Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

it means that the WI voters, like all the rest of us, have a man in the Oval Office who was not elected in a constitutional election...........
Right, but what does it mean for the legally registered voters who cast a legal ballots in accordance with the direction given by the state? Should their votes not count?
I'm directly answering your question as to which Democrats requested/demanded such.
I don't think you are. I asked which Democrat clerks and members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission are responsible for the drop box expansion meant to steal the election (because apparently all of the existing drop boxes weren't sufficient). Your response was:

The DNC bashed "Republicans" for seeking to disenfranchise the elderly based on Republican attempts to introduce controls to the process to prevent election fraud.

This most definitely is not an answer to my question.
You didn't. You read stories from people who think they did.
Vast election fraud was observed by countless others.
It wasn't vast and it wasn't confirmed to have been viewed by others. Others believe they witnessed election fraud. People like Melissa Carone who believed she saw inaccurate voter rolls (she didn't) and people who believed they saw someone rolling a suitcase full of ballots into TCF Center (they didn't) and, of course, your favorite.... the drug addicted, woods sleeping, mentally unstable felon truck driver who basically claims he drove a bunch of ballots... in a circle.
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still proven fact, the Demmycrat controlled WI supreme court reaffirms its position to hold an unconstitutional election in 2024........why won't the demmycrats have their legislature set the rules for their elections?.........is it because they haven't wrested control of the legislature to their advantage........
Something that the court has decided is constitutional under the Wisconsin Constitution is now unconstitutional under that constitution?
The only fact that seems to be proven is you are arguing a court ruling is invalid.
Sure there is. Any ballot not under supervision is "uncontrolled." Mail-in ballots aren't even at the level of certified or registered mail. They are mailed to an address, not a person. Sure, there's a person's name on the envelope, but that means nothing. There's no knowing who filled it out, who handled it, or how it was handled. There is ZERO security in the system.

Look at say, ballot harvesting. That's a Democrat favorite. Anyone can pick up ballots from anyone and well, damn near do whatever they want once they have it. There's no control whatsoever.

Signature on the envelope? That's a fucking joke. The standards in most states are so lax that if it's signed, it's valid.

I dare you to prove otherwise.
Ballot harvesting? Are you still unable to understand what a nothing that is? Your mail-in is delivered to the precinct that you are registered in. It goes through the same processes that in-person votes do.
The signatures are checked by computers,
The ballots are sent to people who request them.
You should volunteer to work for an election . Those who do are surprised how carefully elections is run , and how many checks there are.
Ballot harvesting? Are you still unable to understand what a nothing that is? Your mail-in is delivered to the precinct that you are registered in. It goes through the same processes that in-person votes do.
The signatures are checked by computers,
The ballots are sent to people who request them.
You should volunteer to work for an election . Those who do are surprised how carefully elections is run , and how many checks there are.
When you hand your ballot to someone you don't know you have no idea what they are doing with it. The state has no idea who signed a mail-in ballot and in most states the matching verification standard is so low as to be nonexistent.

This can cut two ways. Ballots can be tossed for the signature not matching, or they could get through with a forged signature. That standard is so poor as to be irrelevant.

Currently, 8 states conduct all-mail-in balloting and automatically mail a ballot to every registered voter. 10 more do almost all-mail-in balloting.

No state sends ballots by certified or registered mail, so the ballot goes to an address, not a person. That means there is ZERO control over who actually gets that ballot. Anyone living at a given address could handle it in any way they want, as starters.
I don't think you are.

Here's your question:

Who were the Democrats who requested the expanded Dropbox usage and who were the Democrats that approved the extended Dropbox usage in Wisconsin?
I answered "The DNC" which is the correct answer.

I asked which Democrat clerks and members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission are responsible for the drop box expansion meant to steal the election
Nope. I posted your question above.

You didn't. You read stories from people who think they did.
You are flailing wildly. My observations do not involve any accounts from anyone.

It wasn't vast
It was vast.

... and it wasn't confirmed to have been viewed by others.
There are mountains of sworn affidavit, none of which have been refuted by anyone.
We know that drop boxes were used in WI for decades
we know that is just another of your lies.......drop boxes were NEVER authorised for use in WI.......if you believe other wise, provide a link to the state statute......(hint you might want to start with the 2022 case in which the state SC court said it never had been).....
Right, but what does it mean for the legally registered voters who cast a legal ballots in accordance with the direction given by the state? Should their votes not count?
that their state made the nation's election unconstitutional........none of our votes counted.......only those of the Wisconsin Election Committee and places like Fulton County GA and Maricopa AZ.........
The FBI can't take laptops and hand them out to everyone.

What lie did they tell?
I notice you don't actually know what they said since you are accusing them of lying.
It's so strange ...leftists like you play dumb to any piece of information that destroys their narrative. You cannot be that ignorant. It has to be a leftist tactic. It's common knowledge that the 51 intelligence agents lied about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation.
You, fellow deserve ZERO respect.
Something that the court has decided is constitutional under the Wisconsin Constitution is now unconstitutional under that constitution?
The only fact that seems to be proven is you are arguing a court ruling is invalid.
I realize you have a shallow mind but yes......if the WI court decides something is constitutional when it is not then the WI court decision is obviously invalid.......if you really want to prove my argument is wrong you have only one option......prove the WI legislature approved unsupervised drop boxes.......you will not be able to do so.......the 2022 WI SC has already held they did not.......the 2024 WI SC just held it is not necessary for them to do so.......convince me the US constitution changed between 2022 and 2024........
It's so strange ...leftists like you play dumb to any piece of information that destroys their narrative. You cannot be that ignorant. It has to be a leftist tactic. It's common knowledge that the 51 intelligence agents lied about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation.
You, fellow deserve ZERO respect.
Can you show me exactly where in their letter this lie occurred?
The problem is not with leftists. It is with people like you that make claims that you think are true but when the facts are examined your claim is bullshit.
Can you quote the part of the letter you think is a lie?
Here's your question:

I answered "The DNC" which is the correct answer.
That's your opinion. What was reported is that the individual election organizers contacted the Wisconsin Election Commission requesting authorization to use more drop boxes because demand for absentee voting was so high.
Nope. I posted your question above.
yes. the one you didn't answer. "DNC" isn't a person. There were people involved. County clerks and members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
You are flailing wildly. My observations do not involve any accounts from anyone.
YOU didn't see any fraud. YOU are living vicariously through people who BELIEVE they did. We've discussed three of those and they were all epic failures, which makes is odd that you're so confident in the remainder.
It was vast.

There are mountains of sworn affidavit, none of which have been refuted by anyone.
234 pages.
we know that is just another of your lies.......drop boxes were NEVER authorised for use in WI.......if you believe other wise, provide a link to the state statute......(hint you might want to start with the 2022 case in which the state SC court said it never had been).....
I said drop boxes were used for decades. I didn't say they were authorized or not authorized.
I realize you have a shallow mind but yes......if the WI court decides something is constitutional when it is not then the WI court decision is obviously invalid.......if you really want to prove my argument is wrong you have only one option......prove the WI legislature approved unsupervised drop boxes.......you will not be able to do so.......the 2022 WI SC has already held they did not.......the 2024 WI SC just held it is not necessary for them to do so.......convince me the US constitution changed between 2022 and 2024........
Easy to prove -

Because something is authorized doesn't mean someone is forced to do it. Your argument seems to violate the US Constitution.
that their state made the nation's election unconstitutional........none of our votes counted.......only those of the Wisconsin Election Committee and places like Fulton County GA and Maricopa AZ.........
So, your solution is to invalidate the votes of legally registered voters, who submitted a legal and complete ballot, in accordance with rules given to them by the ONLY body authorized to create such rules - the state?

That sounds like a brilliant idea. Nothing unconstitutional about that and I'm sure nobody would have an issue with having their votes nullified when they followed the rules given to them.

Holy crap......
so we agree they have never been authorized.......therefore they have never been constitutional..........
No. We don't agree. You believe that everything has to be expressly authorized. I don't necessarily believe that. Do you believe state legislatures have to authorize the use of printers to print ballots?

Using legislation, a state legislature could FORCE drop boxes to be used, if they weren't already, or could FORCE them to not be used. It's not a fact that drop boxes, any more than printers, aren't at the discretion of the Election Committee since they are not expressly forbidden by law.