Why The Right Will Never Allow Solution To Islamic Jihad Problem...

I guess some people are so devoid of Christian ethos that they can only see bombing and killing in the meaning of the word "attack" I feel confident that anyoldiron's use of "attack" in that sentence was more in line with "to set about (a task) or go to work on (a thing) vigorously" but bloodthirsty chickenhawks who masquerade as Christians would clearly chose to avoid such an interpretation.
No Christian would ever avocated the intentional bombing of mosques, schools or innocent civilians.

Just to reiterate - No Christian would ever avocated the intentional bombing of mosques, schools or innocent civilians.

Anyone who does advocate this & claims to be a Christian is just using religion when it's convenient, and is not someone who should be using Christ's name for anything, except maybe when they stub their toe.
I think Jesus would tell us to say tha the violence is wrong and to turn the other cheek; that he will take care of it when the time is right.

Indeed, Jesus was the Prince of Peace, and he did not condone war or violence. His message was of Love and Compassion among all people of God. Jesus would ask the Muslims and Jews to look into each others eyes, and see that they are both children of God, and no different in His eyes. He would not embrace the "Palestinian Cause" or the "Zionist Movement" or anything other than Peace and Love, because this was his message. A Palestinian state is not reason to kill, or fight, regardless of which side you are on.

This being said, Jesus wasn't a superpower nation of mortal men, responsible for maintaining peace in the world. No country has ever successfully organized a nation that survived or prospered by following the teachings of Jesus, because to follow Jesus' teachings, you must be willing to submit power to God and trust your fellow man to do the same. This is not conducive with the reality we live in. Those who want to play the "Jesus Card" and throw this lame point up, are beyond foolish and intellectually vacant. It's like watching Muhammad Ali tear apart Sonny Liston, and asking Ali, what would Jesus do? Jesus ain't boxing Sonny Liston, so it doesn't really matter what Jesus would do!
Sorry if you don't like the "Jesus card" - I would imagine that it makes you, as someone who is allegedly religious, uncomfortable.

We're not talking about being a superpower & acting out of self-defense. We're talking about blowing up mosques, schools & innocent people.

If you advocate that, you are not a Christian, period.
Sorry if you don't like the "Jesus card" - I would imagine that it makes you, as someone who is allegedly religious, uncomfortable.

We're not talking about being a superpower & acting out of self-defense. We're talking about blowing up mosques, schools & innocent people.

If you advocate that, you are not a Christian, period.

I'm sorry, I wasn't speaking as a Christian, I was agreeing with Arnold's point, that we need to be attacking the source of problem. Jesus didn't have a lot of involvement in war strategy, so I can't see the purpose for involving what Jesus would do here.

My problem is not one of discomfort as a Christian, I am able to separate my personal faith in God, with the realities of the world we live in. If a mugger attacked you and robbed you, would you want the system to "do as Jesus would do" and turn the other cheek, and just forgive him? Or would you hope for justice? We don't live in a world where everyone exhibits the characteristics of Jesus Christ, if we did, we could all do what Jesus would do, and there would be no problems in the world. Jesus taught a religious philosophy, many believe he was the living Son of God. This doesn't mean that the world is supposed to function under the parameters of what Jesus would personally do or not do. Certainly, it would be wonderful and glorious, to see the world act this way, and I, as a Christian, would love nothing more, because it would mean the end of hate, war, and turmoil. But unless the entire world is willing to turn their lives over to Christ, and live the way Jesus would live, that isn't reality.

Those who "play the Jesus Card" here, are being disingenuous, sarcastic, and just plain contemptuous. Nations, governments, military, and foreign policies, are not driven by what Jesus would do, nor should they be, they are nations, governments, military and foreign policies, not religious philosophy.
Wouldn't basing a government's action on a Religion be Theocracy? I'm confused. I thought people were against religiously themed government action... Or is that only when it effects them personally?
that's funny.... saying that you "weren't speaking as a Christian".

I AM a Christian. I cannot imagine even being capable of speaking any other way. I may not always say what He would want me to say, but I cannot remember ever purposely divorcing my speech from my belief in the risen Christ.

I don't think it is possible for a real Christian to ever speak honestly as someone other than a Christian.
Wouldn't basing a government's action on a Religion be Theocracy? I'm confused. I thought people were against religiously themed government action... Or is that only when it effects them personally?

What we are suggesting is that anyone who advocates bombing mosques and schools and killing innocent people in some sort of preemptive strike is not Christian. Christ would not advocate such action, nor would he condone it. period.
What we are suggesting is that anyone who advocates bombing mosques and schools and killing innocent people in some sort of preemptive strike is not Christian. Christ would not advocate such action, nor would he condone it. period.
It wouldn't work. Imagine how people here would react to people who would direct attacks specifically at schools, like the terrorists in Russia, and what kind of actual action we might take because of it. Such an action would only envigorate them with an insane number of recruits that otherwise would remain at a perpetual distance.
that's funny.... saying that you "weren't speaking as a Christian".

I AM a Christian. I cannot imagine even being capable of speaking any other way. I may not always say what He would want me to say, but I cannot remember ever purposely divorcing my speech from my belief in the risen Christ.

I don't think it is possible for a real Christian to ever speak honestly as someone other than a Christian.

Well Maine, I think your behavior on these boards is well documented, and does not conform at all with the teachings of Jesus Christ. When you speak of the things you've spoken of to me, I can't imagine you are speaking as a Christian. I can't imagine the sick and revolting things you've said, are not divorced from your belief in the risen Christ. I also have a difficult time with the way you constantly pass judgement on your fellow man, something Christ reserved for God Almighty alone. So, before you start lecturing me on my personal faith in Christ, you need to take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching of your own. I agree completely with your last sentence, you are a prime example of the opposite.
" I am able to separate my personal faith in God, with the realities of the world we live in"

So much so that you have no moral problem whatsoever in blowing up a school?

Go to church on Sunday, advocate the slaughter of innocents on Monday. What kind of mind - Christian or not - allows for that?
Well Maine, I think your behavior on these boards is well documented, and does not conform at all with the teachings of Jesus Christ. When you speak of the things you've spoken of to me, I can't imagine you are speaking as a Christian. I can't imagine the sick and revolting things you've said, are not divorced from your belief in the risen Christ. I also have a difficult time with the way you constantly pass judgement on your fellow man, something Christ reserved for God Almighty alone. So, before you start lecturing me on my personal faith in Christ, you need to take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching of your own. I agree completely with your last sentence, you are a prime example of the opposite.

and here I though you were going to keep our little argument in the past. I guess I should have expected such a move from you.....

Have you and toby and MichaelK gotten together recently for your "credible poster" club meetings?
What we are suggesting is that anyone who advocates bombing mosques and schools and killing innocent people in some sort of preemptive strike is not Christian. Christ would not advocate such action, nor would he condone it. period.

And what I am suggesting is, Jesus was not a great war strategist. Arnold suggested we should attack the source of the recruitment, the root cause of the problem. In all objective honesty, this is found in the radicalized mosques and schools of radical fundamental Islam. I agree with Arnold, the solution would be to eliminate and eradicate these places, thus eliminating the means of recruitment and indoctrination. I also agree with Damo, it wouldn't work.

If this problem were easy to solve, someone would have solved it hundreds of years ago. There is no magic bullet, no quick fix, no easy solution. To sit here and throw out platitudes, like "we need to attack the root of the problem, blah.. blah.." is not going to ultimately solve the problem, unless you are serious about facing it.
" I am able to separate my personal faith in God, with the realities of the world we live in"

So much so that you have no moral problem whatsoever in blowing up a school?

Go to church on Sunday, advocate the slaughter of innocents on Monday. What kind of mind - Christian or not - allows for that?

Perhaps you took something I said out of context. A school or mosque, is not "innocent people" by any stretch of the imagination. I haven't advocated killing anyone, just destroying the schools and mosques. This can be done in a systematic manner, we can even give them a 24 hour notice of the bombings. But, I would prepare a list of the top 50 mosques, schools, and dens of radical Islamofascist hate, and just start down the list. At the same time, give praise, honor, and recognition to the Muslims who are not radicalized, and are willing to live in harmony, in the same world with Christians and Jews. I don't think it would take long for the Muslim-Arab world to come around, I don't think they would be lining up to be destroyed by our bombers, I think they would start to get the message that this is a losing proposition, and they better find a way for us to all get along and live together in peace.
It wouldn't work. Imagine how people here would react to people who would direct attacks specifically at schools, like the terrorists in Russia, and what kind of actual action we might take because of it. Such an action would only envigorate them with an insane number of recruits that otherwise would remain at a perpetual distance


This is about a stupid and fruitless a NeoCon idea, as I've ever heard.

Does Dixie actually want al qaeda to win?
thank God idiots like Dixie do not control American foreign policy.

oh wait.... they DO.


Frankly, I think even Bush is loathe to intentionally go around the muslim world blowing up schools and mosques.

Dixie's just ranting. Its part of his self-admitted "online persona". He's still upset about the election. Who knows when Dixie is actually being honest, or not?
Well Maine, I think your behavior on these boards is well documented, and does not conform at all with the teachings of Jesus Christ. When you speak of the things you've spoken of to me, I can't imagine you are speaking as a Christian. I can't imagine the sick and revolting things you've said, are not divorced from your belief in the risen Christ. I also have a difficult time with the way you constantly pass judgement on your fellow man, something Christ reserved for God Almighty alone. So, before you start lecturing me on my personal faith in Christ, you need to take a look in the mirror and do some soul searching of your own. I agree completely with your last sentence, you are a prime example of the opposite.

so when you said "we can drop this, stop the personal attacks, and move on with life... no apologies, no bringing it back up again...no veiled references to it in the future... that's about the best I can offer you here"

you were lying your ass off, is that correct?

I thought so, you slanderous inbred racist motherfucker.
so when you said "we can drop this, stop the personal attacks, and move on with life... no apologies, no bringing it back up again...no veiled references to it in the future... that's about the best I can offer you here"

you were lying your ass off, is that correct?

I thought so, you slanderous inbred racist motherfucker.

Maine, that doesn't sound like something Jesus Christ would say.
It doesn't look like the way Jesus said Christians should act.

"I AM a Christian. I cannot imagine even being capable of speaking any other way. I may not always say what He would want me to say, but I cannot remember ever purposely divorcing my speech from my belief in the risen Christ."

So.... when you call me a "slanderous inbred racist motherfucker" you are speaking as a Christian? You are not divorcing your speech from your belief? Maine, go look in the mirror, and ask yourself... What Would Jesus Do?