Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

Will Obama's Syrian debacle blot his legacy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Npt sure/no opinion

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Granted, you're right about their motives but they're also right about their cause. You can't take that from them. It's the same situation for them as it was for Clinton's Kosovo war which was also a phony war for phony reasons.

your a liar
Pretending these people are not dead and that assad has not done this more than once is a fucking LIE.

stop gobbling up lies
tell us how it is in Americas interest to allow these weapons to float on the winds of war and to be a prize of the winner?

BTW some will enter the fray just to get these weapons in their control.
What think you?

Syria, Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the economic malaise he has wrought will all be a blot on what will go down as the single worst partisan President in our history.

Hopefully this will not put a stain on future black candidates for the office who are infinately better qualified than this inept, inexperienced partisan buffoon.
why do NONE of you EVER answer that question?

because you know your fucking wrong deep down inside
Syria, Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the economic malaise he has wrought will all be a blot on what will go down as the single worst partisan President in our history.

Hopefully this will not put a stain on future black candidates for the office who are infinately better qualified than this inept, inexperienced partisan buffoon.

dear fucking idiot,

your basing your entire world on partisan lies asshole
tell me how doing nothing and walking away defeated by some scum bag and their Russian dictator supporter is good for us and the world?
explain in detail how it will benefit this country to let Assad get away scott free?

Perhaps in the same way that US foreign policy in the ME caused 911. It was a revenge attack you know. It's one of the few facts that Ron Paul and his libertarian followers got right.

And then there is the expense of a war that will surely be escalated.

And then there's the Russia factor and the fact that this is a deliberate attempt to negate their influence in the ME.

I see this as having consequences that could surpass all the other US led wars in the ME. Apparently about 80% or 90% of the American people are seeing that same problem.

In any case, isn't it up to you to explain in detail how bombing Assad is going to benefit your country? Do you really believe Obama's hollow suggestion that Assad is coming some day to gas American children?
Perhaps in the same way that US foreign policy in the ME caused 911. It was a revenge attack you know. It's one of the few facts that Ron Paul and his libertarian followers got right.

And then there is the expense of a war that will surely be escalated.

And then there's the Russia factor and the fact that this is a deliberate attempt to negate their influence in the ME.

I see this as having consequences that could surpass all the other US led wars in the ME. Apparently about 80% or 90% of the American people are seeing that same problem.

In any case, isn't it up to you to explain in detail how bombing Assad is going to benefit your country? Do you really believe Obama's hollow suggestion that Assad is coming some day to gas American children?


it was done for control of oil.

your just too stupid to understand the real world
The Left has always embraced diplomacy without war while the Right constantly talks "War now! Think later!"

I think that since Obama was pushing for invasion, yes, it does, has and will hurt his reputation.....But the Left hasn't been stating he is Mr.Perfect since about '11. Try to keep up with Left media.

You keep saying this, yet historically, all of our most deadly wars have been fought with Democrats in charge. I am amused that you keep parroting this lie about war mongering Republicans when the historic facts are completely opposite? What is this incredible compunction you have to keep parroting these lies?

By the way, what in the hell do Republicans have to do with this topic in the first place? Obama was the one sticking his foot in his mouth with his redline rhetoric, which he now claims was everyone else, and Democrats are just as opposed to bombing Syria as Republicans seem to be.
Remember a few months ago when Benghazi was going to bring down the Obama Presidency...?

Then after that it was the IRS scandal...

Then the NSA scandal....