Wikipedia is Marxist Propaganda, Dismissed on Sight

Only the nutjobs and the poorly educated think Wiki is "propaganda". If Trump wins, they'll be going after Britannica, and the Library of Congress ( They believe anything that isn't 100% Trump is Leftist.
How would "they go after" them exactly? Trump will be a disaster but he would have a hard time supplanting the Bill of Rights.
Nope. I explained to you how any regulation will be counteracted and thus not have the desired/intended effect. Did you miss that part?
that;s delusional idiocy?

should we not have murder laws either, because crime will find a way?

are you an


you probably have too much boeing and Raytheon stock to really be an anarchist.

fat government contracts are huge business, and very fascist.
the treasury has abdicated it's authority to the federal reserve
No. The Treasury has nothing to do with it. CONGRESS created the Federal Reserve.
that handles all that and it's a group of private banks that are entrusted with the authority.
The member banks have no authority.
fed member banks.

but in reality connected businesses get bailed out.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
auto industry. airline industry, banks.....

this is fascism.

arguing it's not makes you look like a super gay liar.
Businesses are not fascism. Redefinition fallacy.
Capitalism refers to an economic system in which a society's means of production are held by private individuals or organizations, not the government, and where products, prices, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
So how is it a regulation?