Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Right, so are you saying that county clerks did or did not make the request of the request of the Wisconsin Election Commission?

YOU didn't observe election fraud and no actual evidence of voter fraud (fraudulent/counterfeit ballots or harvesting) has been uncovered.
no......we are all aware of it.......the WI supreme court, before the demmycrats replaced them, declared it...........now the new demmycrat WI supreme court has guaranteed the 20204 election will also be unconstitutional as well....,...lib'ruls don't care about things like the constitution......
... says anyone in the process of stealing an election.
Our elections have not been stole. There’s been foreign interference, but it’s never been stolen. You people really need to get over this. It’s become a mental health issue, obsession.
The court ruling was after the fact. Who were the Democrats that made the request to the Wisconsin Election Commission and who were the Democrats on the Wisconsin Election Commission who approved it?
people who violated the US constitution......what more do you need to know about them?
Right, so are you saying that county clerks did or did not make the request of the Wisconsin Election Commission?
I'm directly answering your question as to which Democrats requested/demanded such.

YOU didn't observe election fraud
I did.

and no actual evidence of voter fraud (fraudulent/counterfeit ballots or harvesting) has been uncovered.
Vast election fraud was observed by countless others.
people who violated the US constitution......what more do you need to know about them?
The claim is "Democrats" were responsible for the expansion of drop boxes, presumably to aid in the "stealing" of the election. We know that drop boxes were used in WI for decades and only additional drop boxes were added in 2020. So, does the conspiracy go back decades or was it only started in 2020? If the conspiracy just started in 2020, who are the Dem county clerks and Dems on the Wisconsin Election Commission that orchestrated the conspiracy? The county clerks are saying the the additional boxes were added because absentee ballot demand was so high. Do you the the Dem clerks are lying?
Our elections have not been stole.
The US 2020 election was stolen. Your unsupported declaration We the People somehow did not observe what we observed is not very convincing.
There’s been foreign interference,
Perhaps. I can see how the EU would want to get in on the steal.

You people really need to get over this. It’s become a mental health issue, obsession.
Guess who is obsessed with self-delusion.
The US 2020 election was stolen. Your unsupported declaration We the People somehow did not observe what we observed is not very convincing.

Perhaps. I can see how the EU would want to get in on the steal.

Guess who is obsessed with self-delusion.
Projection, the only one deluded is yourself.
Our elections have not been stole. There’s been foreign interference, but it’s never been stolen. You people really need to get over this. It’s become a mental health issue, obsession.
Given the fact that you will be voting Democrat in the November Presidential election this year, you really should not be broaching the question of "mental health issues", Phantitssmall. I mean, you know what they say about people who live in glass houses, Right ? ;);)

Dachshund - the TRUMPER HOUND