Will The Left Even Attempt To Explain This?

So once again you moved the goal posts and blame me for something someone else said? Spare me your homophobic slurs.

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which went to 27.5 million low- and moderate-income working families in 2010.


I moved nothing. I've been asking the same question since ILA brought up the EITC.

Edit: homophobic? Hardly. Slur? Not really, you seem to be speaking for him...
I'm sure you didn't mean to infer that I am a gay male lover of ILAs, right?

No...I meant he's either using you as his proxy or you are doing it voluntarily....either way....you're being his bitch.

Never even considered the gay thing. Why? You hiding something? Not that I care....have at it....hope it works out.
No...I meant he's either using you as his proxy or you are doing it voluntarily....either way....you're being his bitch. Never even considered the gay thing. Why? You hiding something? Not that I care....have at it....hope it works out.

So you didn't even consider "the gay thing", you meant to insult me in a non-homophobic way because I responded to your post shown here:

How many of the people who qualify for the EITC get MORE than they paid in.....I'll wait.

Since your position is that I acted as someones "proxy" by responding (in a factual and reasonable manner) and am therefore his "bitch", you should have no qualms about having the same standards applied to yourself, right?
So you didn't even consider "the gay thing", you meant to insult me in a non-homophobic way because I responded to your post shown here:

Since your position is that I acted as someones "proxy" by responding (in a factual and reasonable manner) and am therefore his "bitch", you should have no qualms about having the same standards applied to yourself, right?

Factual? But you can't answer my question....you tapdance around it. Why am I even talking to you? You are a poser....when do you go back to school?
Even the one thing you are almost correct about is so absurdly inaccurate that it renders your entire post inane. Good day Sir.

Oh! So I’m almost correct but I’m absurdly inaccurate. That’s almost an oxymoron and your total lack of explanation of your insinuation is Oh So revealing of your total loss for imaginative and rational response.
Simple...because you only gave two possible causes....both crazily skewed to your point of view. That's irrational....but a lunatic like yourself doesn't know the difference...huh Goober?

Of course you’ll excuse me right numb-nuts? I keep forgetting that there’s a third cause “it’s all Bush’s fault," huh?????

When the fuck are y’all mindless leftist bottom dwelling racketeering bastards gonna let old crooked George rest in peace???
Of course you’ll excuse me right numb-nuts? I keep forgetting that there’s a third cause “it’s all Bush’s fault," huh?????

When the fuck are y’all mindless leftist bottom dwelling racketeering bastards gonna let old crooked George rest in peace???

Wow....the lunatic strikes again. A little challenge....why don't go through all my posts and find how many times I said that. You need medication.
I posted factual information with citations. Why the gratuitous insults?

That didn't answer my question.

OK....let's take a look at the information you provided. ILA's claim was that the EITC was the reason that 47% of the people didn't pay Federal income tax....right?

You come along and say that 27M people will use the EITC. Right there shows that ILA's belief is based on lies perpetrated by whomever he got that information from. Because in a country with a population of 313M, that's less than 10%.

Furthermore....many of them don't end up getting more than they paid in. So, I wanted a percentage of those that actually do get more back than they paid in out of the 27M. So if anything,the whole sustain for the EITC is just one more right wing talking point used to stir up outrage amongst the ignorant and those too lazy to use those critical thinking skills that Limbaugh is honing to actually look up the validity of such outlandish claims.

You doubled down on the lie/ignorance that ILA showed and you are STILL dodging the question.

This will be my last response to you or ILA on this thread until that question is answered.

You asked, I answered.

QUOTE=Steelplate;1307191]This will be my last response to you or ILA on this thread until that question is answered.

Suits me.[/QUOTE]

I'm gonna break my statement one time.

Liar. You didn't even come close to answering.

Of course it suits you. It let's you off the hook. But hey, how about I interject "did you find those percentages yet?" After every post you make ala the way you did to Desh?

Fraudulent rhetoric....it's all you're good for. Asked to prove your assertions? You tapdance.

Wow....the lunatic strikes again. A little challenge....why don't go through all my posts and find how many times I said that. You need medication.

Why should I bother with your post or give a flying fuck about anything you say? You're never right, you're a bottom dwelling scum sucking lefty, Pittsburgh sucks and so do the Steelers!