Why we're doomed!

I tire of being called gay for more than a few posts. Once it hits multiple pages, I tend to get annoyed.

If my joking caused you distress; but I didn't realize that you were bothered by the back and forth.
Especially since you tend to do it yourself.

Out of only a few people on this board, I never expected that from you and it was disenheartening.
And there you have it, folks. Old Charver's self applauded wit just couldn't hide the fact that he had nothing of worth to add to this discussion of this thread and in effect he parroted the same idiotic "tactics" of several neocon numbskulls with axes to grind. But, instead of just walking away, Old Charver's ego has him going the failed and preposterous ploy of portraying himself as just having a lark and treating everything as a joke (while STILL trying to demonstrate rapier wit...or half of it, anyway).

Someone wake Charver up.....he did EXACTLY as I predicted, and he's not fooling anyone...just garnering squawks of approval from the very neocon numbskulls he alluded to not being like earlier.

And the curtain closes on Charver as he yells his lines to the backs of a departing audience.

I suppose you're right. Thinking about it, it would be inconceivable that anybody could fail to be shocked into seriousness by the contents of this thread. How could anyone treat posting stuff in the "whatever goes" section of Damo's internets any less seriously than, perhaps, the sudden death of a child or a diagnosis of bollock cancer? If it is any comfort i am posting this message dressed in my best funeral suit and intend to print out a copy of this thread, put it in a shoebox, and bury it in the back garden next to the old woman i accidentally ran over in 2008.

I feel i must congratulate you on your mystical skills of spooky prophesy. Do you do one of those astrology columns as well? Sorry, i shouldn't ask but being a Leo myself i'm very inquisitive. There's not many people gifted with second sight who could predict the future so accurately. I know the sceptics out there are probably shaking their heads and coming up with all manner of "rational explanations". Just because i told you i didn't actually have a point and that i'm aiming for a September finish is no reason not to trumpet your spectacular forecasting skills.

Now listen up, my neocon army of acolytes.

I command you to laugh heartily, before seeking out and burning this necromancer who dares to tamper with the laws of perception. Oh...and can one of you pick me up a packet of chewing gum? Double mint is doubly evil.

(insert demonic cackle of choice)
I suppose you're right. Thinking about it, it would be inconceivable that anybody could fail to be shocked into seriousness by the contents of this thread. How could anyone treat posting stuff in the "whatever goes" section of Damo's internets any less seriously than, perhaps, the sudden death of a child or a diagnosis of bollock cancer? If it is any comfort i am posting this message dressed in my best funeral suit and intend to print out a copy of this thread, put it in a shoebox, and bury it in the back garden next to the old woman i accidentally ran over in 2008.

See, aren't you glad you bought that shovel off of me, now?

I feel i must congratulate you on your mystical skills of spooky prophesy. Do you do one of those astrology columns as well? Sorry, i shouldn't ask but being a Leo myself i'm very inquisitive. There's not many people gifted with second sight who could predict the future so accurately. I know the sceptics out there are probably shaking their heads and coming up with all manner of "rational explanations". Just because i told you i didn't actually have a point and that i'm aiming for a September finish is no reason not to trumpet your spectacular forecasting skills.

As a Taurus, I must kindly remind everyone that I belong to the superior astrological sign! I may consider astrology to be BS, but then, that might be a common trait amongst the House of El Toro. Either way, we are your astrological betters.

Now listen up, my neocon army of acolytes.

I command you to laugh heartily, before seeking out and burning this necromancer who dares to tamper with the laws of perception. Oh...and can one of you pick me up a packet of chewing gum? Double mint is doubly evil.

(insert demonic cackle of choice)

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And there you have it, folks. Old Charver's self applauded wit just couldn't hide the fact that he had nothing of worth to add to this discussion of this thread and in effect he parroted the same idiotic "tactics" of several neocon numbskulls with axes to grind. But, instead of just walking away, Old Charver's ego has him going the failed and preposterous ploy of portraying himself as just having a lark and treating everything as a joke (while STILL trying to demonstrate rapier wit...or half of it, anyway).

Someone wake Charver up.....he did EXACTLY as I predicted, and he's not fooling anyone...just garnering squawks of approval from the very neocon numbskulls he alluded to not being like earlier.

And the curtain closes on Charver as he yells his lines to the backs of a departing audience.

Charver writes:

I suppose you're right. Thinking about it, it would be inconceivable that anybody could fail to be shocked into seriousness by the contents of this thread. How could anyone treat posting stuff in the "whatever goes" section of Damo's internets any less seriously than, perhaps, the sudden death of a child or a diagnosis of bollock cancer? If it is any comfort i am posting this message dressed in my best funeral suit and intend to print out a copy of this thread, put it in a shoebox, and bury it in the back garden next to the old woman i accidentally ran over in 2008.

I feel i must congratulate you on your mystical skills of spooky prophesy. Do you do one of those astrology columns as well? Sorry, i shouldn't ask but being a Leo myself i'm very inquisitive. There's not many people gifted with second sight who could predict the future so accurately. I know the sceptics out there are probably shaking their heads and coming up with all manner of "rational explanations". Just because i told you i didn't actually have a point and that i'm aiming for a September finish is no reason not to trumpet your spectacular forecasting skills.

Now listen up, my neocon army of acolytes.

I command you to laugh heartily, before seeking out and burning this necromancer who dares to tamper with the laws of perception. Oh...and can one of you pick me up a packet of chewing gum? Double mint is doubly evil.

(insert demonic cackle of choice)

I told you folks....Charver's ego just couldn't let it go....Charver has GOT to have the last word...so he wastes a few paragraphs to try and justify his not discussing the issue but instead making snarky remarks...he does this by portraying everything as a joke that he's just participating in....pity the chronology of the post also shows him alluding that my opening post and subject title wasn't really worth responding.

Yet, here's old Charver again...contradicting himself. I mean, how clever can Charver be if he wastes time and space trying to impress us all with his imitation Oscar Wilde prose to mock what he earlier claims is not to be taken seriously?

A bit schizoid sounding, but then again, the joke is on Charver. Let's watch him perform for the accolades of the local neocon parrots, folks!

But make no mistake......as long as we as a society are willing to waste acres and acres of land and poison surrounding water sources with pesticides and lawn feeder excess so people can mill about swatting little balls with clubs...while at the same time acknowledge the ecological problems that are increasing...we are indeed doomed.
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The issue doesn't deserve serious consideration or discussion. The issue is non-existant, and the symbolic gestures it has been given by the originator of this thread are moronic and imbecilic.
The issue doesn't deserve serious consideration or discussion. The issue is non-existant, and the symbolic gestures it has been given by the originator of this thread are moronic and imbecilic.

Sorry chump, but as the chronology of the posts shows, you and your hero Charver BOTH took my thread seriously enough to comment on it....Charver suggesting that there is no environmental reason to support my opnion, and you claiming that everything I wrote was just generalizations...until you went point for point on one issue and couldn't get past me on it.

Now both you clowns are squawking (on numerous occasions) that my thread is not serious or worth consideration.

Yet here you are...continuously, you Three Dee idiot. So do keep showing up and commenting on something you swear is not worth doing just that...makes you more the jackass than I gave you credit for. Carry on.
Sorry chump, but as the chronology of the posts shows, you and your hero Charver BOTH took my thread seriously enough to comment on it....Charver suggesting that there is no environmental reason to support my opnion, and you claiming that everything I wrote was just generalizations...until you went point for point on one issue and couldn't get past me on it.

Now both you clowns are squawking (on numerous occasions) that my thread is not serious or worth consideration.

Yet here you are...continuously, you Three Dee idiot. So do keep showing up and commenting on something you swear is not worth doing just that...makes you more the jackass than I gave you credit for. Carry on.

That is a HORRIBLE argument. If people only chose to post/goof off in threads they consider worthy and serious, there would be little discussion around here. I would pretty much only post in threads with the other Youngin's, discussing how to wrestle control of the world away from the evil Boomer and X Generations, and whatnot.

As it is, there are some topics that I respect, but choose not to post in, either because they bore me, or I am hoping to learn about more by reading through the threads dedicated to them.
Also, my hero, Charver, wishes for this thread to carry on into September. By refraining from posting here, that dream becomes less likely of becoming reality...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU9JoFKlaZ0"]YouTube- Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (OFFICIAL VIDEO)[/ame]
I told you folks....Charver's ego just couldn't let it go....Charver has GOT to have the last word...so he wastes a few paragraphs to try and justify his not discussing the issue but instead making snarky remarks...he does this by portraying everything as a joke that he's just participating in....pity the chronology of the post also shows him alluding that my opening post and subject title wasn't really worth responding.

The chronology of the posts clearly shows that i've never been interested in your point but have grown to enjoy and value this beautiful rapport i feel we have established, over the last month, immensely. It is lucky that you don't feel the need to have the last word as this thread could go on for...oh, say...another whole month.

Yet, here's old Charver again...contradicting himself. I mean, how clever can Charver be if he wastes time and space trying to impress us all with his imitation Oscar Wilde prose to mock what he earlier claims is not to be taken seriously?

A bit schizoid sounding, but then again, the joke is on Charver. Let's watch him perform for the accolades of the local neocon parrots, folks!

I suppose i should put my precious time to good use by making profound statements on contemporary society in the piss taking area of a political message board, in order to change the mind of a passing Google spider instead? I don't think that would go down well with the local neocon parrots, who apparently rely on me for their daily sustenance. You're the environmentalist aren't you? And yet here you are contradicting yourself by calling on me to starve the local wildlife. You are, indeed, a black hearted man of very little pity.

But make no mistake......as long as we as a society are willing to waste acres and acres of land and poison surrounding water sources with pesticides and lawn feeder excess so people can mill about swatting little balls with clubs...while at the same time acknowledge the ecological problems that are increasing...we are indeed doomed.

Just think of all the electricity it took to type that out. Just think how many carbon footprints you've imprinted on your carpet of children's tears during this entire thread. However, you can justify that because you're making a real difference to the world. You've probably already saved a couple of rainforests as people read your posts, drop to their knees and weep, as they realise the consequences of their sinful lifestyles on poor old Mother Earth's inclement health.

Or you might as well have just not bothered and burned an old fridge in the back yard instead.

Oh, and a big "Hello August".

Just one month to go.

Are we going to make it?

You decide.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
But make no mistake......as long as we as a society are willing to waste acres and acres of land and poison surrounding water sources with pesticides and lawn feeder excess so people can mill about swatting little balls with clubs...while at the same time acknowledge the ecological problems that are increasing...we are indeed doomed.

Charver writes:

Just think of all the electricity it took to type that out. Just think how many carbon footprints you've imprinted on your carpet of children's tears during this entire thread. However, you can justify that because you're making a real difference to the world. You've probably already saved a couple of rainforests as people read your posts, drop to their knees and weep, as they realise the consequences of their sinful lifestyles on poor old Mother Earth's inclement health.

Or you might as well have just not bothered and burned an old fridge in the back yard instead.

Oh, and a big "Hello August".

Just one month to go.

Are we going to make it?

You decide.

And here folks, is a prime example of what I am talking about. Dopes like Charver immediately leap to the defense of a recreational "sport" that takes up acres of land and pumps gallons of pesticides and fertilizer into local water tables by demonizing my criticism because I dare to use a modicum of electricity...PARTIALLY for recreation.

All one has to do is look at the number of golf courses around the country, their sizes, how much resources and electricity (clubhouses, etc) are used to maintain them, etc., and you can see the sheer stupidity of Charver's assertion. Charver's nonsense is a-typical of the convoluted logic used by corporations and businesses to defend their noted errors.....blame the individual for daring to point out what's wrong...ignore the criticism to fix the error. Why, if YOU take a drink of water or use electricity, you can't criticize anything!

The major flaw of that "logic" is that I pay for the electricity and water, and therefore I can push for changes in how it's produced......private enterprises like water parks, golf courses and race car arenas I don't pay for or use...yet the use the SAME resources.

Once again, Charver's self delusion and wanna-be Oscar Wilde wit/prose falls flat. Charver just can't deal with the fact that he chose to mock a thread and but was made the fool. Stymied, Charver will just stubbornly continue in the same venue, as his stubborn pride must allow him to have the last word, and his reason will have him pretend it's just a lark....just as I said he would.

Carry on, Charver old thing!
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry chump, but as the chronology of the posts shows, you and your hero Charver BOTH took my thread seriously enough to comment on it....Charver suggesting that there is no environmental reason to support my opnion, and you claiming that everything I wrote was just generalizations...until you went point for point on one issue and couldn't get past me on it.

Now both you clowns are squawking (on numerous occasions) that my thread is not serious or worth consideration.

Yet here you are...continuously, you Three Dee idiot. So do keep showing up and commenting on something you swear is not worth doing just that...makes you more the jackass than I gave you credit for. Carry on.

That is a HORRIBLE argument. If people only chose to post/goof off in threads they consider worthy and serious, there would be little discussion around here. I would pretty much only post in threads with the other Youngin's, discussing how to wrestle control of the world away from the evil Boomer and X Generations, and whatnot.

As it is, there are some topics that I respect, but choose not to post in, either because they bore me, or I am hoping to learn about more by reading through the threads dedicated to them.

Oh give us all a fucking break with this convoluted smoke screen of yours, 3D. YOU stated that my post/thread was NOT worth commenting on or responding to....yet you CONTINUOUSLY comment and respond. THAT IS A SELF CONTRADICTION ON YOUR PART, THREEDEE. PERIOD!

You said, you did it...and you can't erase the evidence....so YOU make yourself look the fool with each continuence.

Do what I do....if you feel a post/thread is NOT worth reading/commenting/responding to....THEN DON'T. Saves a lot of time and effort....trust me on this.
Originally Posted by Threedee
The issue doesn't deserve serious consideration or discussion. The issue is non-existant, and the symbolic gestures it has been given by the originator of this thread are moronic and imbecilic.

Oh no Libby's a failure. :palm:

Poor Southy....not smart enough to honestly debate, but dumb enough to think his Southern Man out of context quotes and personal attack captions make up for his Southern Man intellectual short comings. :palm:
And here folks, is a prime example of what I am talking about. Dopes like Charver immediately leap to the defense of a recreational "sport" that takes up acres of land and pumps gallons of pesticides and fertilizer into local water tables by demonizing my criticism because I dare to use a modicum of electricity...PARTIALLY for recreation.

If i'd immediately leapt to the defence of some chaps wearing ridiculous trousers and argyll sweaters then why didn't you mention it sooner, like in July? I appreciate this may have been difficult as the only person to mention golfers was you but you could have made the effort.

All one has to do is look at the number of golf courses around the country, their sizes, how much resources and electricity (clubhouses, etc) are used to maintain them, etc., and you can see the sheer stupidity of Charver's assertion. Charver's nonsense is a-typical of the convoluted logic used by corporations and businesses to defend their noted errors.....blame the individual for daring to point out what's wrong...ignore the criticism to fix the error. Why, if YOU take a drink of water or use electricity, you can't criticize anything!

I suppose this means you won't be buying stock in the Charver Corporation anytime soon?

The major flaw of that "logic" is that I pay for the electricity and water, and therefore I can push for changes in how it's produced......private enterprises like water parks, golf courses and race car arenas I don't pay for or use...yet the use the SAME resources.

Yes, the electricity company listens to you. Unlike evil golf courses and water parks, electricity and water companies are caring sharing enterprises who'll pop round for a chat, turn up at weddings and christenings and send you flowers...just because you're special.

Once again, Charver's self delusion and wanna-be Oscar Wilde wit/prose falls flat. Charver just can't deal with the fact that he chose to mock a thread and but was made the fool. Stymied, Charver will just stubbornly continue in the same venue, as his stubborn pride must allow him to have the last word, and his reason will have him pretend it's just a lark....just as I said he would.

Carry on, Charver old thing!

Just to clarify.

  • You tell me that i'm not contributing to the substance of your thread.

  • I agree with you and tell you repeatedly that i neither have any interest in the substance of your thread or have any point to make regarding it.

  • You tell me again that i'm not contributing to the substance of your thread.

  • This goes on for some time.

  • Now i am apparently at the vanguard of the paramilitary wing of the PGA.

August 3rd. :D

This stubborn pride thing is a wonderful invention, no?
I have to say, props to Charver if Taicheeze considered confusing him with Oscar Wilde.

Furthermore, Charver, if you saw the Southpark episode making fun of Tiger Woods, then you must understand that there is something to that crack about paramilitary wing of the PGA, as you have no doubt survived several holes and a few rounds of mortal combat. With a month to go, you may even wish to share some of your experiences, such as learning the effects of a 9-iron upon a foe's skull.
I have to say, props to Charver if Taicheeze considered confusing him with Oscar Wilde.

Furthermore, Charver, if you saw the Southpark episode making fun of Tiger Woods, then you must understand that there is something to that crack about paramilitary wing of the PGA, as you have no doubt survived several holes and a few rounds of mortal combat. With a month to go, you may even wish to share some of your experiences, such as learning the effects of a 9-iron upon a foe's skull.

:D I haven't seen that one.

As we have 28 days to fill in, in future weeks i may be forced to regale the board with my many and varied tales from the clubhouse, which always seem to end up with me placing my balls on the grass, taking a firm grip of my shaft before shooting, messily, into a gaping hole. There's nothing in this world people like more than anecdotes about golf (apart from having one of those tiny South American fish swimming up your dangler).
If i'd immediately leapt to the defence of some chaps wearing ridiculous trousers and argyll sweaters then why didn't you mention it sooner, like in July? I appreciate this may have been difficult as the only person to mention golfers was you but you could have made the effort.

I suppose this means you won't be buying stock in the Charver Corporation anytime soon?

Yes, the electricity company listens to you. Unlike evil golf courses and water parks, electricity and water companies are caring sharing enterprises who'll pop round for a chat, turn up at weddings and christenings and send you flowers...just because you're special.

Just to clarify.

  • You tell me that i'm not contributing to the substance of your thread.

  • I agree with you and tell you repeatedly that i neither have any interest in the substance of your thread or have any point to make regarding it.

  • You tell me again that i'm not contributing to the substance of your thread.

  • This goes on for some time.

  • Now i am apparently at the vanguard of the paramilitary wing of the PGA.

August 3rd. :D

This stubborn pride thing is a wonderful invention, no?
Hey Charver. It may have been an honest mistake. Some Limey I work with jumped up in the middle of a meeting and shouted "Tea Time!" and took off. Hell I thought he went golfing.