Wisconsin, the answer is before you. We are at the cusp of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!

Well, in the case of Washington, the other side won, so the unions didn't buy the guy the were negotiating with, did they, so your argument, FAILS, but the other side bought him, and they are the ones reaping the rewards this time!

I guess then that no one who needs something from the government should be able to contribute to the campaign, like the Koch brothers, say, for instance and no bid contracts.
That would be incorrect, in "Washington" (as you have here) they would be negotiating with somebody hired by their candidate. In Wisconsin the voters finally got tired of it.
That would be incorrect, in "Washington" (as you have here) they would be negotiating with somebody hired by their candidate. In Wisconsin the voters finally got tired of it.

Sorry, that should have been Wisconsin, I typed Washington in error.
Sorry, that should have been Wisconsin, I typed Washington in error.
Yah... ;)

The reality is, public sector is different than private sector and even the great "progressive" FDR understood that. Incestuous politics doesn't make for "better" politics, it just makes for inconceivable budget crushing "benefits" for the taxpayer to fork over the taxes in order to pay. In this case they finally got tired of it and sent an R congress with an R governor to their Capital. The Ds then decided that it was best to have a fit rather than face the consequences of an election where their policy failed them.

The only poll that matters was the one that put the Governor and their Legislators into office.

Well, I bet if they had an election today Walker would be walking, I believe Wisconsin is suffering from buyers remorse, but that is just my opinion based on current polls. Now, you base yours on the election, but we know things have changed in Wisconsin and people aren't happy with Walker.
Well, I bet if they had an election today Walker would be walking, I believe Wisconsin is suffering from buyers remorse, but that is just my opinion based on current polls. Now, you base yours on the election, but we know things have changed in Wisconsin and people aren't happy with Walker.
You can make that bet, but it really doesn't matter as we'll never know. There is a reason they polled "the public" rather than "likely voters" and it is likely because the results were different than the ones they wanted.
You can make that bet, but it really doesn't matter as we'll never know. There is a reason they polled "the public" rather than "likely voters" and it is likely because the results were different than the ones they wanted.

Really and you have proof of this? you know for certain how the likely voters would poll? Or did you pick this up with your Morning Joe?
Really and you have proof of this? you know for certain how the likely voters would poll? Or did you pick this up with your Morning Joe?
Not any more "proof" than yours for your "bet". You assume off of a "the public" poll results that are not apparent.
Not any more "proof" than yours for your "bet". You assume off of a "the public" poll results that are not apparent.

The voter polls I have seen also show that the tide is turning against Walker and the more he talks the more the margin grows! I have also seen voter polls which do not agree with your statement.

51% of voters now side with the union workers and 47% with the governor, those numbers have changed since last Thursday and the numbers can be found at the Public Policy Polling.

Not any more "proof" than yours for your "bet". You assume off of a "the public" poll results that are not apparent.

Remember when Christie took on teachers...the "tide" turned against him-his fiscal results have turned it back in his favor. I predict if Walker holds true it will be the same for him.
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A poll of likely voters wouldn't really be "the public". Likely voters /= "the public".
Exactly, you know as well as I when they poll likely voters they list that they polled likely voters. When they list they polled "the public" it is everybody, including those who aren't "likely" to vote. And "the public" generally means that they haven't even split it up by party line, as much of "the public" isn't even registered.

The reality is, this poll really isn't indicative of voters, especially since they didn't bother to even keep themselves within the boundaries of the state in question.
Remember when Christie took on teachers...the "tide" turned against him-his fiscal results have turned it back in his favor. I predict if Walker holds true it will be the same for him.
People like to be on the side that wins, if the Governor holds and the Rs win this one we will all be "amazed" at how few people will admit that they were on the other side of this.
People like to be on the side that wins, if the Governor holds and the Rs win this one we will all be "amazed" at how few people will admit that they were on the other side of this.

The spin given to this issue against Walker is amazing~ Parroting fools comes to mind.