Why we're doomed!

If as a nation we were serious about fuel conservation or curtailing air pollution, NASCAR wouldn't exist.

If as a nation we were serious about clean water and water conservation, we wouldn't have "water theme" amusement parks running during the summer months.....and PRIVATE golf courses would have to pay DOUBLE for their water use during long dry summers.

If as a nation we were serious about energy conservation, then solar panels would have been strategically placed and used in our urban/suburban areas during the summer months LONG ago.

But let's face it folks, the majority of Americans are not serious about this stuff.....until it screws with their personal space.

Who are you and why are you ruining our thread with this balloon juice?
If as a nation we were serious about fuel conservation or curtailing air pollution, NASCAR wouldn't exist.

If as a nation we were serious about clean water and water conservation, we wouldn't have "water theme" amusement parks running during the summer months.

If as a nation we were serious about energy conservation, then solar panels would have been strategically placed and used in our urban/suburban areas during the summer months LONG ago.

But let's face it folks, the majority of Americans are not serious about this stuff.....until it screws with their personal space. :(

When other posters don't respond, the first time you express yourself, it isn't an invitation to continue babbling. :cof1: