Wisconsin, the answer is before you. We are at the cusp of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!


REVOLT! Bring your undeserving government down! Purge the state of every Republican monster! The chance is upon you, use it! We can be America's Lenin!
REVOLT! Bring your undeserving government down! Purge the state of every Republican monster! The chance is upon you, use it! We can be America's Lenin!

Every socialist scum will be hung from the tree branches, like fruit from a tree.
Their bodies will serve as an example of how stupid people will be dealt with.
Save yourself the embarassement of being arrested and publicly displayed and just do yourself in, now.
REVOLT! Bring your undeserving government down! Purge the state of every Republican monster! The chance is upon you, use it! We can be America's Lenin!
Uhhh Skidmark.....I don't know if you know much about the history of socialist revolutions but usually one of the first things they do is get rid of trade/labor unions and persecute their members.
All the Republicans will be hung from the highest tree, their bodies making the strange fruit of justice into reality! Pictures of their just deaths shall be our national flag! We will bring school children on field trips to watch as we execute the bad guys, purging the evil from the face of the earth! And they're shall be much joyous singing as we torture the millions of animals to death, we shall play their begs for mercy on national TV and take much delight in their suffering! It will replace normal television for at least a decade.

Your post is just a cheap attempt at copying the truth in my post.
Socialist will be rounded up and herded into retooled meat packing plants, to be held until the ropes are prepared.
Your name is on the first page.
Uhhh Skidmark.....I don't know if you know much about the history of socialist revolutions but usually one of the first things they do is get rid of trade/labor unions and persecute their members.

You have to remember that he is just a child and has dismissed the truth of history, to be replaced by his own idea of what will occur.
He might just grow up, once he stops sucking at his sugar teat.
One day I'm going to record all of Watermarks anti conservative posts and make a book out of them.
Uhhh Skidmark.....I don't know if you know much about the history of socialist revolutions but usually one of the first things they do is get rid of trade/labor unions and persecute their members.

Ummmm think again Mott...trade/labor unions were the direct result of socialistic thinking!
Ummmm think again Mott...trade/labor unions were the direct result of socialistic thinking!

Wrong! Unions are necessary in order to protect the rights of workers against the economic slavery that unregulated capitalism always wants to impose on them. History has proven this to be true over and over again no matter what Beck and the Koch brothers want you to believe. Your scewed version of socialism is the result of your yrs of brainwashing. How many self professed socialists or communists have you met in your life? None I bet.
Wisconsin is a fail state. The only thing they have is cheese. Supporters of wisconsin are supporters of mediocrity. Those that look upon wisconsin with favor MUST and WILL be purged. Oh how glorious that day will be, when the proles ashes are scattered before my feet. I will take great joy in kicking their dusty bones asunder.
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Ummmm think again Mott...trade/labor unions were the direct result of socialistic thinking!
Well then how comes they only exist in free democratic capitalist societies? Go do some home work ID. No other organization did more to undermine communism in the last century then labor/trade unions.
Wrong! Unions are necessary in order to protect the rights of workers against the economic slavery that unregulated capitalism always wants to impose on them. History has proven this to be true over and over again no matter what Beck and the Koch brothers want you to believe. Your scewed version of socialism is the result of your yrs of brainwashing. How many self professed socialists or communists have you met in your life? None I bet.

Unions were deeply involved in the socialist parties in most countries, mostly because every other party was of the opinion that unified bargaining on the corporate side was OK, but unified bargaining on the worker's side was pure evil. Worker's should just take what you're given. In the US, that didn't happen so much. The only union involved with our Socialist party that much was the Wobblies, and they eventually had a falling out because the Wobblies were pursuing an anarcho-syndicalist direction. Mott apparently is of the opinion that socialism = leninism, which is another reason he's retarded.
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Well then how comes they only exist in free democratic capitalist societies?

Besides America? Which has specifically passed laws making it practically impossible for workers to exercise their collective bargaining powers? Only corporations are allowed to exercise collective bargaining in America. We are the Union of Soviet Fascist Republics.
The truth and experience of socialism. "socialism is poison for idiots"

YouTube - "Socialism is poison for idiots"

I wonder how many brainwashed Tea Baggers know this...

The political stand-off has drawn tens of thousands of pro-union protesters, making Wisconsin ground zero in a national struggle over union power and putting a new focus on the Koch brothers.

Their role was highlighted this week when Walker took a call from a New York blogger impersonating David Koch. Thinking he was talking to Koch, Walker was caught on tape discussing his tactics to lure runaway Democratic senators back to the state and joking about using a baseball bat on opponents.

"He obviously feels a big debt of gratitude," Boyle said.

Republican-led legislatures and governors in several states faced with budget deficits have introduced plans similar to Walker's to undermine public sector unions, arguing years of one-sided negotiations have resulted in unsustainable wage, pension and benefit promises.


Among the basic tenets of libertarianism -- smaller government, less regulation, and lower taxes -- is anti-unionism, and the Koch brothers have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buttress the movement since the 1960s.

But the timing for the union squeeze may have more to do with the emergence over the past two years of the populist Tea Party, which lifted like-minded candidates into office in 2010 and provided foot soldiers for the libertarian movement.

"This is all a wave of political belief that the Kochs unquestionably have funded in various ways for years and years and years," said Brian Doherty, editor of Reason Magazine, published by one of several think tanks funded by Koch money."

I wonder if any of you wingnuts realize the Koch brothers empire what's to lower your standard of living and laughs at Tea Baggers for being dupes?