Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

I guess that explains why are you working so hard to destroy the public trust in elections by making so many false claims. You want to end democracy.
The United States was never a democracy. The Oligarchy YOU want is not a democracy either. Redefinition fallacies.
You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else, Poorboy.
The public trust was destroyed when Trump & Co. started spreading lies about voter fraud. Absentee, mail-in ballots and drop boxes have been used for decades. Few people cared until Trump started spreading lies.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void.
So you will send people to harass voters that are the wrong color. I hope they arrest every one of you little thugs.
Of course not. We could care less what color they are or even who they vote for. Its more about HOW MANY votes are dropped in boxes. They must be accurate and accounted for.


  • In 2018, Stacey Abrams refused to concede after losing the Georgia governor’s race and repeatedly challenged the “legitimacy of the election” after her loss.
If you want to know what Democrats are doing just listen to what they are accusing republicans of doing, then you will know what they are doing. It's a standard tactic of the Democrats, they just accuse you of what they are doing so that if you say, "What? You are the ones doing that!" nobody will believe you.
Yes, some states made changes due to COVID.
That was the excuse.
Some of those changes were determined, by the courts, to violate the state Constitution and others weren't.
They ALL violated the Constitution of the United States and their own State constitutions.
That isn't the same as what Trump and Co. claimed.
Irrelevance fallacy.
They were claiming hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes: dead, underage, felons, illegals, etc. They also made claims about mail fraud. All baseless and lies. Those lies are what have people losing their minds, over nothing, today.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void.
The fact that observers weren't allowed to be as close as they wanted, doesn't mean there was a single additional fraudulent/illegal vote.
Counting without observers present is ILLEGAL, Void.
Trump called Georgia claiming 100k illegal votes.
He never did, Void. You are hallucinating again.
Has he ever backed up that claim? No. Has he ever retracted that claim or any other unproven claim he made? No.
He never made any such claim, Void.
Do his supporters care? No. Despite multiple audits not finding anything abnormal or remotely close to what Trump & Co. claimed, they stick to believing the lies.
Gaslighting won't work, Void.
Abrams disputed the election because over 100k people were removed from voter roles just before the election. Whether you agree that she would have won, the purging of voter roles ACTUALLY happened. Hillary's claims were because it was clear that Russia was working to help Trump. Russian hackers didn't release RNC emails, but they did release DNC emails. They also hacked and released Hillary's and maybe one other person.....no Republicans.

You can question if it's responsible to question results, but there are facts backing up some complaints. Trump has never provided an ounce of support for his claims, which means he was lying from the start.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void.
Trump lied. He baselessly claimed 3 million illegal votes in 2016, baselessly claimed a stolen election with more lies in 2020 called leaders in more than one state with his lies and has never retracted the claims. He's an orange piece of shit. He ACTUALLY tried to steal an election.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void. You cannot blame their election fraud on Trump or anybody else, either.
Who is lying depends on the situation.
No, it doesn't.
Again Russia worked to help Trump.
Putin is a socialist. He did want Trump to win because Trump is a capitalist. Putin wants DEMOCRATS. He's said so.
Hillary isn't lying by pointing that out. Abrams isn't a liar because the poles WERE purged.

Trump lied about voter fraud, not just in 2020, but in 2016, also.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void. You can't blame it on Trump either.
Clearly, democrats did not accept the results in 2000 and 2016.
Clearly they did. Where was the storming of the Capitol to prevent the electoral count? Where was the coercion to change the count? Where were the slates of fake electors in every contested state?
Good one. Babylon Bee. Of course, Trumpers will take that as truth.
Yeah, no need for election integrity. Fraud is the sacred right for democrats. duhmobcracy DEPENDS on election fraud. democrats can't win free and fair elections, after all.
But, here’s the bitch for you, bitch. You just can’t find the fucking fraud, can you?