Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Npt sure/no opinion

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
tell me how doing nothing and walking away defeated by some scum bag and their Russian dictator supporter is good for us and the world?

That remark reveals your pure hate and it also reveals that you detest the idea of a peaceful settlement. Not even your president is willing to go that far publicly. You're literally hoping and maybe even praying that the Russian initiative for peace fails. Your politics are leading into an evil position. Be careful, it doesn't go unnoticed.
You keep saying this, yet historically, all of our most deadly wars have been fought with Democrats in charge. I am amused that you keep parroting this lie about war mongering Republicans when the historic facts are completely opposite? What is this incredible compunction you have to keep parroting these lies?

By the way, what in the hell do Republicans have to do with this topic in the first place? Obama was the one sticking his foot in his mouth with his redline rhetoric, which he now claims was everyone else, and Democrats are just as opposed to bombing Syria as Republicans seem to be.

You Americans can argue among yourselves on which party is the most guilty all you like. But you should know that it's not one party or the other for the rest of the world. It's you and it's your country. We really don't care which party's president leads the world into war and slaughter of innocents. The dying under US bombs is always the same.
If the decision for war is left to the congress then it will be quite indeciseive on who to blame. That is the only saving factor in Bush's case with Iraq. He gets to distribute the blame on the congress except for the fact that it was his cohorts and accomplices who fabricated the lies.

This situation with Obama is somewhat different and I think it's likely to play out differently. The push for war will be spearheaded by the US congress eventually and that will have the potential of leaving Obama's hands relatively clean.

There were no cohorts fabricating lies on Iraq unless you want to impugn the entire Clinton Administration and Democrat leadership in the House and Senate.

All believed the WMD argument; yet it wasn't even the primary reason for going into Iraq as illustrated by the Joint Resolution on Iraq which apparently you and many others still refuse to read and which contained over 1,800 words of which on,y 250 were devoted to the WMD question.

Read; become informed instead of a parrot of moronic DNC talking points.
why do you pretend we will try to take over the country like Bush did Iraq?

because your a fucking lair
There were no cohorts fabricating lies on Iraq unless you want to impugn the entire Clinton Administration and Democrat leadership in the House and Senate.

All believed the WMD argument; yet it wasn't even the primary reason for going into Iraq as illustrated by the Joint Resolution on Iraq which apparently you and many others still refuse to read and which contained over 1,800 words of which on,y 250 were devoted to the WMD question.

Read; become informed instead of a parrot of moronic DNC talking points.

fuck off troll the adults are dealing in facts here
You Americans can argue among yourselves on which party is the most guilty all you like. But you should know that it's not one party or the other for the rest of the world. It's you and it's your country. We really don't care which party's president leads the world into war and slaughter of innocents. The dying under US bombs is always the same.

would the world have gone along if Pootin had not vetoed?

First I would like you to google when the Vietnam war was started, then google the president that was in office at that time.....

Then I would like you to tell me why things that happened 50+ years ago are significant but the Left isn't supposed to talk about Bush because he's not in office anymore............

Also tell me what did more damage to Americans armed forces and the tax payers wallets.....Clintons bombing or Bush's war.....

Political newbie..

If you knew how to google, you would find that it was Johnson who started the combat role of American troops in Vietnam without congressional support for it.

But alas, you're not the anti-party, but rather anti-facts person. You're a Liberal and are too ashamed to admit it. I don't blame you, Liberals are stupid and uninformed, but your attempts to camaflouge it are not working. You're coming across as stupid and uninformed.
No I think your poll is ridiculous. Im not saying President will go down as one of the greats for legitimate reasons. He will go down as one of the greats because of his political narrative. Black boy, born to an absentee emigrant father trying to live in a white world full of prejudice who made it to the presidency.

I said this before Obama started his presidency. Often the greats are not considered great because of what they did as president, they are considered great based on timing or situation.

Consider Lincoln, Kennedy, the founding fathers, FDR. All good presidents, but forged by timing or circumstance.

Damn; this commentary required a LOT of kool-aid.

We shall see; I think my perspective was closer to the truth.
There were no cohorts fabricating lies on Iraq unless you want to impugn the entire Clinton Administration and Democrat leadership in the House and Senate.

All believed the WMD argument; yet it wasn't even the primary reason for going into Iraq as illustrated by the Joint Resolution on Iraq which apparently you and many others still refuse to read and which contained over 1,800 words of which on,y 250 were devoted to the WMD question.

Read; become informed instead of a parrot of moronic DNC talking points.


Comparing what President Obama is proposing in Syria to what happened in Iraq is like calling the pond behind your house the Pacific Ocean.

True, Iraq was the result of immense bi-partisan approval based on a legal right through the UN and agreements broken be Saadam. Syria is merely the result of feckless bluster and a desperate unilateral attempt to back up Obamas moronic redline rhetoric, which he now claims was everyone else's, and yet he stands alone.

But there is some similarity here, Russia was against Bush on Iraq which morons on the left agreed with, and is mow against action on Syria, which morons on the left now disagree with. Why? Because this time it is their woefully inept Messiahs reputation on he line.

Carry on clueless wonder.
explain in detail how it will benefit this country to let Assad get away scott free?

Sure, right after you explain how letting Saddam get away with it was better.

By the wy, your argument, as always, is a strawman. No one is suggesting Assad will get away "Scott free."

Where do you come up with this unadulterated crap?
would the world have gone along if Pootin had not vetoed?


You can't condemn Putin for taking a correct stand, it's just not credible. There are other issues you can blame him for.
Canada took the right stand on Iraq and stayed out. Jean Chretien, our PM at the time led our country into taking the right position in retrospect.

Preventing war is the UN's mandate and will always be preferable to going to war. War kills people. Stopping the Syrian war is the correct position to take. Going to war with Syria is the exact opposite of that. Why is it that you fail to accept that? Do you really want us to believe after all you have said that your concern is about the Syrian people?.

It's no more that than it was a concern about the people of Iraq. It all has to do with the reason why your country and any other country has an interest in the ME. It will never be anything more than that.
True, Iraq was the result of immense bi-partisan approval based on a legal right through the UN and agreements broken be Saadam. Syria is merely the result of feckless bluster and a desperate unilateral attempt to back up Obamas moronic redline rhetoric, which he now claims was everyone else's, and yet he stands alone.

But there is some similarity here, Russia was against Bush on Iraq which morons on the left agreed with, and is mow against action on Syria, which morons on the left now disagree with. Why? Because this time it is their woefully inept Messiahs reputation on he line.

Carry on clueless wonder.

What makes this thing smell so bad to other people than AMericans is that you on the other side politically are still trying to throw some justification behind the Iraq war.

I know your motives are political and that's bad enough but I also know that your motives are in support of evil if you are still unable to come to terms with the obvious truth about Iraq. It was a criminal action waged for phony reasons and it brands your country as criminal.

Why should the world grant you the opportunity to do it all again in another country?
You Americans can argue among yourselves on which party is the most guilty all you like. But you should know that it's not one party or the other for the rest of the world. It's you and it's your country. We really don't care which party's president leads the world into war and slaughter of innocents. The dying under US bombs is always the same.

But your okay when despots, tyrants and dictators bomb innocents; got it.

As for America bombing innocents, it is very hard to take such an asinine offensive claim serious, but there you go again pretending that the nation who has done more to liberate nations from the chains of tyranny would target innocents while trying to liberate nations. It is beyond ignorant and stupid.

Perhaps it is because you are naive and incredibly stupid that compells you to parrot such moronic claims. But let me attempt to open that incredibly dull mind to a painful reality of the Middle East and dealing with terrorists; they don't care about civilian casualties. They have no moral dilemna using civilians as shields, killing them for their cause or hiding among them to commit atrocities. As soon as you are capable of getting that through your dullard mind, the sooner you wil be able to make more intelligent arguments rather than the mindless drivel and parroting leftist/terrorist propaganda that currently erupts from your keyboard.

Carry on fool.