Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Blah blah blah, elections are safe, and fair. The end

Maybe in Uganda or Bolivia, but not nearly as safe and fair in America.

Less than half of the country has confidence in our elections.

Do you think that is a good thing? Do you think gaslighting is the answer to restore confidence in our Tammany Hall type elections?
False as you know.

Pennsylvania famously bypassed signature checking in 2020, as did Fulton county GA in 2020 and 2022.

False again. Arizona sent mail in ballots to all who were on registration rolls. Lots of dead people and those who had long moved got ballots.

The 2020 election wasn't even in the same galaxy as "legitimate."
Actually, only these states allow universal vote by mail.

Currently, eight states — California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington — use UVM.

So, looks like you’re lying again. Still. Always.
I got my ballot the same way they do in Wisconsin
Ballots sent to everyone on registration rolls, no matter how stale the rolls are?

I didn't think Idaho did that.
I also didn't think that Idaho allowed for unmanned drop boxes to be placed anywhere and everywhere. Well, Wisconsin law doesn't allow for it either, but our newly (since 2023) Marxist supreme court is now legislating from the bench, overturning a very recent prior supreme court ruling on the matter.
That's your misguided opinion, not a fact. They voiced concerns after the election.

Simply not true. We were very vocal that the democrats were openly stealing the election LONG before election month started. (one of the many issues with our Boss Tweed elections.)

He tried to change the winner of the game by disputing a rule put in place before the season started. Too late.
Well you Communists would sure NEVER do anything like that...

As Congress voted state by state to certify the election, 20 members of the House, most of them members of the Congressional Black Caucus, rose one by one to file objections to Florida’s electoral votes.

No senators joined them – a requirement under federal law for their challenge to be considered. So Mr. Gore, as presiding officer, slammed down his gavel to rule them out of order.

“We did all we could,” Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings said to Mr. Gore as the protest fizzled.

“The chair thanks the gentlemen,” Mr. Gore replied with a smile.}

The smug hypocrisy of Communists.

Ah, so ballots were sent to REGISTERED VOTERS in AZ. Man, is THAT a fucking major catastrophe!

Tens or hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots? Yes, not a problem at all for the fraud machine of your party.

Tell us, bitch. How many if those “lots” voted?

Most, if not all. Proxy voting is the most critical part of election fraud by your party. It's why you Communists spend BILLIONS to keep voter rolls from being cleaned.
Of course not. We could care less what color they are or even who they vote for. Its more about HOW MANY votes are dropped in boxes. They must be accurate and accounted for.
Bullshit. That lie is belied by the fact that the only places you thugs show up at are minority voting places. Not watching whitey very closely, are you? In 2020, I dropped off my parents ballots in a drop box. You thugs would have probably confronted me about that if I was a black person. It's voter intimidation you are talking about, and if you decide to participate, be prepared to see about FOUR of us for every one of you. We are not letting some punk thugs harass voters. Not gonna happen.
Actually, only these states allow universal vote by mail.

Currently, eight states — California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington — use UVM.

So, looks like you’re lying again. Still. Always.

Here is a Communist source whining that automatic mailing of ballots was stopped with the 2023 election integrity law;

{While that bill didn’t make it out of the Legislature, others did, including a bill that Gov. Doug Ducey (R) signed that will allow the state to remove voters from the Permanent Early Voting List merely for not voting in recent elections.}

Try again, Comrade.
Maybe in Uganda or Bolivia, but not nearly as safe and fair in America.

Less than half of the country has confidence in our elections.

Do you think that is a good thing? Do you think gaslighting is the answer to restore confidence in our Tammany Hall type elections?
Elections are fair, just echoing the Big Lie doesn’t make it any more valid than it was the moment Trump made it up, MAGA just can’t accept the truth that their Messiah lost, or any candidate they wanted to win lost, just poor losers
Abrams disputed the election because over 100k people were removed from voter roles just before the election. Whether you agree that she would have won, the purging of voter roles ACTUALLY happened.

No comrade. Registration rolls that you Communists fought to keep from being cleaned for 12 years finally made it through the courts to allow the removal of dead voters and those who had moved.

CLEARLY fraud was your agenda - which is why you continue to whine about being denied the ability to cheat.

Hillary's claims were because it was clear that Russia was working to help Trump. Russian hackers didn't release RNC emails, but they did release DNC emails. They also hacked and released Hillary's and maybe one other person.....no Republicans.

Time to polish your tinfoil hat - comrade.
Again, this wasn't a dispute over the use of drop boxes in general. This was a dispute over the expanded use of drop boxes in specific areas. It seems odd that the state legislature, if it didn't want them to be used, wouldn't expressly forbid them via legislation.
seems even odder that demmycrats don't give a shit whether they violate the US constitution or not..........the state legislature doesn't set rules by forbidding.......they set rules by authorizing......
Trump lied. He baselessly claimed 3 million illegal votes in 2016, baselessly claimed a stolen election with more lies in 2020 called leaders in more than one state with his lies and has never retracted the claims. He's an orange piece of shit. He ACTUALLY tried to steal an election.

Nothing "baseless" about his challenge.

Would you be more comfortable if the party just appointed our rulers? Elections clearly distress you.
Whether you agree with Abrams actions or don't, it is a FACT that the voter roles were purged. That was her issue.

Because election fraud is the most sacred right for democrats. To deny the ability to engage in fraud to your party greatly upsets you.

I never said Russia was working WITH Trump. The Mueller report made it clear that there's no reason to believe Trump colluded.

Then what is your complaint? That the Ruskies took out facebook ads?

That WikiLeaks exposed the massive corruption of the Clinton campaign?

No, your complaint is that your candidate lost - so you claim the election was unfair.
Nothing "baseless" about his challenge.

Would you be more comfortable if the party just appointed our rulers? Elections clearly distress you.
He claimed millions of illegal votes in 2016 and claimed hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in 2020. All baseless, unsupported claims. Lies.
I didn't say voter roles should never be purged. I said that ACTUALLY happened

It should happen every two years under Georgia law - but your party BLOCKED it for a decade. You just finally lost in court.

and that was her complaint about the election. Agree or disagree, she didn't pull nonsense out of her ass like Trump...and Powell....and Giuliani.....and Lindell, etc.

Yet the nonsense by you is far more absurd.

The utter hypocrisy of Communists is beyond the pale.