Will it ever be legal to shoot illegals?

American citizens hate you Russian fuck knots

True Americans have always welcomed immigrants

We won’t kill immigrants to please Putin you tin of pooo

I'm no Ruskie. You also say true Americans always welcomed immigrants. How would you know. Were you always there? They may have welcomed others similar to themselves. Such as those from Northern Europe or those who looked White. But that wasn't always the case. From what I heard, they weren't very welcoming of the inbred, hard drinking Irish. Neither were they very welcoming of the semitic, mafia loving Italians. Many of whom were also anarchists. Next, I'm sure Putin would rather see the U.S. flooded by Central American injins and mestizos. To see America turn into as much of a piece of shit as the countries those people came from.
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Tell your Russian programmer that his meal ticket Putin is bailing

If your programmer is lucky Russia will become a free nation some day
Sorry to burst your bubble but Alejandro Mayorkas the nominee for homeland security chief was born in CUBA his father was a cuban. Get your fucking facts straight before casting stones.

What I said doesn't call for facts to that degree. He is a "latino." Enough said. He is the son of "immigrants." (Not the kind of immigrant I would have even let into this country) Enough said. You and Biden can shove all your "immigrants" (which these days is most likely to mean latino) up your ass.
"But the constitution also guarantees every American the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Where do we find that guarantee in the Constitution?

Ok. So it wasn't in the Constitution. It was in the Declaration of Independence. That's close enough.
Ok. So it wasn't in the Constitution. It was in the Declaration of Independence. That's close enough.

But, nothing in the Declaration has anything legally binding. You can't shoot somebody because it provides you happiness.
But, nothing in the Declaration has anything legally binding. You can't shoot somebody because it provides you happiness.

Are you going to try and un-declare anything said in the Declaration of Independence? Can any American? Also, you forget the first two things. Life and Liberty. To gain those things, you have to shoot people. They certainly had to in the American Revolution. Doing so doesn't make anybody happy. Just as wiping your ass doesn't make you happy. It is just a necessary thing that needs to be done. But once your ass is clean, then you are happy. At least I can't imagine an unwiped ass making anybody happy.

Also, during the American Revolution they had problems with Tories. Those who supported the crown. These days the Tories are the plutocrat pieces of shit who love the cheap labor-slavery of illegals. Or those who send American jobs to basically wage slave countries. Or those who aren't worried about our dying planet and are happy to let the U.S. be the overflow dumping ground for all the overpopulating foreign lowlifes. Those tories too need to be shot. And I have to admit, doing so would indeed make me happy.
Are you going to try and un-declare anything said in the Declaration of Independence?

I am not challenging anything said in the Declaration. I am saying it has no legal standing. You can file suit challenging actions based on constitutional principles, but you can't legally challenge anything in the Declaration.
What I said doesn't call for facts to that degree. He is a "latino." Enough said. He is the son of "immigrants." (Not the kind of immigrant I would have even let into this country) Enough said. You and Biden can shove all your "immigrants" (which these days is most likely to mean latino) up your ass.

Hey shit for brains this country was founded by immigrants. In fact unless you are a native American you are a product of immigrants. I disagree with Biden on immigration but that is another story. BTW I am half native American so get the fuck out of my country immigrant.
I am not challenging anything said in the Declaration. I am saying it has no legal standing. You can file suit challenging actions based on constitutional principles, but you can't legally challenge anything in the Declaration.

With it having come before the Constitution, it has even more legal standing than the Constitution. I doubt if you would have to take it to the Supreme Court to prove that. It is the document that caused our nation to be formed. That aside, we need a second Declaration of Independence. One that gives us independence from mexico or any other foreign low life piece of shit countries.
Hey shit for brains this country was founded by immigrants. In fact unless you are a native American you are a product of immigrants. I disagree with Biden on immigration but that is another story. BTW I am half native American so get the fuck out of my country immigrant.

Yeah. White immigrants. Superior immigrants. That's why they kicked the asses of the injins who hadn't died from disease. Also, I am part injin myself. I wish I could take a knife and cut that filth out of me.
I'm no Ruskie. You also say true Americans always welcomed immigrants. How would you know. Were you always there? They may have welcomed others similar to themselves. Such as those from Northern Europe or those who looked White. But that wasn't always the case. From what I heard, they weren't very welcoming of the inbred, hard drinking Irish. Neither were they very welcoming of the semitic, mafia loving Italians. Many of whom were also anarchists. Next, I'm sure Putin would rather see the U.S. flooded by Central American injins and mestizos. To see America turn into as much of a piece of shit as the countries those people came from.

you are so fucking stupid you do not consider irish people white? you need to go take your magnifying glass and tweezers outside and play with yourself, bigoted piece of shit toilet clog.
Biden appointed the son of a mexican immigrant (probably an illegal one) as the head of homeland security. Something tells me that he isn't going to think that the U.S. needs any security against mexicans. The fastest growing ethnic group in both the U.S. and Canada. They breed like cockroaches. In an already far too overpopulated world, I would call that being inferior. Breeding like mindless bacteria. Shouldn't such people be shot to improve the human condition? Or must we all go down the drain together.

I doubt if it will ever be legal for an American to shoot an illegal. As far as the Constitution is probably concerned, any such actions are probably only legal under government authority. But the constitution also guarantees every American the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But any illegal living in this country is depleting the resources of an American to live. (That is, to experience life) The children they have are taking up space that an American child might live in. As for liberty, it means freedom. If illegals are allowed to exist here, where is the American's freedom to not have them around. As for pursuit of happiness, what if it doesn't make you happy to have the mexican species of human living amongst you. It is a "racist" reality that you just can't get away from. It is shown in what is called voting with your feet. When negroes move into a White neighborhood, the Whites tend to vote with their feet and move away.

With these things being the case, I can't see it being illegal for American to shoot illegals. Because if your country isn't going to protect you, it must be up to the private citizen to do themselves. It is as Thomas Jefferson himself once prophesied. "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

the simple fact that you could even think this would be an opportunity tells me that maybe there aren't people that should have the right to own firearms.............and that's damned sad
With it having come before the Constitution, it has even more legal standing than the Constitution. I doubt if you would have to take it to the Supreme Court to prove that. It is the document that caused our nation to be formed. That aside, we need a second Declaration of Independence. One that gives us independence from mexico or any other foreign low life piece of shit countries.

The courts have never heard a case based on any provisions of the Declaration. We did not even have a nation when the Declaration was written. The Constitution provides the framework and powers for the government and nothing in the Declaration legally affects that document.
Biden appointed the son of a mexican immigrant (probably an illegal one) as the head of homeland security. Something tells me that he isn't going to think that the U.S. needs any security against mexicans. The fastest growing ethnic group in both the U.S. and Canada. They breed like cockroaches. In an already far too overpopulated world, I would call that being inferior. Breeding like mindless bacteria. Shouldn't such people be shot to improve the human condition? Or must we all go down the drain together.

I doubt if it will ever be legal for an American to shoot an illegal. As far as the Constitution is probably concerned, any such actions are probably only legal under government authority. But the constitution also guarantees every American the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But any illegal living in this country is depleting the resources of an American to live. (That is, to experience life) The children they have are taking up space that an American child might live in. As for liberty, it means freedom. If illegals are allowed to exist here, where is the American's freedom to not have them around. As for pursuit of happiness, what if it doesn't make you happy to have the mexican species of human living amongst you. It is a "racist" reality that you just can't get away from. It is shown in what is called voting with your feet. When negroes move into a White neighborhood, the Whites tend to vote with their feet and move away.

With these things being the case, I can't see it being illegal for American to shoot illegals. Because if your country isn't going to protect you, it must be up to the private citizen to do themselves. It is as Thomas Jefferson himself once prophesied. "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I wouldn't overthink it- IF I WERE YOU!

you are so fucking stupid you do not consider irish people white? you need to go take your magnifying glass and tweezers outside and play with yourself, bigoted piece of shit toilet clog.

I didn't say they weren't White. What I said was that they were inbred garbage. For whatever reason, when they started coming to the U.S. in droves, most people here didn't seem to like it. Was there a reason for it? After all, they say where there's smoke, there's fire. I have a rather interesting picture. Though it is of recent origin. But it does have an interesting tale to tell. Which includes the Irish.

Patriotic picture.jpg