Why we're doomed!

No denial here Libby, the "chronology of the posts" proves that you plagiarized and:

And please explain to everyone how I could plagiarze you when the chronology of the posts clearly shows that it was I that FIRST provided the link to the information that was included in YOUR LATER SOURCE material?

Southy, you are one fucking dumb dude! Now, be a good little insipidly stubborn neocon parrot and squawk the expected rhetoric! :cof1:
The chronology of posts is 10 pages of lengthy bullshit, excepting posts made by myself, Billy, and Charver.

So you feel compelled to comment on something that you consider bullshit? Most normal people just ignore such as you allege....seems our Third Dimensional buffoon has expressed his schizoid mindset again. Either that or he's obsessed with me. :eek:
And please explain to everyone how I could plagiarze you when the chronology of the posts clearly shows that it was I that FIRST provided the link to the information that was included in YOUR LATER SOURCE material?

Southy, you are one fucking dumb dude! Now, be a good little insipidly stubborn neocon parrot and squawk the expected rhetoric! :cof1:
I knew you wouldn't man up. :)
So you feel compelled to comment on something that you consider bullshit? Most normal people just ignore such as you allege....seems our Third Dimensional buffoon has expressed his schizoid mindset again. Either that or he's obsessed with me. :eek:

Its still entertaining, even if its bullshit. And just because my mindset is schizoid, doesn't mean I'm obsessed with you or your posts.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So you feel compelled to comment on something that you consider bullshit? Most normal people just ignore such as you allege....seems our Third Dimensional buffoon has expressed his schizoid mindset again. Either that or he's obsessed with me.

Its still entertaining, even if its bullshit. And just because my mindset is schizoid, doesn't mean I'm obsessed with you or your posts.

And having his dopey ass painted squarely painted into a corner...Threedee just babbles with insipid stubborness. :( I leave him to his fate.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And please explain to everyone how I could plagiarze you when the chronology of the posts clearly shows that it was I that FIRST provided the link to the information that was included in YOUR LATER SOURCE material?

Southy, you are one fucking dumb dude! Now, be a good little insipidly stubborn neocon parrot and squawk the expected rhetoric!

I knew you wouldn't man up. :)

All you have to do is provide anything you posted prior to post #74 that states as you claim.....if you can't then you're nothing but a lying little neocon clown playing games.
And having his dopey ass painted squarely painted into a corner...Threedee just babbles with insipid stubborness. :( I leave him to his fate.

All you have to do is provide anything you posted prior to post #74 that states as you claim.....if you can't then you're nothing but a lying little neocon clown playing games.
It was a simple mistake Libby, but I'm not surprised that you can't admit that you made it. That's the way libtards are; they hate personal responsibility.

Why do you hate personal responsibility?
It was a simple mistake Libby, but I'm not surprised that you can't admit that you made it. That's the way libtards are; they hate personal responsibility.

Why do you hate personal responsibility?

So show him the post number prior to #74.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
All you have to do is provide anything you posted prior to post #74 that states as you claim.....if you can't then you're nothing but a lying little neocon clown playing games.

It was a simple mistake Libby, but I'm not surprised that you can't admit that you made it. That's the way libtards are; they hate personal responsibility.

Why do you hate personal responsibility?

And there you have it folks.....once again the Chronology of the posts is the undoing of lying neocon clowns like Southy. Southy was given ample opportunity to prove his allegation by using irrefutable FACT based evidence.

The Southern Man could NOT produce the evidence...therefore, the Southern Man is a liar.

Which brings to mind another reason why we're doomed.....stubborn, lying, cowardly little POS like Southy permeate our society. :(

I leave the lying Southern Man to continue his lies alone.
I really can't be bothered to go through that cutting, pasting and editing process, especially with posts containing red text, the internets hue of the fool.

Anyway, i have to admit defeat and say that i cannot possibly make you look any more ridiculous than you have already managed yourself in this wonderful thread. Well done that man.

As a wizened aged chap, rocking gently back and forth in my rocking-chair, i shall recall the good-old days from the failing memory bank, when i met new and strange people on the internets who complained about meaningless things, took themselves far too seriously and ended up looking like a massive spaz. Then i'll probably piss myself laughing, although that will probably just be an excuse to deflect from my chronic bladder problems.

To close this particularly odd chapter in my life, here is a picture of a doleful looking dog in a hat.

That is one civilized doleful looking dogs.
I didn't want to detract from the profound points of debate you are putting forth.

Translation: this sheet wearing asshole is just bitter because I periodically whup him in an honest debate, exposing him for the preposterous revisionist clown he is....so Dixie just jumps in here to throw rocks.

Hey...btw... who used the word "maudlin" recently? Chicklet always has to copy someone else, since he doesn't have the capacity to actually form a vocabulary on his own... just wondered where "maudlin" came up in a conversation... it's such a strange word.

Translation: Dixie is just pissed because he can't get past me in an honest debate..so Dixie periodically shows up with the most basic grade school taunts...I almost pity his pointy hooded self...almost.

Hmm... Sheet wearing revisionist... I think you may be thinking of someone else. I haven't worn a sheet since 1964, when I dressed as a ghost for Halloween. And as I recall, it was you and another idiot, who were trying to revise history so that segregation was outlawed back in 1875, and not 1954, as most high school kids are taught. But you guys don't really want to "revise" history, you want to completely "rewrite" it and do away with the old version altogether.

And there you have it folks...our pointy hooded clown Dixie denies his bigoted revisionist diatribes and then displays an example of exactly that! He got his ass severely kicked by a simple use of recorded history..but Dixie prefers HIS interpretation of written law and historical records as opposed to how they read and were recorded. So be it...the rest of America has rightly put dopes like Dixie into the detention room, where their muffled sounds of repetitive idiocy can barely be heard...we just open the door, put them down in their seats, and leave them to fume and fluster.... as he's doing here...and I'm not just whistl'in Dixie!:cof1:
I really can't be bothered to go through that cutting, pasting and editing process, especially with posts containing red text, the internets hue of the fool.

And that's Charver's long winded way of trying to say the last whupping I gave him isn't worth responding to....yet here he is doing just that. Charver is the second idiot to contradict himself this way....seems Freedumb has been mentoring on his spare time from the PC keyboard....how pathetic.

Anyway, i have to admit defeat and say that i cannot possibly make you look any more ridiculous than you have already managed yourself in this wonderful thread. Well done that man.

Charver's equivalent of the grade school taunt..."I know you are, but what am I? Someone needs to pull Charver from the mirror and point out what a complete ass he's making of himself.

As a wizened aged chap, rocking gently back and forth in my rocking-chair, i shall recall the good-old days from the failing memory bank, when i met new and strange people on the internets who complained about meaningless things, took themselves far too seriously and ended up looking like a massive spaz. Then i'll probably piss myself laughing, although that will probably just be an excuse to deflect from my chronic bladder problems.

My goodness,

To close this particularly odd chapter in my life, here is a picture of a doleful looking dog in a hat.

And so comes to the end another on of Charver's chatterings...a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

See ya around, Charver old bean.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're such a liar....you won't dare print any dictionary definition of neocon that doesn't fit your ideology...and I know you're not stupid enough to try and classify a neocon as a "political party", or are you saying a "liberal" is a political party?

Get your ass in gear, Southy...you're just making a bigger Southern Man jackass of yourself.

From M-W.com:

1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism
2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

So the Southern Man is stating that he was AGAINST the Shrub's invasion of Iraq and all subsequent Shrub actions in that country based on lies? I just want to get this on record...because if you're going to parrot any or all of the neocon mantras that supported that bullshit, then your denials are just so much smoke.
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Nineteen days on and he still can't let it go.

Could we string this out until, perhaps, September?
So the Southern Man is stating that he was AGAINST the Shrub's invasion of Iraq and all subsequent Shrub actions in that country based on lies? I just want to get this on record...because if you're going to parrot any or all of the neocon mantras that supported that bullshit, then your denials are just so much smoke.
The premise of your question is all fucked up Libby. The invasion wasn't based on lies.