Will it ever be legal to shoot illegals?

The Europeans came here illegally.

And which country-tribe considered them to be illegal. Also, by the time Europeans started emigrating here, most of the native population had been wiped out by diseases they had no immunity against. Such as smallpox, the flu, the common cold, measles and who knows what else. So mostly, Europeans were moving to the land of the dead. The dead don't take up much space. Also, I suppose you're all for Mayan indians (mexicans) or mestizos invading the U.S. But even native American tribes didn't put up with that kind of shit from other tribes. Sometimes they would skin captives alive. Or burn them to death. Or stake them out in the sun to let them bake. Or let their women torture them. Etc. etc. etc. In that regard, I think we should do just what the natives here did. Or what my avatar shows.
Welcome to ignore land queerboy.

Okay, cultsmasher. You'll be banned soon, anyway.
I was just asking nicely for that stuff you used to have about all the blacks committing ugly crimes. I guess you want those crimes to continue.

Was hoping I could copy the stuff b4 the banhammer drops on ya.
Next time think about maybe obliging me. Cockfuck.
Biden appointed the son of a mexican immigrant (probably an illegal one) as the head of homeland security. Something tells me that he isn't going to think that the U.S. needs any security against mexicans. The fastest growing ethnic group in both the U.S. and Canada. They breed like cockroaches. In an already far too overpopulated world, I would call that being inferior. Breeding like mindless bacteria. Shouldn't such people be shot to improve the human condition? Or must we all go down the drain together.

I doubt if it will ever be legal for an American to shoot an illegal. As far as the Constitution is probably concerned, any such actions are probably only legal under government authority. But the constitution also guarantees every American the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But any illegal living in this country is depleting the resources of an American to live. (That is, to experience life) The children they have are taking up space that an American child might live in. As for liberty, it means freedom. If illegals are allowed to exist here, where is the American's freedom to not have them around. As for pursuit of happiness, what if it doesn't make you happy to have the mexican species of human living amongst you. It is a "racist" reality that you just can't get away from. It is shown in what is called voting with your feet. When negroes move into a White neighborhood, the Whites tend to vote with their feet and move away.

With these things being the case, I can't see it being illegal for American to shoot illegals. Because if your country isn't going to protect you, it must be up to the private citizen to do themselves. It is as Thomas Jefferson himself once prophesied. "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

you should have your ass banned for such a crazy ass post, you sick bastard. good god. do you really think people not as fucked up as you believe anybody has the right to shoot any person for just being in a country? i know you are just 12 or so playing on your mom's computer but try to think, you could get arrested for spewing such violent shit. it is not a game. there are trump voters living on the edge that might carry out the sick ass bullshit you are advocating...you really need your chickenshit ass kicked.
Okay, cultsmasher. You'll be banned soon, anyway.
I was just asking nicely for that stuff you used to have about all the blacks committing ugly crimes. I guess you want those crimes to continue.

Was hoping I could copy the stuff b4 the banhammer drops on ya.
Next time think about maybe obliging me. Cockfuck.

how old are you, little bitch? don't you think it odd that a grown person, even an obvious sissy like you, has a photo of Matt Dillon as his avatar? do you dream of tv's matt dillon appearing in your life to protect you from all the mean liberals who make fun of how fucking stupid you are?
And which country-tribe considered them to be illegal. Also, by the time Europeans started emigrating here, most of the native population had been wiped out by diseases they had no immunity against. Such as smallpox, the flu, the common cold, measles and who knows what else. So mostly, Europeans were moving to the land of the dead. The dead don't take up much space. Also, I suppose you're all for Mayan indians (mexicans) or mestizos invading the U.S. But even native American tribes didn't put up with that kind of shit from other tribes. Sometimes they would skin captives alive. Or burn them to death. Or stake them out in the sun to let them bake. Or let their women torture them. Etc. etc. etc. In that regard, I think we should do just what the natives here did. Or what my avatar shows.

you are so full of shit. you need to go fuck yourself.
how old are you, little bitch? don't you think it odd that a grown person, even an obvious sissy like you, has a photo of Matt Dillon as his avatar? do you dream of tv's matt dillon appearing in your life to protect you from all the mean liberals who make fun of how fucking stupid you are?

I'll be my own Matt Dillon, faggot. Draw, motherfucker! This ain't no game and "liberals" don't make a fuck to me. The sovereignty of my country does, and if "liberals" get in the way of that, they're going to have a bad time.

Back in my day, liberals were Americans and patriots. Do you fit into that category?
Because I get the distinct feeling you do not.
I'm not going to be drawing on you like Matt Dillon. I will blow your POS commie head off from 100+ yards away, faggot. You wanna fuck with the US of A? That's what you're going to get. Your head exploded.
You'll never even hear the shot. Fuck You.
It'll be the last shot you never heard.
That's reality.
There's millions like me in America right now. And we're just about there..is that where you want to go?
It will not end well for you.
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Hey, walk along your street, go to a local shopping center, your kid's school, go downtown. Shoot someone you think is "illegal". See what happens.

People like you are why Americans will stomp you down, just like we did with all of our enemies.

I'll be my own Matt Dillon, faggot. Draw, motherfucker! This ain't no game and "liberals" don't make a fuck to me. The sovereignty of my country does, and if "liberals" get in the way of that, they're going to have a bad time.

Back in my day, liberals were Americans and patriots. Do you fit into that category?
Because I get the distinct feeling you do not.
I'm not going to be drawing on you like Matt Dillon. I will blow your POS commie head off from 100+ yards away, faggot. You wanna fuck with the US of A? That's what you're going to get. your head exploded.

great post!! hilarious. how old are you? i bet even the other kids in your second grade special ed class laugh at the silly ass shit you spew!!
great post!! hilarious. how old are you? i bet even the other kids in your second grade special ed class laugh at the silly ass shit you spew!!

Ask me how I know you never had any college whatsoever.

Also, you're young, dumb, and full of cum.

Furthermore, you have zero minutes of actual trigger time, as opposed to me, with weeks' worth.
Ask me how I know you never had any college whatsoever.

Also, you're young, dumb, and full of cum.

Furthermore, you have zero minutes of actual trigger time, as opposed to me, with weeks' worth.

trigger time? god, what a gun nut. have you ever thought about taking up gardening or pottery, or something not quite so dangerous so you might not accidentally shoot yourself or your parents or adult guardian?
trigger time? god, what a gun nut. have you ever thought about taking up gardening or pottery, or something not quite so dangerous so you might not accidentally shoot yourself or your parents or adult guardian?

A fuck like you makes it feel like commie hunting would be sooo much more satisfying.
you should have your ass banned for such a crazy ass post, you sick bastard. good god. do you really think people not as fucked up as you believe anybody has the right to shoot any person for just being in a country? i know you are just 12 or so playing on your mom's computer but try to think, you could get arrested for spewing such violent shit. it is not a game. there are trump voters living on the edge that might carry out the sick ass bullshit you are advocating...you really need your chickenshit ass kicked.

Ah. A globalist I see. And you call me a sick bastard! I guess there's no sense in pointing out to you that countries and borders exist for a reason. Or that if you have something that somebody else wants, you shouldn't let them take it. Even if it means shooting them to keep them from doing so. As for what I am "spewing," if you are an American, how does it feel to be a lowlife treasonous scumbag. Let me explain. What if they had computers and the internet before the American Revolution. And the American Patriots to whom you owe your very existence "spewed" the same sort of things in regard to the violent formation of the United States Of America! Are you going to tell me that the American Revolution was wrong? Or that if they had computers back then, American Patriots should have been arrested for "spewing such violent filth?" So tell me. How do you feel about my explanation towards the insults I hurled back in your direction. Were they unfounded? Do you think the formation of the United Stated of America is a bad thing? That the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were bad things.
you are so full of shit. you need to go fuck yourself.

What the hell. Do I need to put you on ignore too? Just so you know, everything I said was absolutely TRUE! Beyond true. Having taken the red pill true. If you don't believe what I said about European diseases and native Americans, look it up yourself. Also, before Whites came here and after, many Indian tribes considered other Indian tribes as enemies. They would try to wipe each other out if they could. Also, you may have heard of Indian tribes called Comanche and Apache. They didn't call themselves by those names. Those were the names enemy tribes gave them. And from last I heard, the Sioux and Blackfoot indian tribes still don't like each other. Throughout human history there are countless instances of war where one group tried to take what another group has. This is the human condition. (In fact, it is the condition of all life that has ever existed) Whether it is done "peacefully" through immigration (invasion) or forcefully through invading armies, only the most girly of girly men would let it happen. And if the slave loving government isn't going to put a stop to it, it must be left up to the private citizen to do.
Hey, walk along your street, go to a local shopping center, your kid's school, go downtown. Shoot someone you think is "illegal". See what happens.

People like you are why Americans will stomp you down, just like we did with all of our enemies.

You are getting away from the point. What my thread title said was if it would ever be legal to shoot illegals. Make of it what you will. Next, if anybody "stomped me down," do you know why they would do so? Because of the cult they had been indoctrinated into. A sort of Stockholm Syndrome. Not out of any sort of logical thinking. But as having their emotions turned as a weapon against them. And therefore, liking it.

As to the pictures you included, I will pretend (probably wrongly) that this forum is one in which truth is allowed and give you a REAL history lesson. First there is the Confederate flag. But do you know who it was that brought negro slaves to this country to begin with? Mainly, the jews! I will give you a list of the slave ships. (Maybe or maybe not all of them) If you are offended by the picture of the jew, it just came with the list. And I didn't want to go through the bother of editing it out.

jew slavers.jpg

It might also interest you to know that Abraham Lincoln had plans to deport most of the ex-slaves to Panama after the war. He made no secret of it. And for the Northern fighters, that was probably part of what they were fighting for. But John Wilkes Booth pretty much put an end to that plan. Turning the Northern fighters into suckers and losers. Though some token deportations were made. From my understanding, that is how the country of Liberia was formed. From ex-slaves sent back to Africa from the U.S. But it wasn't enough. So we ended up with things like this going on.

humanzee protesters 2.jpg

As for the Nazis, around 150,000 Jews actually fought for them. Their fighting force was more ethnically diverse than the allies were.
And the reason they invaded Poland was because ethnic Germans there were being murdered. And the reason they invaded Russia was because they found out the Russians were getting ready to invade them. One historian I was reading about said that the Nazis beat the Russians to the punch by only one day! As for the holocaust, therein lies a tale I probably would be banned for even telling you. That aside, in total Russian communists (who were run by the jews) are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!!! The Nazis didn't lost the war. Ultimately, we did.

As for Trump, he is a mass murderer. Biden is only a scumbag who says he will do something useful about the coronavirus. Which I doubt. But anything would be better than what Trump did. And as for Biden, I wouldn't doubt it if he follows the same philosophy as his old boss, Obama.

great post!! hilarious. how old are you? i bet even the other kids in your second grade special ed class laugh at the silly ass shit you spew!!

It's funny that Matt Dillon should say such things to you. When he mocks me. And he apparently wants pictures from me that judging from his attitude, he wants to make fun of and more than likely jerk off to. I have one for him that might interest you too. There are MANY like it. Many far worse. This picture shows an arab woman who refused to cover her head and had acid thrown in her face.

female muslim victim.jpg