.
“Liberals ruined the lives of millions of people by forcing them to choose between their careers or taking an experimental vaccine.” Another tin foil hat lie. The vaccines have been proven safe, effective and have saved millions of lives and trillions of dollars.
“Liberals have destroyed our economies.” The US economy is doing just fine and among the best in the world.
“Liberals have ruined the NFL, the Boy Scouts, the NBA, Hollywood, the Girl Scouts, Restrooms, women's sports, and at least 9 states.” The NFL and NBA seem to be doing great. Women’s sports have never been more popular. The Boy Scouts had their own internal problem with white, male Christian pedophiles. Too bad you can’t piss where you want, whiner.
“Liberals/Leftists are we can't have NICE THINGS ANYMORE.” I have everything I need and want right now. Isn’t your double wide enough?
SUMMARY. You’re a whiner, a loser and a tin foil hat liar. Just like your cult leader.