Why we're doomed!

:D I haven't seen that one.

As we have 28 days to fill in, in future weeks i may be forced to regale the board with my many and varied tales from the clubhouse, which always seem to end up with me placing my balls on the grass, taking a firm grip of my shaft before shooting, messily, into a gaping hole. There's nothing in this world people like more than anecdotes about golf (apart from having one of those tiny South American fish swimming up your dangler).
Poor Southy....not smart enough to honestly debate, but dumb enough to think his Southern Man out of context quotes and personal attack captions make up for his Southern Man intellectual short comings. :palm:
Libby, don't you realize how amusing you have become to the rest of us?
Libby, don't you realize how amusing you have become to the rest of us?

Yes, but it's not all about us, SM.

Think of the many guests lurking at home, frantically ticking off each post on their huge "Chronology of the Posts" giant wall poster (free in the latest edition of Golfing Bastard Quarterly)
Yes, but it's not all about us, SM.

Think of the many guests lurking at home, frantically ticking off each post on their huge "Chronology of the Posts" giant wall poster (free in the latest edition of Golfing Bastard Quarterly)
Here is my Chronology of The Post wall poster... I made mine in 3D...

:D I haven't seen that one.

As we have 28 days to fill in, in future weeks i may be forced to regale the board with my many and varied tales from the clubhouse, which always seem to end up with me placing my balls on the grass, taking a firm grip of my shaft before shooting, messily, into a gaping hole. There's nothing in this world people like more than anecdotes about golf (apart from having one of those tiny South American fish swimming up your dangler).

Those are the only clubhouse tales worth relating. The others tend to center around lame drunkenness, and weird things that senior citizens do.

BTW, I immediately thought of myself shedding a few ounces into the gaping hole of a scrumptious lady golfer when I read "tales from the clubhouse," so I'm glad we are operating on the same wavelength. :clink:
It really cracks me up to watch this peanut gallery congratulate each other for continually criticizing a thread that they repeatedly state is not worth discussing.

But when the idiocy of their stance is pointed out, or when they do honestly debate the issue and are unable to logically fault my assertions or defend theirs, suddenly they then say "oh, it's all a joke...and we get pleasure from teasing you". And then squawk to each other for support of their flimsy excuses for failure.

What a bunch of intellctually bankrupt and dishonest clowns..Southy, Damo, Charver, ThreeDee, PMP, WinterBorn, and the rest.....I just love to watch them prove my point with each post.
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The thread is a joke, and we all enjoy a good joke. That is why we post on it. If it were an unfunny joke, then we might avoid it. From now on, just stick to chicken jokes, and we might stay out of your precious threads.
It really cracks me up to watch this peanut gallery congratulate each other for continually criticizing a thread that they repeatedly state is not worth discussing.

But when the idiocy of their stance is pointed out, or when they do honestly debate the issue and are unable to logically fault my assertions or defend theirs, suddenly they then say "oh, it's all a joke...and we get pleasure from teasing you". And then squawk to each other for support of their flimsy excuses for failure.

What a bunch of intellctually bankrupt and dishonest clowns..Southy, Damo, Charver, ThreeDee, PMP, WinterBorn, and the rest.....I just love to watch them prove my point with each post.

You know who you remind me of?


During his turbulent life most people thought he was talking a lot of tommyrot and they ended up publicly crucifying him as well. I'm hoping you haven't gone down the long hair and beard route though.

August 4th :D

I just wanted to contribute to the cause of getting this thread to September.

Charver, exactly what is "tommyrot"?
I just wanted to contribute to the cause of getting this thread to September.

Charver, exactly what is "tommyrot"?

All contributions gratefully accepted.

It's a more polite way of saying 'a load of bollocks', or just plain old nonsense.

I'm just enjoying the experience of being the filling in a Damo & 3D sandwich.

The chronology of the posts show that in post 211, Libby declares The Southern Man to be The Victor. The rest of you plebes may wash my feet, smell my flatulence or just plain go fuck yourselves.
The chronology of the posts show that in post 211, Libby declares The Southern Man to be The Victor. The rest of you plebes may wash my feet, smell my flatulence or just plain go fuck yourselves.

Technically you're just claiming to be the chief "intellctually (sic) bankrupt and dishonest clown". I'm ok with that if you are. :)