Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

LOL. And what Biden was being accused of by Trump was not a fact supported by the laptop.
In fact, after so many years and all the investigation there is no evidence and certainly no evidence from the laptop that shows corruption by Joe Biden.
The SS(FBI) is keeping people from the laptop. Why is that?

BTW, Joe Biden already admitted to the corruption himself.
You didn't call me a mind-reader. You asserted that I claimed to be able to read Democrats' minds. I don't recall ever making that assertion.

Once again, that assertion doesn't appear anywhere in what I wrote.
You claim to know that there was a grand covid-related conspiracy. Since a grand conspiracy has never been found, no election-changing amount of fraudulent ballots have been found and zero counterfeit ballots found, how else can you know about the conspiracy without being a mind reader?
Bullshit. That lie is belied by the fact that the only places you thugs show up at are minority voting places. Not watching whitey very closely, are you? In 2020, I dropped off my parents ballots in a drop box. You thugs would have probably confronted me about that if I was a black person. It's voter intimidation you are talking about, and if you decide to participate, be prepared to see about FOUR of us for every one of you. We are not letting some punk thugs harass voters. Not gonna happen.
Harassing? No. Watching 24/7 and documenting ? Yep. Most probably only in the swing states though. The other ones dont matter to us at this point. Nuff said....
cite the legislation or don't bother to reply to me any more.....everything else you post if more lies,,,,,..it's the only concept you need to worry about........
Wis. Stat. § 6.87(4)(b)1

“delivered, in person, to the municipal clerk….”

Just as I fucking said, bitch.
You claim to know that there was a grand covid-related conspiracy.
Despite the two of us having gone over this, you nonetheless insist on convoluting your posts so that you aren't saying anything other than misrepresenting my position (which is all you have).

Yes, I acknowledge that humans conspire, despite your insistence that none ever do.

Yes, the COVID hoax caused death-struggle world-O-panic amongst leftists, but not so much among conservatives, who weren't as gullible.

I need you to explain what you mean by inserting the word "grand" in there.
Despite the two of us having gone over this, you nonetheless insist on convoluting your posts so that you aren't saying anything other than misrepresenting my position (which is all you have).

Yes, I acknowledge that humans conspire, despite your insistence that none ever do.

Yes, the COVID hoax caused death-struggle world-O-panic amongst leftists, but not so much among conservatives, who weren't as gullible.

I need you to explain what you mean by inserting the word "grand" in there.
Yes, people DO conspire. That does not mean that all people conspire all the time. Yes,many people overreacted to Covid.

How do you know, without being a mind reader, that the Covid conspiracy exists?
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Reported. Do not modify quotes to misquote.
Wow. Your dishonesty truly has no limits. You really believe, given that I specifically said I was changing your quote, I called out my changes in red and left your original wording there, that I was trying to misrepresent your opinion? :ROFLMAO:
Yes, people DO conspire.
People conspire every day, all around the world.

That therefore means that conspiracy is to be assumed first, rather than amazingly improbable and strangely invisible coincidences.

Yes,many people overreacted to Covid.
An cursory analysis of any leftist-infested internet message board showed more than a mere, widespread overreaction to COVID, but a theocracy-driven religious inquisition against "nonbelievers", perpetrated by leftists under the absurd auspices of persecuting political conservatives "for their own good" and "to save humanity and the world" ... all the while COVID is/was nothing more than a relatively mild flu that was of no concern.

How do you know, without being a mind reader, that the Covid conspiracy exists?
Uneducated leftists of all sorts suddenly proclaimed to be pathologists, when they were still the same uneducated morons that they were the day before.
Wis. Stat. § 6.87(4)(b)1

“delivered, in person, to the municipal clerk….”

Just as I fucking said, bitch.
no.....not as you fucking said bitch.......no provision for unsupervised drop boxes there.....going to try again or shut the fuck up forever............
The drop box established by the clerk, secured by the clerk, and opened only by the clerk IS “to the clerk”, bitch. Just EXACTLY the same as a post office drop box IS the USPS.

stop lying cunt......I'll give you one last chance to prove you aren't dumber than the average shit for brains lib'rul....,,
You claim to know that there was a grand covid-related conspiracy.
There is. The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
Since a grand conspiracy has never been found,
The Democrat party exists, Void.
no election-changing amount of fraudulent ballots have been found and zero counterfeit ballots found, how else can you know about the conspiracy without being a mind reader?
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear, Void. You cannot make people's judgement of that evidence disappear either. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
no.....not as you fucking said bitch.......no provision for unsupervised drop boxes there.....going to try again or shut the fuck up forever............

You can’t comprehend simple fucking English. Good thing WI supreme court can.

Just like USPS boxes are “the post office”, drop boxes are “the clerk”. Obvious. Except to morons.

Your ass kicked again.
People conspire every day, all around the world.

That therefore means that conspiracy is to be assumed first, rather than amazingly improbable and strangely invisible coincidences.

An cursory analysis of any leftist-infested internet message board showed more than a mere, widespread overreaction to COVID, but a theocracy-driven religious inquisition against "nonbelievers", perpetrated by leftists under the absurd auspices of persecuting political conservatives "for their own good" and "to save humanity and the world" ... all the while COVID is/was nothing more than a relatively mild flu that was of no concern.

Uneducated leftists of all sorts suddenly proclaimed to be pathologists, when they were still the same uneducated morons that they were the day before.
You CAN assume a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean you have evidence that one exists. In this case, you don't. So, again, you say you aren't reading minds, but how else can you know there's a conspiracy to steal the election?
Biden was telling the truth. This is what the intelligence officers said:

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

IIRC, the FBI had the laptop for 2 years. They knew it was real. The intel officers were lyin' for Biden. You think that is a good thing. :palm:

Poor little bitch who doesn’t even know the definition of perjury trying to comprehend election law.
having clearly demonstrated that you are not capable of logical thought, let alone backing up your constant lies, I am celebrating the 4th of July week by putting you on ignore permanently......perhaps you may eventually develop a functioning brain.....if so feel free to ask a friend to let me know you ready to apologize for your stupidity........
LOL. And what Biden was being accused of by Trump was not a fact supported by the laptop.
In fact, after so many years and all the investigation there is no evidence and certainly no evidence from the laptop that shows corruption by Joe Biden.
Yet, 5 former CIA directors colluded to publicly LIE about the laptop to help Joe get elected. That is corruption.
You CAN assume a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean you have evidence that one exists.
Correct, however once I have corroborating evidence, the conspiracy is what any rational adult should then assume.

However, once I have my own observations then the situation changes. I always place my observations first. Everything must align with them. The day that I deny my own observations is the day I'm in a world of hurt. The day that I deny my own observations because I allow someone else to do my thinking for me is the day I become a mindless leftist.