only a certified moron would believe that wanting freedom for all is a 'short bus' mindset. congrats, moron.
they base their economic ideas on fucking lies idiot
only a certified moron would believe that wanting freedom for all is a 'short bus' mindset. congrats, moron.
Will you ever cease your blithering incompetence?
Blow away, fart!
how is capitalism 'theft'? please don't ignore this. I need to read your opinion on why capitalism is theft.
Well, that answers that question...
For good, I hope!
Because the only conceivable value of a commodity arises from the socially necessary work put into it, while the bosses pay far less, stealing the difference between the price and the wage.
Yep, although I always thought of you as an idiot and dismissed your rants as babbling bullshit.
Yep, although I always thought of you as an idiot and dismissed your rants as babbling bullshit.
they base their economic ideas on fucking lies idiot
Because the only conceivable value of a commodity arises from the socially necessary work put into it, while the bosses pay far less, stealing the difference between the price and the wage.
that people should be allowed to keep what they earn???? OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last I heard, everyone is free to negotiate for how much they can be paid on any job, right? so you're only real issue is that you're not smart enough to make more money
last I heard, everyone is free to negotiate for how much they can be paid on any job, right? so you're only real issue is that you're not smart enough to make more money
You live in a dream world if you think that. No, of course they aren't free.
write your stupid ideas down on a piece of paper
roll that paper up
and shove it up your stupid fat ass
Depends how much money you had. Try being eighteen in the UK at the moment - or in most parts of Europe. You live in a prettied-up rose-tinted dreamworld that has little or nothing to do with the world of reality.wow, i've always been free to accept or turn down any job I ever had offered to me..........maybe you should look at your own countries policies
Depends how much money you had. Try being eighteen in the UK at the moment - or in most parts of Europe. You live in a prettied-up rose-tinted dreamworld that his little or nothing to do with the world of reality.
i was 18 once. yes, a very long time ago, but then I had no problem working more than one job if necessary. At 13 I started detassling for 3.25 an hour. At 14 I cleaned up the local bar and grill before school started, then delivered a paper route after school. The entitlement issue with you millenials is mind blowing.