Why we're doomed!

If you're reading this, SM, i'm sure you're as surprised as i am that we are apparently such political bedfellows but perhaps we should start lacing daisies into one another's hair and calling each other brother.

We'll have to do it in a big circle, since everyone who disagrees with Libby is a "neocon". On his fifth or so post on this board I asked him to define what it is and just how do I qualify for the party and he hasn't been able to. :(
The chronology of the posts will show a certain set of messages in a timely order ascribed to each poster.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
My, my....how formal. This is obviously part of Charver's mock personna to try an establish an air of superiority under the guise of manners. Seems a waste of time and space on Charver's part when all he's doing is just avoiding any real discussion of the topic of this thread and opting for just base insults and personal attacks...as any good intellectually bankrupt neocon parrot is want to do. But, let's watch Charver do his dance and get his accolades from the neocon peanut gallery. I'll try to school him on his errors, but somehow I just don't think he's open minded enough to appreciate the effort.

I was brought up to be polite as any self-respecting Englishman once was, before children started being taught communism and masturbation at school and spending their free-time injecting marijuana and breakdancing. Are you watching neocon peanut gallery?
(Pause for short applause)

If you were as you say then you would have had the foresight and good manners NOT to attempt insults and mockery unprovoked. Therefore, your little self aggrandzing little ditty here contradicts itself. As for your blathering about nasty goings on in schools, I'd say all those British novels and tele-dramas pointing to historical perversions in the English schools for young gentlemen has warped your perspective. See someone about that, Charver old thing.

If you're reading this, SM, i'm sure you're as surprised as i am that we are apparently such political bedfellows but perhaps we should start lacing daisies into one another's hair and calling each other brother.

You should sharpen your reading skills, Charver lad, I said your actions are as any good neocon's, thus they will applaud you. I never said YOU were a neocon per se......but good luck with your budding romance with SM.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ridicule without substance means NOTHING, Charver old thing. It's merely a sign that the critics have NOTHING of value to offer on the opinion put forward. As the chronology of the posts shows, the critics either did not understand the point of the opening posts or purposely tried to misconstrue what was being stated because they took personal offense to the criticism.

Or the chronology of the posts show that your point was just 'a little bit rubbish' and you took personal offence at other people pointing that out. Ahhh, but in order to determine that one would have to actively engage in a honest, logical and fact exchanging debate. As I pointed out, the cabal of neocon parrots don't do this, they just throw out insults. I wouldn't worry about it, mainly because this is a message board and pretty inconsequential.

I'm not worried....merely engaging in a bit of diversion and seeking some actual real debate. But again, if you consider this message board pretty inconsequential, why are you spending time and effort with these responses? A bit schizoid on your part, I think.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ahhh, but since YOU seem to deem it necessary to take such a serious tone of condescending instruction on perceived dislikes, then perhaps it is YOU who should realize the contradiction by your very action here. Remember, Charver old bean, ANYTHING goes DOES NOT rule out rational discourse...it merely means any subject discussion goes.

Exactly. Anything goes, including posts that do not seek to address your 'point', which you started complaining about and resulted in this rather silly conversation which is getting sillier and sillier.

Charver, you do realize that YOU are actively and willingly participating in something that you continually claim is NOT worth doing? Get it together, Charver old thing....you can't have it both ways.

Now...in the spirit of Christmas (only 141 days to go) and as you seem a little slow on the uptake i shall spell it out for you very clearly, so take a damp cloth to your eyes and give them a good wash. Ready?

Again folks, Charver is so taken with himself that he thinks his blustery assertions dripping with (ill founded) condescending attitude and attempted wit will make his next assertion more palatable. Let's find out if his folly has any merit.

You seem very keen to tell both myself and others that i have nothing to say about the subject of your thread. The thing is i already know this and everybody else, bar yourself, is also fully aware of this fact. And now you are 'in the loop' as well.

So what is your complaint, Charver old bean? That I point out what a bunch of braying asses you and your compadres are, or that you don't have a clue as to how self contradicting you are here?

And they all lived happily ever after. The End.

Poor Charver just wasted a lot of time and space to tell me this thread isn't worth commenting on....and this is his what, third post? Somebody give Charver a strong cup of tea and explain it all to him.
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As the chronology of posts clearly shows.... taichi just got an ass whuppin from charver. (not to mention about 20 other posters)

And the neocon parrots gather in a maudlin squawk fest....just as I predicted.

Take a gander at how I set your hero straight, you Super Freaking dunce.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As the chronoloy of the posts shows, my original links FIRST gave out the information that Southy just duplicates.


And just follow the posts from there, folks....you can see Southy's folly for yourself.

This is why trying to have a rational debate with Southy is pointless beyond a certain degree, folks. Southy just isn't bright enough to follow through with simple reading comprehension and retention. That Southy tries to bluff and bluster his way on a printed medium with a chronology of the posts is further testament to the Southern Man strategy of nonsense.

My prediction was spot-on. Libby can't admit that he fucked up and plagarized:

:palm: You're just in denial....or just two fucking dumb to get it together. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
My God, you really are actually this dense, aren't you?

Okay, let me dumb it down for you: The whole purpose of windmill power is to supply energy needs WITH AS LITTLE IMPACT TO THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AS POSSIBLE. The reason why the LAW prohibits the giant turbines is due to the amount of deforestation to the area that would be needed to install them.

Kind of defeats the purpose of trying to save the environment if you're destroying it in the process, doesn't it bunky?

So windmills in that area can be installed with no problem....therefore the "liberals" are not only promoting wind power, but protecting the natural eco-system at the same time.

Therefore, your oft parroted statement is logically and factually proven WRONG....as well as your additional accusations.

But as a insipidly stubborn neocon parrot, I suspect your little brain will just let this logic pass through your Southern Man head and you'll repeat your absurd assertions as usual. Carry on.

In the project that I was referring to, the windmills were to be installed on the pasture of a working dairy farm. There would be no "deforestation". In fact, since the cows don't care about a HUGE windmill above them, the pasture would have continued to serve the same function that it has for the past 150 years.

So tell me again Libby, why did the liberals fight this project?

:palm: Seems once again you spin a tale that your source material DOES NOT support. If you fail on one end..you just fabricate another scenario or grasp at any related topic.

You're such a intellectually dishonest coward, Southy....you just can't admit you were wrong on any level....you're just fucking pathetic Southy.
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We'll have to do it in a big circle, since everyone who disagrees with Libby is a "neocon". On his fifth or so post on this board I asked him to define what it is and just how do I qualify for the party and he hasn't been able to. :(

You're such a liar....you won't dare print any dictionary definition of neocon that doesn't fit your ideology...and I know you're not stupid enough to try and classify a neocon as a "political party", or are you saying a "liberal" is a political party?

Get your ass in gear, Southy...you're just making a bigger Southern Man jackass of yourself.
I have just wrung out my washcloth and placed a cool clean one upon my eyes to bring the swelling down from laughing hysterically and crying at the same time over the complete and comical trouncing of Touchyliberal by Sir Charver!

Touché! Touché! Touché! :good4u:

Poor woman....all she can do is scan this board in search of people smarter than her to trash me.

The Loyal End trying to ease her bigoted little mind...pity the little dope won't read the drubbing I gave her hero Charver. :cof1:
Poor woman....all she can do is scan this board in search of people smarter than her to trash me.

The Loyal End trying to ease her bigoted little mind...pity the little dope won't read the drubbing I gave her hero Charver. :cof1:

The only drubbing you've ever done, was in your mother's bathroom, looking at the J.C. Penny catalog. Probably didn't even clean up after yourself, then!
The only drubbing you've ever done, was in your mother's bathroom, looking at the J.C. Penny catalog. Probably didn't even clean up after yourself, then!

Ahhh, our resident sheet wearing revisionist joins the maudlin squawk fest of neocon parrots....and adds nothing to the topic of debate. How predictable. :cof1:
Ahhh, our resident sheet wearing revisionist joins the maudlin squawk fest of neocon parrots....and adds nothing to the topic of debate. How predictable. :cof1:

I didn't want to detract from the profound points of debate you are putting forth.

Hey...btw... who used the word "maudlin" recently? Chicklet always has to copy someone else, since he doesn't have the capacity to actually form a vocabulary on his own... just wondered where "maudlin" came up in a conversation... it's such a strange word.

Hmm... Sheet wearing revisionist... I think you may be thinking of someone else. I haven't worn a sheet since 1964, when I dressed as a ghost for Halloween. And as I recall, it was you and another idiot, who were trying to revise history so that segregation was outlawed back in 1875, and not 1954, as most high school kids are taught. But you guys don't really want to "revise" history, you want to completely "rewrite" it and do away with the old version altogether.


Some stuff what i said and that.

I really can't be bothered to go through that cutting, pasting and editing process, especially with posts containing red text, the internets hue of the fool.

Anyway, i have to admit defeat and say that i cannot possibly make you look any more ridiculous than you have already managed yourself in this wonderful thread. Well done that man.

As a wizened aged chap, rocking gently back and forth in my rocking-chair, i shall recall the good-old days from the failing memory bank, when i met new and strange people on the internets who complained about meaningless things, took themselves far too seriously and ended up looking like a massive spaz. Then i'll probably piss myself laughing, although that will probably just be an excuse to deflect from my chronic bladder problems.

To close this particularly odd chapter in my life, here is a picture of a doleful looking dog in a hat.

You're such a liar....you won't dare print any dictionary definition of neocon that doesn't fit your ideology...and I know you're not stupid enough to try and classify a neocon as a "political party", or are you saying a "liberal" is a political party?

Get your ass in gear, Southy...you're just making a bigger Southern Man jackass of yourself.

From M-W.com:

1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism
2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

I've never been a lib so #1 does not apply; #2 does not describe The Southern Man either.

So if that's your definition then how am I a "neocon"?
:palm: Seems once again you spin a tale that your source material DOES NOT support. If you fail on one end..you just fabricate another scenario or grasp at any related topic.

You're such a intellectually dishonest coward, Southy....you just can't admit you were wrong on any level....you're just fucking pathetic Southy.

Dude I'm familiar with the project since I own a house in the area. It is currently a working farm and has been for over 100 years. You claim this is about deforestation, and there is nothing in my source that states that. All they complain about is that the wind turbines would be HUGE.

Please tell me, what's the real reason that liberals are against wind power?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Seems once again you spin a tale that your source material DOES NOT support. If you fail on one end..you just fabricate another scenario or grasp at any related topic.

You're such a intellectually dishonest coward, Southy....you just can't admit you were wrong on any level....you're just fucking pathetic Southy.

Dude I'm familiar with the project since I own a house in the area. It is currently a working farm and has been for over 100 years. You claim this is about deforestation, and there is nothing in my source that states that. All they complain about is that the wind turbines would be HUGE.

Please tell me, what's the real reason that liberals are against wind power?

Dude, you're full of shit and the chronology of the posts proves you are!

You posed the assinine question that liberals are against wind power. I asked for proof of your accusation and YOU provide source material that described how a specific project in a specific region that would be detrimental to the eco-system, and that individual windmills were NOT the issue, but a much larger complex version that was against local law.

In short, your own source material proved your assertion was wrong.

But you just don't have the stones to admit you were wrong, so you resort to some tale based solely on your personal opinion, supposition and conjecture that IGNORES the very information YOUR source material provides.

Leave it to a defeated neocon hack like Southy to try and split a hair after he shoots himself in the foot. Now the dumbass Southern Man will just repeat himself ad nauseum like the petulant child he is. I leave him to his lies and expected insults. :cof1:
Dude, you're full of shit and the chronology of the posts proves you are!

You posed the assinine question that liberals are against wind power. I asked for proof of your accusation and YOU provide source material that described how a specific project in a specific region that would be detrimental to the eco-system, and that individual windmills were NOT the issue, but a much larger complex version that was against local law.

In short, your own source material proved your assertion was wrong.

But you just don't have the stones to admit you were wrong, so you resort to some tale based solely on your personal opinion, supposition and conjecture that IGNORES the very information YOUR source material provides.

Leave it to a defeated neocon hack like Southy to try and split a hair after he shoots himself in the foot. Now the dumbass Southern Man will just repeat himself ad nauseum like the petulant child he is. I leave him to his lies and expected insults. :cof1:

In the example project cited, what part of the ecosystem did they claim would be harmed, Libby?