Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

If you want to know what Democrats are doing just listen to what they are accusing republicans of doing, then you will know what they are doing. It's a standard tactic of the Democrats, they just accuse you of what they are doing so that if you say, "What? You are the ones doing that!" nobody will believe you.

IRL, it is often the real thief that is quick to suggest some suspects that might have committed the theft.
The clerk knows who did receive a ballot and who did not. If a ballot is filled out by someone who never requested one it is a problem. If ballots are sent out to everyone on the voter role no one knows who is casting the ballot.
So many “ifs”, so much bullshit. How many more myths are you going to concoct?
How can you detect it when the system is set up to hide it? We need transparent elections. That means, like the other 98% of the world:

1. Voting in person on election day.
2. Voter ID
3. Control over ballots at all times

Add to that, that we need to ensure that the voting rolls are accurate and that only eligible citizens are registered to vote.
Our elections are secure and valid. Counts, recounts, audits, investigations have proven that.

Just admit the elephant in the room. Your boy lost the last election and you’re doing all sorts of fucking gymnastics to deny that. You know and I know and everybody knows that greater turnout means a Democratic win. You hate that, so you want to make voting as difficult as possible to minimize the turnout.

Just fucking admit it and move on, pal.
Sure there is. Any ballot not under supervision is "uncontrolled." Mail-in ballots aren't even at the level of certified or registered mail. They are mailed to an address, not a person. Sure, there's a person's name on the envelope, but that means nothing. There's no knowing who filled it out, who handled it, or how it was handled. There is ZERO security in the system.

Look at say, ballot harvesting. That's a Democrat favorite. Anyone can pick up ballots from anyone and well, damn near do whatever they want once they have it. There's no control whatsoever.

Signature on the envelope? That's a fucking joke. The standards in most states are so lax that if it's signed, it's valid.

I dare you to prove otherwise.
You’re the one making the claim all this fraud is happening. That’s a fucking lie.
The state constitution, you dunce. Interpreting the Constitution is not changing it.
What you are suggesting is CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION.
Holy crap, there aren't enough faces and palms in the world to interact with you.

The best part is, you think so highly of yourself that you think you know the constitution of each state better than the courts do! :ROFLMAO:
No court has authority to interpret or change any constitution.
If I thought it would matter, I would help assemble an army of trumpers to monitor every Dropbox in the country. This is a debate that I've had with myself and others. The debate is whether or not it is worth the time, money and resources to do a 100%, top to bottom audits of every election in every swing state.

Two things make me believe that a complete audit would not help anything. First, Arizona already did that type of audit and the conspiracy theorist didn't care. Second, if a full audit were to find nothing It would very likely just mean, in the minds of the conspiracy theorist, that the auditoes we're in on it.
The election failed in AZ because of election fraud, not because of dropboxes.
Our elections are secure and valid. Counts, recounts, audits, investigations have proven that.

Just admit the elephant in the room. Your boy lost the last election and you’re doing all sorts of fucking gymnastics to deny that. You know and I know and everybody knows that greater turnout means a Democratic win. You hate that, so you want to make voting as difficult as possible to minimize the turnout.

Just fucking admit it and move on, pal.
Just because you say so doesn't make it so.

I won't admit to believing that for a second. We have election seasons now, not election days. Mail-in ballots are rife with the possibility of fraud, that's why virtually no country on the planet allows them for more than the most extreme exceptions. Voter ID is mandatory in most developed nations. Hell, Mexico requires it.

Democrats, that is the Left, want election fraud. They want to be able to control the outcome. Nothing new there either, from the Daley machine in Chicago, to Huey Long, to Tammany Hall, and beyond, the Democrats have always been in favor of fraud.
Our elections are secure and valid. Counts, recounts, audits, investigations have proven that.

Just admit the elephant in the room. Your boy lost the last election and you’re doing all sorts of fucking gymnastics to deny that. You know and I know and everybody knows that greater turnout means a Democratic win. You hate that, so you want to make voting as difficult as possible to minimize the turnout.

Just fucking admit it and move on, pal.
There was no election in 2020, Dumber.
The election failed in AZ because of election fraud, not because of dropboxes.
In order to know that, you'd have to understand the constitutional requirements of the AZ constitution as it relates to elections and nobody is authorized to read and interpret any constitution anywhere in the country.... except apparently you. :ROFLMAO:

Again....just not enough faces and palms for your utter insanity.
How can you detect it when the system is set up to hide it? We need transparent elections. That means, like the other 98% of the world:

1. Voting in person on election day.
2. Voter ID
3. Control over ballots at all times

Add to that, that we need to ensure that the voting rolls are accurate and that only eligible citizens are registered to vote.
AND that counting can only be done with observers from all sides present.
In order to know that, you'd have to understand the constitutional requirements of the AZ constitution as it relates to elections and nobody is authorized to read and interpret any constitution anywhere in the country.... except apparently you. :ROFLMAO:
I never said any such thing, Void.