Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

No court has authority to change any constitution, Void.

No court has authority to change any constitution, Void.
The state constitution, you dunce. Interpreting the Constitution is not changing it. Holy crap, there aren't enough faces and palms in the world to interact with you.

The best part is, you think so highly of yourself that you think you know the constitution of each state better than the courts do! :ROFLMAO:
When that happens, outside of your dreams that is, let us know. Your so-called fake ballots can just as easily be mailed or taken to a drop box inside the clerk’s office.

You failed again. Still. Always.
The clerk knows who did receive a ballot and who did not. If a ballot is filled out by someone who never requested one it is a problem. If ballots are sent out to everyone on the voter role no one knows who is casting the ballot.
Try it a see
If I thought it would matter, I would help assemble an army of trumpers to monitor every Dropbox in the country. This is a debate that I've had with myself and others. The debate is whether or not it is worth the time, money and resources to do a 100%, top to bottom audits of every election in every swing state.

Two things make me believe that a complete audit would not help anything. First, Arizona already did that type of audit and the conspiracy theorist didn't care. Second, if a full audit were to find nothing It would very likely just mean, in the minds of the conspiracy theorist, that the auditoes we're in on it.
Do you ask the registrars office to send you a ballot or do they send them to everyone on the rolls.

The blatant lie by these supposed "officials" corrupted the election. That can't be denied.

Would it have changed the outcome if they hadn't lied to America under the color of authority? I can't totally say. You would have still had unregulated mail in ballots in Pennsylvania without so much as signature checks. You still would have had ballot dump boxes in Wisconsin for massive ballot dumps. You still would have had coerced ballot harvesting in Georgia.

So would the truth have changed the outcome? Impossible to know. But it was one more corrupt act to put Biden in office illegitimately.
You have a very simple problem here. All your shit about any made up corrupt election is just that.
Cheating is only good for about 10%.

In any election, the American must have a 10% edge over the democrat to overcome the fraud quotient. It doesn't mean that it's impossible for the American to win, but the democrats starts off with about 10% due to the massive fraud machine democrats have in place. Not just 2020 - ANY election.
Nope, just lies.

But, keep floundering. It’s funny in it’s own pathetic way. Kinda like the last place finisher in Special Olympics.
It already has, and the Democrats are doing their damnedest to do more.

Here's the latest Democrat stupidity on that front:

The Democrats are fighting a bill that would require all voter registration nationwide to show proof of citizenship before someone can register to vote. That seems like a very common-sense thing you'd want to have to ensure non-citizens don't vote. But the Democrats are against this.

Their two failed bills, the For the Voters Act (aka Fuck the Voters Act), and the John Lewis Voter's Act would have legalized wholesale voter fraud on a wide number of fronts. The Democrats were all for that.
As I said, bitch, WHEN you see massive election fraud happening, let us know.
^This idiot doesn’t know the Constitution from shinola. Hasn’t ONCE shown where any state Constitution was violated. Or any state supreme court that has said so.

I know the constitution........you do not......
I know Christian theology......you not.......
I understand American politics......you do not......

just wanted to correct the three biggest errors you have made in life.......no need to thank me.........
perhaps for 2024 we should place armed snipers at every unsupervised drop box.........it would probably guarantee supervision......
I can't?

How do I keep shoving it in your face then?

Let’s see, 19% of 30% said they helped fill out a ballot for a family friend. That’s 5% total that showed them where to sign, that kind of shit. So, that means they voted multiple times? Nope. That the voter wanted to vote for a different candidate? Nope. Did it say what candidate was voted for? Nope. Hollow claims.

The second one about “alleged”? Go home, sonny, your mommy is calling.
Mail in ballots go through the same process as in-person voting. You have to sign and date the ballot. Your signature is checked. Your name has to be in the precinct log book.
It isn't drop boxes that are the real problem, it's a combination of mail-in voting and having what I call, "Voting seasons." That is you are using uncontrolled mail-in ballots and allow people weeks to well over a month to cast their vote.

That results in a combination of time and opportunity for massive undetectable fraud to occur.
No such thing as uncontrolled mail in ballot. Another invention of yours. As is “massive undetected”.

As I said, WHEN, not your concocted IF, massive election fraud occurs, let us know.

Fucking moron.
Are you seriously that stupid Dickwad? Biden talked about it during his debate with Trump. The debate when his brain was not total mush back in 2020.

Look at the 1:54 mark

Full letter
You want me to comment on the letter? They are SPOT. FUCKING . ON.

Regarding the debate clip. It’s another truncated piece of shit that is impossible to comment on. Just like you fucks do frequently. And Darrell Issa? PRICELESS!
I know the constitution........you do not......
I know Christian theology......you not.......
I understand American politics......you do not......

just wanted to correct the three biggest errors you have made in life.......no need to thank me.........
A “lawyer” who can’t tell you what perjury is.

A cunt-calling “Christian” that is ignorant of his own god’s birth and death stories.

Hilarious if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
No such thing as uncontrolled mail in ballot. Another invention of yours. As is “massive undetected”.

As I said, WHEN, not your concocted IF, massive election fraud occurs, let us know.

Fucking moron.
Sure there is. Any ballot not under supervision is "uncontrolled." Mail-in ballots aren't even at the level of certified or registered mail. They are mailed to an address, not a person. Sure, there's a person's name on the envelope, but that means nothing. There's no knowing who filled it out, who handled it, or how it was handled. There is ZERO security in the system.

Look at say, ballot harvesting. That's a Democrat favorite. Anyone can pick up ballots from anyone and well, damn near do whatever they want once they have it. There's no control whatsoever.

Signature on the envelope? That's a fucking joke. The standards in most states are so lax that if it's signed, it's valid.

I dare you to prove otherwise.
As I said, bitch, WHEN you see massive election fraud happening, let us know.
How can you detect it when the system is set up to hide it? We need transparent elections. That means, like the other 98% of the world:

1. Voting in person on election day.
2. Voter ID
3. Control over ballots at all times

Add to that, that we need to ensure that the voting rolls are accurate and that only eligible citizens are registered to vote.