Why the "Far Right" is Rising in Europe and the U.S.

... until Congress takes over.

Nope. The Senate decides it all. The President is out of the picture, and is powerless to do anything, at this point. The President does not get to somehow override any Senator(s) and the President gets no vote/say.

I seek to properly characterize the role of the Presidency with 100% accuracy, not with your 20% accuracy.
Congress never "takes over".

they do not have ability to even do a deal without the president. advice and consent

it's globalist of you to keep trying to erode the presidential powers.

do you fear a "strongman populist president" who will undo globalist stupidity?

if you are quit pretending you're a trumper and go join the Dems and Rino's and stop lying.
Congress never "takes over".
No treaty gets ratified until Congress takes over. Ergo, there is no treaty until Congress takes over and Congress always has the final say.

The President initiates the negotiations but has to go with whatever Congress says.

they do not have ability to even do a deal without the president. advice and consent
Are you under the impression that Congress somehow cannot levy tariffs without the President?

it's globalist of you to keep trying to erode the presidential powers.
It's fascist of you to keep trying to convert the President into a fiat dictator.

do you fear a "strongman populist president" who will undo globalist stupidity?
That sounds ominous. I wish I knew what that meant.

if you are quit pretending you're a trumper and go join the Dems and Rino's and stop lying.
That's a pretty strong ultimatum. I'll need some time to break it down so I can figure out what you are trying unsuccessfully to express.
No treaty gets ratified until Congress takes over. Ergo, there is no treaty until Congress takes over and Congress always has the final say.

The President initiates the negotiations but has to go with whatever Congress says.

Are you under the impression that Congress somehow cannot levy tariffs without the President?

It's fascist of you to keep trying to convert the President into a fiat dictator.

That sounds ominous. I wish I knew what that meant.

That's a pretty strong ultimatum. I'll need some time to break it down so I can figure out what you are trying unsuccessfully to express.
no treaty happens at all unless the president wants it.

it's not dictatorial to understand the constitution, dipshit.
You acknowledge that a treaty cannot happen without the consent of the Senate. What am I missing?
or the president. and the president leads the process.

did trump have the constitutional power to unilaterally pull out of the Paris accords?

fuck yes he did.

the main power of treaties is having a treaty or not.
or the president. and the president leads the process.
OK, we can certainly agree that the President initiates the process, being the country's top diplomat.
We can agree that the President "leads" the effort.

Do you recognize that the Senate can essentially veto the entire effort?
Do you recognize that the Senate eventually makes that "go/no-go" decision, and that the President does not get a say in their "vote"?