Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

your brain, like every lib'rul's brain still operates upside down..........state law doesn't need to forbid.....it needs to authorise.......unsupervised drop boxes were not used prior to 2020......the WI supreme court said they were unconstitutional.....and no, not the same SC......the Dems replace some justices in 2022 for those willing to violate the US Constitution..........

if an administrative clerk uses his judgment instead of using what the state legislation did not EXPRESSLY authorized, he has created an unconstitutional election..........if a state SC uses its judgment instead of using what the state legislation did not EXPRESSLY authorized, it has created an unconstitutional election
Again, this wasn't a dispute over the use of drop boxes in general. This was a dispute over the expanded use of drop boxes in specific areas. It seems odd that the state legislature, if it didn't want them to be used, wouldn't expressly forbid them via legislation.
You have a very simple problem here. All your shit about any made up corrupt election is just that.

Then you are lying the 51 democrat operatives intelligence officials out of existence? You have lied the letter to have unhappened?

The democrat fraud machine isn't just one thing, it is thousands of plots and machinations to tamper with and pervert democracy.
Nope, just lies.

From Tammany Hall to now - election fraud is a MASSIVE part of the democrat party. Boss Tweed was a piker compared to the Soros Machine, Pendergast was an armature next to Gates and Zuckerberg. Election fraud in 2020 America was something right out of the Congo or Guatemala.

But, keep floundering. It’s funny in it’s own pathetic way. Kinda like the last place finisher in Special Olympics.

You truly believe that you can lie reality away. Now THAT is funny.
Let’s see, 19% of 30% said they helped fill out a ballot for a family friend.

Voting for a family friend is election fraud and illegal, sparky.

That’s 5% total that showed them where to sign, that kind of shit. So, that means they voted multiple times? Nope. That the voter wanted to vote for a different candidate? Nope. Did it say what candidate was voted for? Nope. Hollow claims.


When fraud is proven - you think you can just lie it away.

The second one about “alleged”? Go home, sonny, your mommy is calling.

Video of a MASSIVE ballot drop. Absolute proof of ballot box stuffing.

You can't lie reality away Comrade, regardless of why the apparatchiks on the hate sources like MSNBC tell you.
Mail in ballots go through the same process as in-person voting. You have to sign and date the ballot. Your signature is checked.

False as you know.

Pennsylvania famously bypassed signature checking in 2020, as did Fulton county GA in 2020 and 2022.

Your name has to be in the precinct log book.

False again. Arizona sent mail in ballots to all who were on registration rolls. Lots of dead people and those who had long moved got ballots.

The 2020 election wasn't even in the same galaxy as "legitimate."
Yup... here you go with telling it again...

... unless they're illegally crossing the southern border...

They DO put lawn signs out... the very few people who support him, anyway.

Of course, but then there's also Obama's ballot harvesters and Clyburn's ballot counters who commit juuuuust enough election fraud to juuuuust barely get Demonkkkrat candidates juuuuuust barely "over the hump" in the end in any key state that it's necessary to do so.

We don't have a Governor. We have an installed puppet occupying the office. That puppet's name is "Tyrant" Tony Evers, who became a tyrant during COVID, completely ignoring state law to usurp power over people that he doesn't have.
Too funny, you know the poster is done when he has to respond to phrases as opposed to entire thoughts, and, if there exist no proof that something another is proclaiming over and over again is valid, it is a lie, a flat out, 100%, incontestable lie

Then you are lying the 51 democrat operatives intelligence officials out of existence? You have lied the letter to have unhappened?

The democrat fraud machine isn't just one thing, it is thousands of plots and machinations to tamper with and pervert democracy.
“Attention shoppers. We are out of tinfoil on aisle 8”.
From Tammany Hall to now - election fraud is a MASSIVE part of the democrat party. Boss Tweed was a piker compared to the Soros Machine, Pendergast was an armature next to Gates and Zuckerberg. Election fraud in 2020 America was something right out of the Congo or Guatemala.

You truly believe that you can lie reality away. Now THAT is funny.
Fraud - made up by pussified losers
Voting for a family friend is election fraud and illegal, sparky.


When fraud is proven - you think you can just lie it away.

Video of a MASSIVE ballot drop. Absolute proof of ballot box stuffing.

You can't lie reality away Comrade, regardless of why the apparatchiks on the hate sources like MSNBC tell you.
Yeah, helping granny out on filling in a ballot. Fuck man, just like elections in North Korea!

I'm going to guess he requested a ballot for himself and all close relatives, living and dead, that he plans to personally fill out and return.

It's the democrat way.
You do a lot of guessing. All wrong, of course. But it’s a lot easier for you lazy fucks than to do actual homework.
The clerk knows who did receive a ballot and who did not. If a ballot is filled out by someone who never requested one it is a problem. If ballots are sent out to everyone on the voter role no one knows who is casting the ballot.

Yep - which is why democrats demand that ballots be sent out without a request.
if they didn't set a procedure find the state legislation authorizing it........I am reminded no one has been able to to that the last 27 times I asked........you are clearly just lying out of your ass.........
The ballots are to be returned to the clerk or mailed. The drop box authorized, secured, and emptied by the clerk IS being returned to the clerk.

Same as placing a ballot in a mailbox. It’s turning over possession to the USPS. Even a literate 10 year old can figure that out. Someday, you’ll be there.
Yep - which is why democrats demand that ballots be sent out without a request.
False as you know.

Pennsylvania famously bypassed signature checking in 2020, as did Fulton county GA in 2020 and 2022.

False again. Arizona sent mail in ballots to all who were on registration rolls. Lots of dead people and those who had long moved got ballots.

The 2020 election wasn't even in the same galaxy as "legitimate."
Ah, so ballots were sent to REGISTERED VOTERS in AZ. Man, is THAT a fucking major catastrophe!

Tell us, bitch. How many if those “lots” voted?