Will it ever be legal to shoot illegals?

no Im not a fan of either and shooting illegals is wrong period , I sure dont want them here but murdering them is wrong moron

Point out to me any war where shooting the enemy was wrong. Doing so is what they're actually trained and paid to do! Even if it means risking their own lives. You think asking them to leave will work? There is only one thing they will understand and respect. DEATH! Kill enough of them and they will all deport themselves quickly enough. Both the illegal and illegal kind. You know, in Mongolia, they regard Genghis Khan as a national hero. Even though he caused the deaths of tens of millions of people. In Romania they consider Vlad Tepes as a national hero. (And rightly so) In the U.S., most Americans consider George Washington to be a hero for killing the British to free us from English rule. Etc. etc. etc. Would I be wrong in considering any White person who shot and killed as many mexicans, jews or negroes as they could to be a hero too? I guess it would depend on who you ask.