Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Should I take that as a yes? All the democrats that claimed elections were stolen or rigged are reckless liars, too?

When, Biden, the serial plagiarizer lies, Boomer white lib media calls it a gaff. :palm: He still has not apologized to Border patrol and their horses for the whipgate LIE.

When Trump tells a joke or uses hyperbole, Boomer White lib media calls it a lie. :palm:
Who is lying depends on the situation. Again Russia worked to help Trump. Hillary isn't lying by pointing that out. Abrams isn't a liar because the poles WERE purged.

Trump lied about voter fraud, not just in 2020, but in 2016, also.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court handed the Democrats a victory on Friday when it ruled that contentious ballot boxes could be used in the state and they wouldn’t be confined to select locations.
It's kind of interesting that this majority-Marxist court's ruling came out juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust after James Clyburn (SC representative, leader of the AME Church network of corrupt poll workers) paid Wisconsin a visit (going to handfuls of select precincts in Madison, Milwaukee, and Beloit) in order to give instructions to his corrupt AME Church network of poll workers re: how to fraud the upcoming (s)election season.
Why is it that Democrats want to make our elections less secure and more subject to fraud?
Because Demonkkkrats are incapable of winning a free and fair election.

I live here in Wisconsin. The PEOPLE of Wisconsin want Trump, and even within the libtard capitol of Madison itself, I've seen people handing out Hovde signs (he's the senate candidate running against Baldwin) and I have heard people express their support for Trump. In fact, throughout most anywhere in the state that I go, I see Trump signs everywhere (and speak to people who support Trump)... I see plenty of Hovde signs too... However, I hardly see any Biden signs anywhere and I see basically zero Baldwin signs anywhere. The people who I've spoken to largely aren't fans of Biden OR Baldwin.

Yet, come (s)election season, my TV screen will try to gaslight me into believing that Biden and Baldwin were the "winners", despite my "lying eyes" and "lying ears".
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When was the last time republicans accepted the result of an election they lost?
If you're referring to a Presidential election, then that would be 2012. Romney lost to Obama.

When was the last time Demonkkkrats accepted the result of an election they lost? Hmmmmm, well, it definitely wasn't 2016 (they considered Trump to be an illegitimate President). It wasn't 2000 either (they considered Bush to be an illegitimate President)... Did they accept that Bush won the 2nd time around (2004), or do we need to go all the way back to Bush's father (1988)?
When Trump responded to Kim's insults by saying ...., I would never call Kim Jong Il short and fat ... was it a lie or was it funny?

Was Biden lying when he called ... Hussein O. the FIRST CLEAN NEGRO?
Not that it matters, but Trump also said Kim was his lover, so why would he call him something derogatory
Because Demonkkkrats are incapable of winning a free and fair election.

I live here in Wisconsin. The PEOPLE of Wisconsin want Trump, and even within the libtard capitol of Madison itself, I've seen people handing out Hovde signs (he's the senate candidate running against Baldwin) and I have heard people express their support for Trump. In fact, throughout most anywhere in the state that I go, I see Trump signs everywhere (and speak to people who support Trump)... I see plenty of Hovde signs too... However, I hardly see any Biden signs anywhere and I see basically zero Baldwin signs anywhere. The people who I've spoken to largely aren't fans of Biden OR Baldwin.

Yet, come (s)election season, my TV screen will try to gaslight me into believing that Biden and Baldwin were the "winners", despite my "lying eyes" and "lying ears".
Here we go with the Big Lie again, humorous how they have to work it into everything almost to the point that they think saying it enough will make it true. Is, and always will be, the Big Lie

And Democrats, unlike Trumpkins, don’t have to wear Tshirts and hats or put our lawn signs to show who they support, they do it at the ballot box, who is the Governor of Wisconsin again?
This demonstrates the power of voters to actually have an impact on their own lives. The last Supreme Court election decided the majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The liberal won, and won easily, by over ten points. Did someone actually suggest that the election was stolen? ROTFLMFAO!!!! That's hilarious. But I digress. Because of this one election, the court will protect the rights of the voters, unlike the other side. Republicans have known this for a long time. It's time for democrats to get smart and make sure they overwhelm the polls in local elections as well as the Presidential election. That's where the real battles are taking place.
And we will have people at every last one of them monitoring everything. In fact I kind of hope they do try cheating again,....The info we provide will increase their sentences.
So you will send people to harass voters that are the wrong color. I hope they arrest every one of you little thugs.
If you're referring to a Presidential election, then that would be 2012. Romney lost to Obama.

When was the last time Demonkkkrats accepted the result of an election they lost? Hmmmmm, well, it definitely wasn't 2016 (they considered Trump to be an illegitimate President). It wasn't 2000 either (they considered Bush to be an illegitimate President)... Did they accept that Bush won the 2nd time around (2004), or do we need to go all the way back to Bush's father (1988)?
Why do republicans keep winning elections with fewer votes than Democrats?

Because Republicans can’t win more votes than Democrats
Here we go with the Big Lie again,
Yup... here you go with telling it again...
And Democrats, unlike Trumpkins, don’t have to wear Tshirts and hats
... unless they're illegally crossing the southern border...
or put our lawn signs to show who they support,
They DO put lawn signs out... the very few people who support him, anyway.
they do it at the ballot box,
Of course, but then there's also Obama's ballot harvesters and Clyburn's ballot counters who commit juuuuust enough election fraud to juuuuust barely get Demonkkkrat candidates juuuuuust barely "over the hump" in the end in any key state that it's necessary to do so.
who is the Governor of Wisconsin again?
We don't have a Governor. We have an installed puppet occupying the office. That puppet's name is "Tyrant" Tony Evers, who became a tyrant during COVID, completely ignoring state law to usurp power over people that he doesn't have.
So once again, Democratic leftist jurists write law from the bench as they did in 2020. Sad.

So how does Wiscinsin enforce some of it's provisions for fraud when there are unsecured ballot boxes that can't be watched or monitored for fraudulent activity?

Why is it that Democrats want to make our elections less secure and more subject to fraud?
The answer to THAT is already known. They can't 'win' any other way.