Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

They do not control people dropping off fake ballots.
When that happens, outside of your dreams that is, let us know. Your so-called fake ballots can just as easily be mailed or taken to a drop box inside the clerk’s office.

You failed again. Still. Always.
Do you ask the registrars office to send you a ballot or do they send them to everyone on the rolls.
I request one. Just like they do in Wisconsin. That’s irrelevant to the drop boxes, though, isn’t it?

Try a different diversion. That one failed.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void. You cannot blame their election fraud on Trump or anybody else, either.
Ah, yes. The mountains of affidavits. Not just 234 pages like Trump's press secretary said, but mountains. Another claim you've yet to backup. Weird.
51 votes got Biden elected?

The blatant lie by these supposed "officials" corrupted the election. That can't be denied.

Would it have changed the outcome if they hadn't lied to America under the color of authority? I can't totally say. You would have still had unregulated mail in ballots in Pennsylvania without so much as signature checks. You still would have had ballot dump boxes in Wisconsin for massive ballot dumps. You still would have had coerced ballot harvesting in Georgia.

So would the truth have changed the outcome? Impossible to know. But it was one more corrupt act to put Biden in office illegitimately.
Nope. I don’t give a shit. Ballot boxes and mail in ballots have been the norm in Idaho for years. I can’t recall the last time I voted in person.

But, Idaho is a slam dunk Republican win, so those tried and true methods CAN’T have cheating, can they?

Cheating is only good for about 10%.

In any election, the American must have a 10% edge over the democrat to overcome the fraud quotient. It doesn't mean that it's impossible for the American to win, but the democrats starts off with about 10% due to the massive fraud machine democrats have in place. Not just 2020 - ANY election.
When that happens, let us know. Not when you wish or think it happens. WHEN IT HAPPENS.

We’ll wait.
It already has, and the Democrats are doing their damnedest to do more.

Here's the latest Democrat stupidity on that front:

The Democrats are fighting a bill that would require all voter registration nationwide to show proof of citizenship before someone can register to vote. That seems like a very common-sense thing you'd want to have to ensure non-citizens don't vote. But the Democrats are against this.

Their two failed bills, the For the Voters Act (aka Fuck the Voters Act), and the John Lewis Voter's Act would have legalized wholesale voter fraud on a wide number of fronts. The Democrats were all for that.
They merely clarified that secure drop boxes were under the control of the clerk. Just as any reasonable person would. As much so as any drop mailbox
It isn't drop boxes that are the real problem, it's a combination of mail-in voting and having what I call, "Voting seasons." That is you are using uncontrolled mail-in ballots and allow people weeks to well over a month to cast their vote.

That results in a combination of time and opportunity for massive undetectable fraud to occur.
Nope. I don’t give a shit. Ballot boxes and mail in ballots have been the norm in Idaho for years. I can’t recall the last time I voted in person.

But, Idaho is a slam dunk Republican win, so those tried and true methods CAN’T have cheating, can they?
Yes, they can, Dumber.
Voting made easy is a win for everyone.
If America ever wants to do the right thing, we would move our FEDERAL elections to April 14th, and we would simply vote for all federal offices on our FEDERAL TAX return form!

Or move the TAX RETURN DEADLINE to November 5th! WHICHEVER!

Because anyone who is forced to pay taxes, should be allowed to vote, AND THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST WAY TO INSURE EVERYONE WHO PAYS THEIR TAXES VOTES! 100% participation- AND DUTY OF CITIZENSHIP!

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Opinion presented as fact.
No, it was the excuse.
The courts disagree.
What courts?????!? Do you even know what you are talking about???!?
Your opinion is irrelevant and doesn't create reality.
I guess you don't. Not my opinion, Void.
I'm still waiting for Trump, Giuliani, Powell, Lindell, True the Vote, D'Souza....anyone to support one of their fraud claims with data.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear, Void.
No, it was the excuse.

What courts?????!?

Not my opinion, Void.

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear, Void.
Courts in several states ruled on the constitutionality of changes made during COVID. Some changes were determined to be unconstitutional. Some changes were determined to be constitutional. Again, how do you not know this?

Never mind. I already know the answer to my question.
Here’s the shits of it for you. They decided, rightfully so, that a drop box designated BY THE MUNICIPAL CLERK is the same as delivering TO THE MUNICIPAL CLERK.
No, they didn't Dumber. A court is not the legislature. Redefinition fallacy.
None of you morons can tell us why a drop box IN the clerk’s office is any different than a drop box OUTSIDE the clerk’s office.
Ballots returned to a drop box set up, maintained, secured, and emptied by the municipal clerk IS being returned to the clerk. Nobody but a “steal the election” morons would think differently.
The drop boxes are not secure, Dumber.
Courts in several states ruled on the constitutionality of changes made during COVID.
No court has authority to change any constitution, Void.
Some changes were determined to be unconstitutional. Some changes were determined to be constitutional. Again, how do you not know this?

Never mind. I already know the answer to my question.
No court has authority to change any constitution, Void.