Will it ever be legal to shoot illegals?

the simple fact that you could even think this would be an opportunity tells me that maybe there aren't people that should have the right to own firearms.............and that's damned sad

What in the fuck guns are for. To protect the rich? To help them enforce the immigration of illegal, overpopulating scab scum foreigners? If you are one of those people, it is YOU who shouldn't have a gun.
The courts have never heard a case based on any provisions of the Declaration. We did not even have a nation when the Declaration was written. The Constitution provides the framework and powers for the government and nothing in the Declaration legally affects that document.

Without the declaration of Independence, our country wouldn't have even been formed. Would anybody have written a constitution for a government that didn't exist?
What in the fuck guns are for. To protect the rich? To help them enforce the immigration of illegal, overpopulating scab scum foreigners? If you are one of those people, it is YOU who shouldn't have a gun.

guns have but one use....to defend yourself against an enemy. if you believe 'illegals' are your enemy, you're too fucking stupid to live in this country.
I can handle treasonous discussion. Tell me anything in my thread that you think is wrong. I can give you the patriotic answer. The Right answer.

Your premise for shooting Minorities is CRAZY TOWN TALK. That is something civilized societies do not do.

I believe all races including the LILLY WHITE's have their own troubles with stigmatic opinions about themselves by other races.

No one race is getting off Scott free here!

So that was my point. Let's not be hypocrites OK?

And never confuse the terms patriots with rebels. Someone who is patriotic to White Supremacy is not really a patriot in my opinion- more of a rebel without a cause!

You seem to be rebelling against the Bill Of Rights!
Without the declaration of Independence, our country wouldn't have even been formed. Would anybody have written a constitution for a government that didn't exist?

The Declaration just declared our independence and philosophy. It does not contain any government structure, powers, rights or limitations. You can claim your constitutional rights were violated, you have no rights contained in the Declaration that are legally binding.
That's already been gone over. It was actually said in the Declaration of Independence.

What's false is how right-wingers interpret the passage. They interpret it as rights for only Americans, but the text includes all humans by virtue of their humanity regardless of citizenship or allegiance.
Without the declaration of Independence, our country wouldn't have even been formed. Would anybody have written a constitution for a government that didn't exist?

bullshit!! imagine somebody so dense they believe a document causes a revolution. follow the money. most of the founding fathers were being screwed by all the new taxes the Brits were laying on them due to them fighting so many wars back in Europe, and they needed funding...and almost all the founding fathers were the rich guys having to pony up, without any representation....that is what caused the Revolution....
guns have but one use....to defend yourself against an enemy. if you believe 'illegals' are your enemy, you're too fucking stupid to live in this country.

i am not totally with you on all gun rights legislation, i would guess, but you are right about anyone thinking they have the right to shoot illegals or anybody else on sight is crazy. vigilante justice is vigilante, but it is not justice.
Yeah. White immigrants. Superior immigrants. That's why they kicked the asses of the injins who hadn't died from disease. Also, I am part injin myself. I wish I could take a knife and cut that filth out of me.

OMG another black racist who has been brain washed by the race hustlers. You claim to be part American Indian when in truth your bloodline came from the slums of New Deli. That makes you the other Indian.
guns have but one use....to defend yourself against an enemy. if you believe 'illegals' are your enemy, you're too fucking stupid to live in this country.

If you think borders and countries don't exist for a reason, you are too stupid to live anywhere. To do the patriotic thing, you should kill yourself.

Dalai Lama.jpg
Your premise for shooting Minorities is CRAZY TOWN TALK. That is something civilized societies do not do.

I believe all races including the LILLY WHITE's have their own troubles with stigmatic opinions about themselves by other races.

No one race is getting off Scott free here!

So that was my point. Let's not be hypocrites OK?

And never confuse the terms patriots with rebels. Someone who is patriotic to White Supremacy is not really a patriot in my opinion- more of a rebel without a cause!

You seem to be rebelling against the Bill Of Rights!

Oh, I wasn't talking about minorities. Basically, I was talking about White sovereignty. The right for White people to exist. The right of White people to have their own homeland. If they are White, only the most vile of filthy treasonous scum would be against any of those things. As for "civilized," you wouldn't recognize it if it bit you in the ass. Also, it might interest you to know that White people ARE the minority! There are over 7 billion people on earth. Probably only .5 out of 10 are White. Also, most of human history is a litany of warfare where one group tried to take what another group has. Your "civilization," computers, cars, electric lights or whatever doesn't and can't change the human condition. Anybody who would let anybody take what they have by any means is inferior to a maggot. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. Apparently your "intelligence" is inferior to that of a basically brainless coral.

Here is something else to consider. Probably the biggest problem facing the planet is overpopulation. It is causing human caused global warming, desertification, food shortages, wars and mass migrations. Our oceans are also dying. Human activity may even be causing the poles of the earth to shift. Every single day there are about 280,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. But the population levels of the White you've been programmed to hate so much aren't responsible (directly that is) for the population increase. In some places the numbers of White people may even be going down a little. Given these things and others, some may say that it isn't just right for White people to shoot non-whites, but it's actually a god damned duty!
The Declaration just declared our independence and philosophy. It does not contain any government structure, powers, rights or limitations. You can claim your constitutional rights were violated, you have no rights contained in the Declaration that are legally binding.

The Declaration of Independence itself was an illegal document. It took much bloodshed to make it legal. I am declaring a new Declaration of Independence. Independence from having mexicans and other minorities exist in our country. Now all we have to do is make that declaration legal too.
What's false is how right-wingers interpret the passage. They interpret it as rights for only Americans, but the text includes all humans by virtue of their humanity regardless of citizenship or allegiance.

The declaration says "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." My whole life has been a denial of all three. So in that regard, you can't tell me shit! The rest of the document justifies doing whatever is necessary to right those wrongs by any means necessary. Also, that text only included those people living in the American Colonies. Not every lowlife on the planet.
Oh, I wasn't talking about minorities. Basically, I was talking about White sovereignty. The right for White people to exist. The right of White people to have their own homeland. If they are White, only the most vile of filthy treasonous scum would be against any of those things. As for "civilized," you wouldn't recognize it if it bit you in the ass. Also, it might interest you to know that White people ARE the minority! There are over 7 billion people on earth. Probably only .5 out of 10 are White. Also, most of human history is a litany of warfare where one group tried to take what another group has. Your "civilization," computers, cars, electric lights or whatever doesn't and can't change the human condition. Anybody who would let anybody take what they have by any means is inferior to a maggot. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. Apparently your "intelligence" is inferior to that of a basically brainless coral.

Here is something else to consider. Probably the biggest problem facing the planet is overpopulation. It is causing human caused global warming, desertification, food shortages, wars and mass migrations. Our oceans are also dying. Human activity may even be causing the poles of the earth to shift. Every single day there are about 280,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. But the population levels of the White you've been programmed to hate so much aren't responsible (directly that is) for the population increase. In some places the numbers of White people may even be going down a little. Given these things and others, some may say that it isn't just right for White people to shoot non-whites, but it's actually a god damned duty!

My God! Did your daughter marry a Black man or something? LOL!
bullshit!! imagine somebody so dense they believe a document causes a revolution. follow the money. most of the founding fathers were being screwed by all the new taxes the Brits were laying on them due to them fighting so many wars back in Europe, and they needed funding...and almost all the founding fathers were the rich guys having to pony up, without any representation....that is what caused the Revolution....

I say bullshit to your bullshit. The whole point of the Declaration of Independence was to free ourselves from the rule of a country across the ocean. To have our own country ruled by our own people. THAT was reason enough for any revolution. Any other reason behind it was secondary. You brought up how the wealthy were being taxed. Can you be so high as to think that ONLY the wealthy are taxed? I'm sure that everybody was being taxed. By a government in which they weren't represented.
i am not totally with you on all gun rights legislation, i would guess, but you are right about anyone thinking they have the right to shoot illegals or anybody else on sight is crazy. vigilante justice is vigilante, but it is not justice.

A modern day Torie I see.
Immigration should have been stopped in 1492

No. As long as they are White, they should have been allowed in. The same holds true for today. Mexicans may say otherwise, but they aren't White. Neither are the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, jews or any of the other sand negros.