Will The Left Even Attempt To Explain This?

Why should I bother with your post or give a flying fuck about anything you say? You're never right, you're a bottom dwelling scum sucking lefty, Pittsburgh sucks and so do the Steelers!

Wow...what an intelligent and well thought out retort...you ever think it could be that YOU suck....at debate?
THE STEELERS LOST What a shitty fucking team, huh?

Yep, they did....but only a little pussy like you would use something like that in a most lame attempt to get under my skin.

You see, I am a Steelers fan through thick and thin. I was with them in the 70's when they were winning SuperBowls, I was with them in the 80's when they truly were a shitty fucking team, into the 90's-2005 with the Cowher era, when they were the team everyone hated to play because Bettis would beat your defense.into submission, and still am today....whether they Go 16-0 or 0-16.

So your little weak assed attempt at a barb just makes me chuckle.
Yep, they did....but only a little pussy like you would use something like that in a most lame attempt to get under my skin.

You see, I am a Steelers fan through thick and thin. I was with them in the 70's when they were winning SuperBowls, I was with them in the 80's when they truly were a shitty fucking team, into the 90's-2005 with the Cowher era, when they were the team everyone hated to play because Bettis would beat your defense.into submission, and still am today....whether they Go 16-0 or 0-16.

So your little weak assed attempt at a barb just makes me chuckle.

like every Cubs fan or Red Sox fan I ever knew!
Of course you’ll excuse me right numb-nuts? I keep forgetting that there’s a third cause “it’s all Bush’s fault," huh?????

When the fuck are y’all mindless leftist bottom dwelling racketeering bastards gonna let old crooked George rest in peace???

When he's kicking up daisies.
Yep, they did....but only a little pussy like you would use something like that in a most lame attempt to get under my skin.

You see, I am a Steelers fan through thick and thin. I was with them in the 70's when they were winning SuperBowls, I was with them in the 80's when they truly were a shitty fucking team, into the 90's-2005 with the Cowher era, when they were the team everyone hated to play because Bettis would beat your defense.into submission, and still am today....whether they Go 16-0 or 0-16.

So your little weak assed attempt at a barb just makes me chuckle.

Hear, hear!
Context, my friend....learn how it's used. That's how many of these arguments start.

You said that people making $40k get EITC. $40k for a single person is a pretty decent living. $40k for a.family of four is barely scraping by. It also doesn't show how that money is earned. Perhaps both parents are working and making $20k each. Then you have to factor in stuff like child care(if the children are young), the added cost of EVERYTHING when you have children.

For example....when I was single....I had more money to piss away 13 years ago at $30k/year than my wife and I do now at $110k/year....why? A household to take care of and children to feed.

So yes....you are making false arguments.

No, I put my statement into no context. I stated a fact, which you confirmed.

You put my statement into irrelevant criteria.
Yep, they did....but only a little pussy like you would use something like that in a most lame attempt to get under my skin.

Under your skin is a black-hearted, low-life, racist, leftist racketeer who has no rational answer for the OP.

You see, I am a Steelers fan through thick and thin. I was with them in the 70's when they were winning SuperBowls, I was with them in the 80's when they truly were a shitty fucking team, into the 90's-2005 with the Cowher era, when they were the team everyone hated to play because Bettis would beat your defense.into submission, and still am today....whether they Go 16-0 or 0-16.

I’ll bet you’re also a BIG fan of Anthony David Weiner, right numb-nuts?

So your little weak assed attempt at a barb just makes me chuckle.

Do you also “chuckle” at yourself when you can’t rationally answer the OP?????
46 million Americans are on food stamps. Is it because the Obama economy sucks, or is it because millions of Americans are fraudulent bottom dwelling, blood sucking bastards?

How can anyone blame those who take advantage of these brain dead Liberal programs? The problem lies in the failure of this President and his liberal agenda built on brain dead Marxist class envy rhetoric and hyper partisan buffoonery.

But this is what you get when low information voters select a man with ZERO experience running anything and whose experience is a community organizer with a campaign based on nothing more than slogans like Hope and Change.

You cannot spend your way out of a recession with money you don't have. That is the third world theory of leftist dictators. It has never worked, isn't working now and never will work. But this President is so ill equipped to lead economically that he now argues for another $550 billion stimulus identical to his $850 billion claiming that this time, it will do what $850 billion couldn't do.

If we had sound economic policies based on Conservative principles, you wouldn't need more welfare because job creation eliminates the need for it. But the current low information dullards who elected this buffoon actually believe that one can create economic policy and jobs from the bottom up. I can't imagine a more inane theory; but that is what this President and Administration filled with morons is claiming. And as they fail, they then engage in hyper partisan rhetoric claiming that their opponents won't spend more on welfare because they don't care about children, women, grandma or the familiy dog.

Until the American sheeple wake up from their slumber, idiots in the Democrat left will continue pushing this pabulum that feeds the ignorant masses; that one can build a job creating economy from the bottom up.

When an American President sounds like Hugo Chavez and utters similar Marxist class envy rhetoric, you get an economy like Venezuelas or Detroit.
Suck the corporate dick a little more sunshine.

It's official; you're an idiot. But hen this is consistent with being a Liberal. Thank you for removing all doubt what a dullard you are. I'm guessing you voted for Obama twice because you are THAT stupid.
It's official; you're an idiot. But hen this is consistent with being a Liberal. Thank you for removing all doubt what a dullard you are. I'm guessing you voted for Obama twice because you are THAT stupid.

Democrats aren’t “liberals” they’re leftist socialist bastards. Classical liberalism is promoting the Bill Of Rights.

How fucking stupid was it to vote for Obama or McCain or Romney? All three are BIG fucking government brain-dead racketeers.

“Don’t vote it just encourages the bastards” (P. J. O’Rourke)
Democrats aren’t “liberals” they’re leftist socialist bastards. Classical liberalism is promoting the Bill Of Rights.

How fucking stupid was it to vote for Obama or McCain or Romney? All three are BIG fucking government brain-dead racketeers.

“Don’t vote it just encourages the bastards” (P. J. O’Rourke)

Here's an unfortunate fact; low information dimwitted Democrats who mindlessly vote straight party lines outnumber Conservatives.

Unfortunate fact number two; we currently have an entrenched two party system that are the majority. So if you CHOOSE not to vote, you're merely ensuring that morons like Obama get elected and re-elected.

As for McCain; yes, I held my nose to vote for him. But he would have been 1,000 times better than Obama with or without Palin. As for Romney; he was the best candidate we have seen since the Reagan years. But alas, was beat by an inexperienced, inept, clueless hyper partisan community organizing asshat because this nation is rapidly becoming a society of clueless buffoons.

So yes, choose not to vote and ensure that the worst of two necessary evils control our politics and destroy our future. Better to choose a politician who at least believes in the Constitution over one who pisses on it and thinks they are way above it.
Here's an unfortunate fact; low information dimwitted Democrats who mindlessly vote straight party lines outnumber Conservatives.

What do you define as conservatism? What is a conservative?

Unfortunate fact number two; we currently have an entrenched two party system that are the majority. So if you CHOOSE not to vote, you're merely ensuring that morons like Obama get elected and re-elected.

The problem is the duopoly party entrenchment. They own major media, the national debate, ballot access regulations and all of the Wall Street and special interest money. Your vote means squat! You only get two choices between BIG fucking government duopoly racketeers. The lesser of evils is EVIL. The lesser of evils is subjective.

Whether you vote or not you’re ensuring that duopoly crooked bastards get elected and reelected. Even the most honest and well-meaning who go to Washington almost always end up corrupted and pawns of the corrupt bribery and threat system. Examples otherwise are damn few and damn far between.

As for McCain; yes, I held my nose to vote for him. But he would have been 1,000 times better than Obama with or without Palin.

Horseshit. McCain is a fucking war-mongering fucking BIG government neo-con phony that votes with Democrats on gun control, hobnobs with the leftist bastards like Russ Feingold and Joe Lieberman.

As for Romney; he was the best candidate we have seen since the Reagan years.

Horseshit! Romney is a fucking BIG government flip-flopping lying bastard that promoted every side of every issue depending on who’s fucking ear he has. He’s also the original author of fucking Obama Care. He’s a fucking Wall Street crony and a political phony. And Reagan and his fucking Irish drunken drinking buddy Trip O’Neal together damn near tripled the national debt.

But alas, was beat by an inexperienced, inept, clueless hyper partisan community organizing asshat because this nation is rapidly becoming a society of clueless buffoons.

The fucking communist in the White House is there because of your fucking buddy G. W. Bushwhacker. 2 unconstitutional wars. lies about his wars. Stupid fucking nation building. Rightwing socialist programs, The fucking Patriot Act and Wall Street bailouts. Bush got Obama elected and your phony stuffed shirt Romney got him reelected.

So yes, choose not to vote and ensure that the worst of two necessary evils control our politics and destroy our future.

The worst of evils is subjective and still evil. The fucking duopoly owns your sorry ass and the corrupt system. Voting in a rigged system is retarted!!!

Better to choose a politician who at least believes in the Constitution over one who pisses on it and thinks they are way above it.

The only fucking Republicans I’ve noticed in my lifetime that actually believed in the Constitution were Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul. The rest are BIG fucking government neo-con authoritarians and you’re their fucking sock puppet.