why the people must be allowed the weapons and training without legal interference


Left-libertarians (social and individualist anarchists, libertarian Marxists and left-wing market anarchists) argue in favor of socialist theories such as communism, syndicalism and mutualism (anarchist economics). Daniel Guérin writes that "anarchism is really a synonym for socialism. The anarchist is primarily a socialist whose aim is to abolish the exploitation of man by man. Anarchism is only one of the streams of socialist thought, that stream whose main components are concern for liberty and haste to abolish the State".[68]
Right-libertarians are economic liberals of either the Austrian School or Chicago school and support laissez-faire capitalism.[69]

anarchists are fools

the short bus school that hates math

libertarians are full of shit
That was back when there were jobs that paid anything, man. Look up the figures. Why do you think that real wages in the USA haven't risen since God knows when? Managers get paid vast sums, and the rest of us get bugger all, if they can get a job at all. Ask someone.

i'll ask myself. when I started my current field of IT work, the pay was 33 an hour. that was 2004. Now, in 2018, i'm making 55 an hour. other IT jobs are also increasing wages. so want to try again?
So in Bowel Woman's mind members of our military are nothing mindless robots that can't think and will blindly follow orders to attack their fellow citizens. Then she believes that every member of the government would march in lockstep with any order to attack the citizens of this country.

\She's a closet gunhumper who shoots at things that she's allergic to or dislikes...next we'll have a story about her "experiences" with missiles, tanks, gas, and smart bombs...
Capitalism is theft, and can only survive in a police state. You know this perfectly well. Capitalism varies between brainwashing and Hitler - and that's all there is in your weird 'market', face it.

So you want the government to control you
i'll ask myself. when I started my current field of IT work, the pay was 33 an hour. that was 2004. Now, in 2018, i'm making 55 an hour. other IT jobs are also increasing wages. so want to try again?
Difficult to compare IT with the distant past, but average wages, in real terms, haven't risen in America for a long time now, though obviously they go up and down a little as the market staggers.
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That was back when there were jobs that paid anything, man. Look up the figures. Why do you think that real wages in the USA haven't risen since God knows when? Managers get paid vast sums, and the rest of us get bugger all, if they can get a job at all. Ask someone.

The 15 dollar min wage would just match what it should be now, corrected for inflation. This says 21. https://inequality.org/research/minimum-wage/ If min wage does not keep up with inflation, it is equivalent to a pay cut every year.