Why The Right Will Never Allow Solution To Islamic Jihad Problem...


Atheist Missionary
Because, to undermine and isolate the jihadists, we need to bring a resolution to the Israel / Palestine problem, and that means reigning in the Israelis and forcing a VIABLE two state solution on both parties....
Because, to undermine and isolate the jihadists, we need to bring a resolution to the Israel / Palestine problem, and that means reigning in the Israelis and forcing a VIABLE two state solution on both parties....

Did you know that the Isrealis have been claiming for years that the Fourth Geneva Convention does not apply to their occupation of Palestine and have gotten away with it? That must have been where Bush got the idea that he too could circumvent the Geneva Conventions.
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The Israelis benefit from the west not holding the same criteria for others as they do for them.

That is why they get away with terrorism, by deeming it 'defence'....
The Israelis benefit from the west not holding the same criteria for others as they do for them.

That is why they get away with terrorism, by deeming it 'defence'....

The US just vetoed the latest UN Resolution condemning Israel's bombing and shelling of Gaza even though it was equally harsh on the Palestinians. As a result of that US veto, the Arab states are leaving the coalition that has been boycotting aid to the current Hamas led Palestinian Government and they will begin letting aid flow to the newly elected Palestinians. John Bolton led the charge on this, he has to go and Bush has to go.
The US just vetoed the latest UN Resolution condemning Israel's bombing and shelling of Gaza even though it was equally harsh on the Palestinians. As a result of that US veto, the Arab states are leaving the coalition that has been boycotting aid to the current Hamas led Palestinian Government and they will begin letting aid flow to the newly elected Palestinians. John Bolton led the charge on this, he has to go and Bush has to go.

The US has vetoed every resolution condemning Israeli actions. If they hadn't, Israel would have a rap-sheet longer than Saddam Hussein...

We must recognise that we are going have to work with Hamas. Many Israeli terrorists who operated during the time of the Israeli uprising that formed the country went on to serve in the Israeli government and were welcomed by the west, we have to stop using double-standards.

Until the west gets over its mypoia in relation to Israel, we will never defeat Islamic extremism....
The US just vetoed the latest UN Resolution condemning Israel's bombing and shelling of Gaza even though it was equally harsh on the Palestinians. As a result of that US veto, the Arab states are leaving the coalition that has been boycotting aid to the current Hamas led Palestinian Government and they will begin letting aid flow to the newly elected Palestinians. John Bolton led the charge on this, he has to go and Bush has to go.

The US has vetoed every resolution condemning Israeli actions. If they hadn't, Israel would have a rap-sheet longer than Saddam Hussein...

We must recognise that we are going have to work with Hamas. Many Israeli terrorists who operated during the time of the Israeli uprising that formed the country went on to serve in the Israeli government and were welcomed by the west, we have to stop using double-standards.

Until the west gets over its mypoia in relation to Israel, we will never defeat Islamic extremism....

The problem with Bush's war on terror is that Bush seeks a military solution to a political/religious/ethnic problem that can and will only be resolved politically not militarily. If it could have been solved militarily Israel would have already solved it in Israel. Some 60 years later they are still battling the same forces that they began battling when they settled the country after the WWII and began the genocide that sought effectively to drive the Palestinians from their homeland.
The problem with Bush's war on terror is that Bush seeks a military solution to a political/religious/ethnic problem that will only be reolved politically not militarily.

Exactly. To defeat an insurgency, you have to undermine it, by attacking the arguments they use to garner support. If you just hack off the top, it will simply regrow, like a weed.

Only when you attack the roots, the underlying causes, do you remove the problem. This is how Irish extremism was defeated and it is how Islamic extremism will be defeated.

Unfortunately, this involves reigning in Israel into a viable two state solution... Until we get over our one-sidedness, we are, to use the vernacular, buggered....
The problem with Bush's war on terror is that Bush seeks a military solution to a political/religious/ethnic problem that will only be reolved politically not militarily.

Exactly. To defeat an insurgency, you have to undermine it, by attacking the arguments they use to garner support. If you just hack off the top, it will simply regrow, like a weed.

Only when you attack the roots, the underlying causes, do you remove the problem. This is how Irish extremism was defeated and it is how Islamic extremism will be defeated.

Unfortunately, this involves reigning in Israel into a viable two state solution... Until we get over our one-sidedness, we are, to use the vernacular, buggered....

The major underlying conditions have to be changed. For starters Israel's settlement construction in the West Bank has to be stopped and their crazy plan for a three part partition of the West Bank must be terminated as well as the plans to segregate the Palestinian population in Palestinian only secure zones surrounded by walls and checkpoints which resemble nothing so much as giant Concentration Areas where the genocide continues unabated as the Israelis remain outside lobbing shells and missiles at those within who have no means of escape.

The new twenty foot high Wall separating Israel from the West Bank and other Palestinain areas within the West Bank must come down and free and full movement between the West Back and Gaza must be implemented. Has it struck anyone else here as a bit ironic that the party of Reagan so famous for asking the Soviet's to "tear down that Wall" is now the party so intent on building Walls between nations. I guess they are even more blind as to their own abuses than I realized. What would Reagan say? Perhaps, if he were still alive he might borrowing from Karl Marx proclaim, "I don't know what I am but I am not a Republican."
It is not just Bush or the extreme right wingers. Because of Christianity, Israel has a deep hold on America. It is very doubtful that the USA will ever do anything much contrary to Israels interest.
It is not just Bush or the extreme right wingers. Because of Christianity, Israel has a deep hold on America. It is very doubtful that the USA will ever do anything much contrary to Israels interest.

funny; if the fundamentalist christians were really interested in bringing on the apocolypse to get Jesus to return as quickly as possible, then they should be all for withdrawing all support from israel and get entirely out of the entire wolrd and just sit here and wait. if we ever did that, the apocolyptic attacks on Israel that would bring Jesus back to save us would come in weeks, not decades.
Hip, I never said fundamental Christians were logical ;)

Pretty strange too the reverence they hold for the religion that had the son of God crucified. Of course he was also a jew...
funny; if the fundamentalist christians were really interested in bringing on the apocolypse to get Jesus to return as quickly as possible, then they should be all for withdrawing all support from israel and get entirely out of the entire wolrd and just sit here and wait. if we ever did that, the apocolyptic attacks on Israel that would bring Jesus back to save us would come in weeks, not decades.

Haven't kept abreast of the people running your Party - the christian dispensationalists and christian zionists - have you?

Establishment of the State of Israel was seen by Christian Zionists as fulfillment of God's Covenant with Abraham.

The Christian zionists and dispensationalists feel that the prophecy will not be fullfilled until the israelites occupy all of Palestine. That's why the dispensationalists are so gung-ho on continued Israeli expansion and settlement of the west bank.
Haven't kept abreast of the people running your Party - the christian dispensationalists and christian zionists - have you?

Establishment of the State of Israel was seen by Christian Zionists as fulfillment of God's Covenant with Abraham.

The Christian zionists and dispensationalists feel that the prophecy will not be fullfilled until the israelites occupy all of Palestine. That's why the dispensationalists are so gung-ho on continued Israeli expansion and settlement of the west bank.

if you are saying my party is republican, you would be incorrect. And even if that was the case about israel occupying palestine, then it doesn';t matter if the US helps them or not. It will happen as God has said i will (and has, depending on how you look at it), with or without US involvement.
Because, to undermine and isolate the jihadists, we need to bring a resolution to the Israel / Palestine problem, and that means reigning in the Israelis and forcing a VIABLE two state solution on both parties....

do you truly think they will stop their jihad after they get israel back ? or even if they do wipeout israel ? do you think they will stop ?
if you are saying my party is republican, you would be incorrect. And even if that was the case about israel occupying palestine, then it doesn';t matter if the US helps them or not. It will happen as God has said i will (and has, depending on how you look at it), with or without US involvement.
If Israels fate is already pre determined, why are we giving them billions and other aid ?
Should we just cut off this aid and let destiny take it's course ?
do you truly think they will stop their jihad after they get israel back ? or even if they do wipeout israel ? do you think they will stop ?

I'm not talking about giving Israel back. Israel must return to its original borders to allow a viable Palestinian state.

That won't make the extremists give up, but it will remove the main argument they use to garner support and resources. It will isolate them amongst their mandate and make them increasingly irrelevant.

Once this is done, they can be taken out by intelligence and/or special forces, without their deaths/capture creating another generation of extremist terrorists.

It is called boxing clever, divide and conquer.
do you truly think they will stop their jihad after they get israel back ? or even if they do wipeout israel ? do you think they will stop ?

I'm not talking about giving Israel back. Israel must return to its original borders to allow a viable Palestinian state.

That won't make the extremists give up, but it will remove the main argument they use to garner support and resources. It will isolate them amongst their mandate and make them increasingly irrelevant.

Once this is done, they can be taken out by intelligence and/or special forces, without their deaths/capture creating another generation of extremist terrorists.

It is called boxing clever, divide and conquer.

The palestinian conflict is only one element of the Al Qaeda-inspired ideology - perhaps not even the most important one.

The al qaeda movement is, at its core, a regional insurgency who's goal is to overthrow the corrupt, apostate authoritarian regimes in arab countries who (in al qaeda's view) oppress their own people. Regime's like Saddam's was.

As long as these arab regimes are in power, the al qaeda-inspired insurgency against them will continue.