Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

My opinion is irrelevant. Purging happened just before the Georgia governor election and she believed it affected the results. She's probably wrong, but the purging actually happened. Mass voter fraud as Trump has claimed in 2 elections, didn't happen. He's a reckless liar.

And by "just before" you mean 19 months" - in 2017.
Stacey believes it was unethical to purge the rolls. Got it :thup:

I posted 100 examples, and a link to more, of Dems claiming voter fraud in presidential elections.

Are they all reckless liars, too, including Biden who is on the list, too ?

democrats believe that election fraud is their sacred right and NO ONE should be able to interfere.
democrats believe that election fraud is their sacred right and NO ONE should be able to interfere.
Hey pal, the overwhelming percentage of individuals caught in election fraud in 2020 were MAGAs, the Villages in Florida must have set records, and the Texas AG offering a reward for proof of election fraud had to rescind his offer after the only instances proven involved Republicans
Hey pal, the overwhelming percentage of individuals caught in election fraud in 2020 were MAGAs, the Villages in Florida must have set records, and the Texas AG offering a reward for proof of election fraud had to rescind his offer after the only instances proven involved Republicans
Poor anchovies,

Elections are fair,

That's not what you Communists claimed in 2000, 2004, or 2016.

You claim the fiasco of 2020 was "fair" because you got the outcome you wanted - not because the process was valid.

just echoing the Big Lie doesn’t make it any more valid than it was the moment Trump made it up, MAGA just can’t accept the truth that their Messiah lost, or any candidate they wanted to win lost, just poor losers

The 2020 disaster was driven by Covid. Election integrity was utterly destroyed as in person voting was suppressed and courts created utterly insecure voting schemes rife with potential fraud.
That's not what you Communists claimed in 2000, 2004, or 2016.

You claim the fiasco of 2020 was "fair" because you got the outcome you wanted - not because the process was valid.

The 2020 disaster was driven by Covid. Election integrity was utterly destroyed as in person voting was suppressed and courts created utterly insecure voting schemes rife with potential fraud.
All sites secure. Election solid. Fair. Minimal fraud, except fraud by Republicans.

He claimed millions of illegal votes in 2016 and claimed hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in 2020. All baseless, unsupported claims. Lies.

Your claim is baseless. You have a long record of repeating lies about Trump, as you did yesterday with the Raffensperger call.

Cite the basis of your conspiracy theory and let's look into it.
seems even odder that demmycrats don't give a shit whether they violate the US constitution or not..........the state legislature doesn't set rules by forbidding.......they set rules by authorizing......
State legislatures do both; forbid and authorize.

You, like many others, are making assumptions about the intent of adding additional drop boxes. In reality, there was an increase in requests for absentee voting due to Covid, so the election clerks asked the Wisconsin Elections Commission if they could put out drop boxes. The Wisconsin Elections Commission approved and gave guidance on how to do it.

Was the original use of drop boxes and election location illegal? Maybe. Was the expanded use illegal? Maybe, but all that can be done is to let the court rule and makes changes going forward. You don't do what Trump tried to do, which is try to have legal votes nullified.
It should happen every two years under Georgia law - but your party BLOCKED it for a decade. You just finally lost in court.

Yet the nonsense by you is far more absurd.

The utter hypocrisy of Communists is beyond the pale.
Your opinion is irrelevant. Abrams' complaint, while possibly misguided, was based on actual events. The polls WERE actually purged. It happened. Trump complaints were lies. He made claims about fraudulent votes without an ounce of proof.

And you can't tell us what is in the letter or how Biden cited it.
I already did in post #32 you stupid fucking Biden whore.

2020 debate

“There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant,” Biden said. “They have said that this has all the … five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.”

Trump right about Hunter's 'laptop from hell,' though Biden claimed Russian disinformation

Whether it's Russian collusion in the 2016 election or the COVID lab leak theory, Democrats and the legacy media often team to form a narrative.

And by "just before" you mean 19 months" - in 2017.
Maybe but AGAIN it actually happened. When Trump called Georgia and claimed that 2020 ballots were being shredded, tens of thousands of illegal votes were cast and poll workers were double scanning ballots in the tens of thousands he was lying. None of that happened. He's a liar. His complaints are based on fairytale stories.