Why the way things are.

Actually, the "alternative" news media has been stating just this for decades, and giving in depth, apt coverage to events the MSM either gives scant or no coverage.

We actually owe "Occupy" with the 1 percent argument. That was what they were stressing and the truth of it became mainstream. Bernie seized on the argument thinking it was more understood by the masses after Occupy touted it. His success shows he was right and they were too. Liberal news discusses it regularly. Right-wing news denies it and pushes for more money and power to the top 1 percent.
I read the whole thing.
She's saying poor whites chant, Trump, Trump, Trump! for the same reasons poor blacks say "I'm with Her" or "Hopey Changey" although the author only mentions Trump.
It's a plug for Bernie basically. (:
If I were a voting 'socialist' I'd vote for Liz Warren. She's got some fairly original ideas. I won't of course.

Please post excerpts from the article that back what you say, because of what I read your analysis is totally wrong, smacking of right wing bias.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, the "alternative" news media has been stating just this for decades, and giving in depth, apt coverage to events the MSM either gives scant or no coverage.

We actually owe "Occupy" with the 1 percent argument. That was what they were stressing and the truth of it became mainstream. Bernie seized on the argument thinking it was more understood by the masses after Occupy touted it. His success shows he was right and they were too. Liberal news discusses it regularly. Right-wing news denies it and pushes for more money and power to the top 1 percent.

Just to clarify....the Pacifica Broadcast radio station "WBAI" in New York has been reporting exactly this narrative for DECADES. Same with the Rolling Stone & Village Voice magazines.
The right is owned by the elite. The great mass of their lemmings voted in Trump. Trump personifies the elite.

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GEE WHIZ!!!!! And here we were told by that famous FBI agent Peter Strzok that Trump supporters were all stinking Walmart shoppers, he could smell em at the Walmart door. They'll be surprised and happy that you think they're the "ELITE."
Did you read the article? This woman is on target. If you don't like what she writes, state why. If you think she's wrong, PROVE IT WITH FACTS, not opinion.

Give us your summary and general thought behind the article. Some excerpts would be nice. I personally get bored reading neo-communist horseshit. Tell us what she says, the parts you like best and likely you'll get some replies actually, "about it."
The article describes a system created by the wealthy to turn the masses against each other, It preceded Trump by a century. It has been a slow and steady grab of power money and communications. Fox Gnus is just the last link in the chain. The wealthy bought up newspapers, TV, and radio stations to send subtle messages over and over. Fox is where they ended the subtlety.

That’s why I didn’t bother reading it. I knew that if the author of this thread liked it, it had to be bassackwards neo-commie horseshit propaganda.

In regard to your summary, most major media is owned and operated by the left, Fox is the “exception.” The majority of Wall Street supported Hillary Clinton & the Democrats, look it up for yourself! As far as Fox ending the “subtlety” goes, I find Fox the most fair and balanced TV news while I find CNN & MSNBC the MOST OVERT partisans torturing the media so-called news. They don’t even bother to pretend they’re fair and balanced anymore.
More to the point, I watch lame ass dodges from right wing flunkies to fly by like the smoke they are...you know, what you blather.

He wasn't even commenting to you! Thanks for the morning comedy show, You're always a hoot and don't even know it.
Just to clarify....the Pacifica Broadcast radio station "WBAI" in New York has been reporting exactly this narrative for DECADES. Same with the Rolling Stone & Village Voice magazines.

That figures!!!!! Commie propaganda machinery at work!!!!!
That’s why I didn’t bother reading it. I knew that if the author of this thread liked it, it had to be bassackwards neo-commie horseshit propaganda.

In regard to your summary, most major media is owned and operated by the left, Fox is the “exception.” The majority of Wall Street supported Hillary Clinton & the Democrats, look it up for yourself! As far as Fox ending the “subtlety” goes, I find Fox the most fair and balanced TV news while I find CNN & MSNBC the MOST OVERT partisans torturing the media so-called news. They don’t even bother to pretend they’re fair and balanced anymore.

It was not political. Since you do not read what is not certainly in your right-wing theme of life and is not a sure backing of Trump and right wing., you would not know. It was not communist. Nor was it pro plutocracy like you are.
You saying Fox is the most fair ,says so much about you and your inability to understand. It would be funny , but you are serious. You have been wrapped up like a baby by right wing propaganda.
Almost all media is owned by corporations and super wealthy like Murdoch and Sinclair. You are always wrong.
See if you can follow this.,https://www.cjr.org/resources/ Corporations own the newspapers, magazines, TV stations, Radio stations, and movie studios. How can you be wrong all the time? Because you stay on Fox and get trained not informed.
GEE WHIZ!!!!! And here we were told by that famous FBI agent Peter Strzok that Trump supporters were all stinking Walmart shoppers, he could smell em at the Walmart door. They'll be surprised and happy that you think they're the "ELITE."

Strzok was talking about the lemmings. Not the elite who own the lemmings. Learn to read. Apparently, you never quite learned.

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I will bet that any illegal alien makes more money working than you do !!......

I made $50,000 last year , I paid $1,000 less in taxes ! Thank you Mr. President !

Get a job .... LOSER !
And Trump paid billions less. That's one reason that he won't release his tax returns.

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