Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Npt sure/no opinion

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Totally. I mean, it's not like Obama might accomplish the disarmament of the Syrian chemical weapons program by agreement and without a single shot fired or something. Debacle with a capital "ACLE."


If that happens, and he never orders strikes, I'll be thrilled and happily admit I was wrong about his bungling this. I hope you are right.
And I'm not predicting that it will or won't happen. Just that slapping the debacle label on the whoel thing is slightly premature.
Well, if any of the conspiracies roaming the interwebs (and I mean the common stuff - not the crap BAC, Asshate, or Katsung would bring up), turn out to be true, it would definitely mean diplomacy was never on the table. Of course, you know my attitude toward conspiracies, so... Too early to tell.

#Axe to grind
IF President Obama is able to get Syria to give up its Chemical Weapons without a single shot being fired, while the Republicans are nipping at his heals the entire way.....

He should get another Noble Peace Prize but I am sure the Republicans will find a new way of attacking him.
IF President Obama is able to get Syria to give up its Chemical Weapons without a single shot being fired, while the Republicans are nipping at his heals the entire way.....He should get another Noble Peace Prize but I am sure the Republicans will find a new way of attacking him.

Don't you mean "Glorious Comrade Putin"?

If that happens, and he never orders strikes, I'll be thrilled and happily admit I was wrong about his bungling this. I hope you are right.

I'll be thrilled if that doesn't happen either. I don't think it will, taking it a step further. The 'vote' in Congress is as likely as the actual removal of Syria's WMD. Never to worry though, through the speech last night, he expressed our willingness to almost go to war over humanitarian reasons. It was a very strong statement of the will of the country.

He still has the problem of his foreign policy, highlighted the past 10 days though his legacy will include the totality. Yes, including that HE got bin Laden.