Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Your opinion is irrelevant.

The law is not my opinion.

Abrams' complaint, while possibly misguided, was based on actual events.

That occurred 19 months before the election. And which are ONLY relevant due to the desire of democrats to defraud the election.

The polls WERE actually purged. It happened.

"Purged" is hyperbole. They were cleansed of dead and ineligible voters.

Trump complaints were lies.

Not at all. Trump offered a perspective at odds with your desired outcome. You don't WANT there to be any support for his claims as it undercuts the legitimacy of your party.

That is not the same as him lying.

He made claims about fraudulent votes without an ounce of proof.

That is a lie on your part. I've provided you ample evidence. Again, this is PURELY you defending your party (Abrams) and attacking the enemy of your party.

Your position is hypocritical and irrational.
Again, I'm not disputing that it should or shouldn't happen. I'm not even saying she's right that the election results would have changed if the rolls weren't purged. I'm saying the purge DID happen while NONE of the claims Trump made happened. She may be wrong, but she didn't make things up.
You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void.
"until the DNC announced that drop boxes and unverified mail-in ballots were essential components to their plan to steal the upcoming election."

You are claiming to read the mind of Democrats and know that adding drop boxes was NOT due to COVID and an increase in requests for absentee ballot usage, but because their INTENT was to steal the election.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Void. Democrats have always tried to steal elections. It wasn't until 2020 that they were finally successful at it.
Maybe but AGAIN it actually happened. When Trump called Georgia and claimed that 2020 ballots were being shredded, tens of thousands of illegal votes were cast and poll workers were double scanning ballots in the tens of thousands he was lying.

Again - you are playing fast and loose with reality. You are posting talking points from Young Turks or other hate sites rather than evidence from the call.

None of that happened.

Show me in the call where Trump said ballots were being shredded?

He's a liar.

It looks to be you who is lying.

His complaints are based on fairytale stories.

As are yours - fairytales and blind hatred of the opposition candidate.
Again, I'm not disputing that it should or shouldn't happen. I'm not even saying she's right that the election results would have changed if the rolls weren't purged. I'm saying the purge DID happen while NONE of the claims Trump made happened. She may be wrong, but she didn't make things up.

You are bleating the party line to excuse Abrams for that which you attack Trump for.

Reeking hypocrisy because you are desperate to defend your party.
either come up with a statute authorizing drop boxes or spend the next four years shouting "fuck your constitution" at a mirror........you aren't worth wasting any more time on.........
I already said Wisconsin law didn't allow or prohibit drop box usage It's your opinion that something has to be explicitly authorized to be legal. That isn't a fact. There are probably hundreds of things involved with elections that are not explicitly authorized or specified by a state legislature, but are deferred to the people who actually manage elections. For example, if they all drop boxes are they going to specify precisely where each one is placed? Are they going to specify precisely what type of writing utensil is going to be used to fill out ballots, why manufacturer of printer, the size of cubicle-thing people stand in? No.
State legislatures do both; forbid and authorize.

You, like many others, are making assumptions about the intent of adding additional drop boxes. In reality, there was an increase in requests for absentee voting due to Covid, so the election clerks asked the Wisconsin Elections Commission if they could put out drop boxes. The Wisconsin Elections Commission approved and gave guidance on how to do it.
So the elections commission asked itself if it was okay. Gotit.
Was the original use of drop boxes and election location illegal? Maybe. Was the expanded use illegal? Maybe, but all that can be done is to let the court rule and makes changes going forward. You don't do what Trump tried to do, which is try to have legal votes nullified.
Election fraud is not legal votes, Void.
The law is not my opinion.

That occurred 19 months before the election. And which are ONLY relevant due to the desire of democrats to defraud the election.

"Purged" is hyperbole. They were cleansed of dead and ineligible voters.

Not at all. Trump offered a perspective at odds with your desired outcome. You don't WANT there to be any support for his claims as it undercuts the legitimacy of your party.

That is not the same as him lying.

That is a lie on your part. I've provided you ample evidence. Again, this is PURELY you defending your party (Abrams) and attacking the enemy of your party.

Your position is hypocritical and irrational.
Yes, they were purged of 560,000 people. It actually happened. I'm glad we agree on that... finally.

You can listen to the audio of the call on YouTube or you can read the transcript online. After you do one of those two, let me know which of Trump's claims about Georgia he ever provided proof of. I'll give you a hint. Not a single one of them.
I already said Wisconsin law didn't allow or prohibit drop box usage It's your opinion that something has to be explicitly authorized to be legal. That isn't a fact. There are probably hundreds of things involved with elections that are not explicitly authorized or specified by a state legislature, but are deferred to the people who actually manage elections. For example, if they all drop boxes are they going to specify precisely where each one is placed? Are they going to specify precisely what type of writing utensil is going to be used to fill out ballots, why manufacturer of printer, the size of cubicle-thing people stand in? No.
Deflection won't work, Void.
Yes, they were purged of 560,000 people. It actually happened. I'm glad we agree on that... finally.

You can listen to the audio of the call on YouTube or you can read the transcript online. After you do one of those two, let me know which of Trump's claims about Georgia he ever provided proof of. I'll give you a hint. Not a single one of them.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud just disappear, Void.
Georgia never chose any electors.
Yes, they were purged of 560,000 people. It actually happened. I'm glad we agree on that... finally.

Not people Comrade, ineligible registrations of voters who had long since died or moved.

You can listen to the audio of the call on YouTube or you can read the transcript online.

I have - which is how I nailed you for lying yesterday - which you continue to do.

After you do one of those two, let me know which of Trump's claims about Georgia he ever provided proof of. I'll give you a hint. Not a single one of them.

Nice attempt to duck.

Show us in the call where Trump said "ballots were shredded?"

Or admit you were lying to slander the enemy of the party.