Why we're doomed!

OMG, Southy is STILL a dunce who doesn't get it.....if a thread has REGISTERED VIEWS, then it has an audience....whether they are for or against the topic at hand, whether they participate or not..

:palm: Fucking dumb Southy......oh well, to recap on what our resident neocon numbskulls are avoiding:

And here we are August 6th, and our peanut gallery of neocon numbskulls are STILL avoiding any real discussions.....when the forementioned cannot defend their positions, they pretend everything is a goof and therefore they are just mocking. :palm: Seems Charver is taking this lame dodge to new heights. Oh well, to recap:

If as a nation we were serious about fuel conservation or curtailing air pollution, NASCAR wouldn't exist.

If as a nation we were serious about clean water and water conservation, we wouldn't have "water theme" amusement parks running during the summer months.....and PRIVATE golf courses would have to pay DOUBLE for their water use during long dry summers.

If as a nation we were serious about energy conservation, then solar panels would have been strategically placed and used in our urban/suburban areas during the summer months LONG ago.

Does it make sense now, Folks??


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Err, if someone is scanning various threads, that means they may or may not be reading this. Also, if you compare the number of views this thread has as to the regular cast of idiot neocons, you should see my point...or in your case, avoid it.

Yes, this is the most important thread on the board and, perhaps, on the whole of the internets. As i said, who could possibly doubt that once word of a new post gets out, your million strong internets army is swiftly mobilised in a twittering, texting and, for those stuck in the 1980s, paging frenzy? I imagine that the internets cafes of Beijing and Shanghai are packed with political dissidents desperately assaulting the state firewall to read your latest missive on the, legendary, evil NASCAR dragon. Personally, i reckon people are just tuning in to see if we really do get to September.

And here we are August 6th, and our peanut gallery of neocon numbskulls are STILL avoiding any real discussions.....when the forementioned cannot defend their positions, they pretend everything is a goof and therefore they are just mocking. :palm: Seems Charver is taking this lame dodge to new heights. Oh well, to recap:

I'm sorry for the lame dodge of not defending the position i didn't have. I truly have been remiss. And it is actually August 9th today. I was getting worried when you didn't post for a few days. "Maybe he's worked it out", i mused. But deep down i knew you wouldn't disappoint a chap like that and when i logged on this morning my heart skipped a beat as saw you had returned to continue our tempestuous cyber affair.

Some other stuff i've never been interested in

Yeah...that's great...er...tits?
Poor intellectually bankrupt Three Dee

Faced with an issue in which Three Dee cannot factually or logically support his opinions/assertions, he resorts to childish cartoon imagery.
Actually, my NASCAR post was not entirely truthful. I am fucking the brunette, and Charver and I have a wager as to whether he can pleasure the girl behind her.
BTW, the chronology of posts shows that the graphics I posted were highly logical and factually substantitive.

Keep dancing, my 3D clown....the issue will always be there to kick you in your 3D ass. You can have the last word, which will no doubt be followed with maudlin exchanges with the other clowns I've sighted on this thread. Meanwhile, consider this:

If as a nation we were serious about fuel conservation or curtailing air pollution, NASCAR wouldn't exist.

If as a nation we were serious about clean water and water conservation, we wouldn't have "water theme" amusement parks running during the summer months.....and PRIVATE golf courses would have to pay DOUBLE for their water use during long dry summers.

If as a nation we were serious about energy conservation, then solar panels would have been strategically placed and used in our urban/suburban areas during the summer months LONG ago.

But let's face it folks, the majority of Americans are not serious about this stuff.....until it screws with their personal space.

And what's amazing is that for some time now a kid can vote and be drafted at the same age...but isn't allowed to drink a beer!

Fascinating....it's okay to let an 18 year old volunteer to learn how to kill in various ways, get a tour of duty in a war zone were they'll see shit that the majority of Americans won't see (and wouldn't want to) in their lifetimes, come home (in one piece, if they're lucky), and can't go to the local bar for a beer until their 21st birthday!

Then, there's the environmental stuff I mentioned as to why we're doomed, but I think you got me trumped here, Signalman.
Poor Charver, his ego just can't let him see what a braying ass he is when he looks in the mirror....pity his reading comprehension is affected also, for he dances EXACTLY to the tune I set for him.


I just love watching these clowns dance.

Hark at the psychic internets superstar, with his audience of millions, complaining about ego.

Just keep blowing on your little horn for another 20 days and we may both leave this summer haven with only fine memories dancing energetically in our heads. And maybe an itchy ballbag. Although, to be fair, that may be down to that Spanish waiter.
Actually, my NASCAR post was not entirely truthful. I am fucking the brunette, and Charver and I have a wager as to whether he can pleasure the girl behind her.

Progress has been slow but i have a feeling my luck is about to change, as soon as this little beauty drops through the letterbox.
If as a nation we were serious about fuel conservation or curtailing air pollution, NASCAR wouldn't exist.

If as a nation we were serious about clean water and water conservation, we wouldn't have "water theme" amusement parks running during the summer months.....and PRIVATE golf courses would have to pay DOUBLE for their water use during long dry summers.

If as a nation we were serious about energy conservation, then solar panels would have been strategically placed and used in our urban/suburban areas during the summer months LONG ago.

But let's face it folks, the majority of Americans are not serious about this stuff.....until it screws with their personal space.