Wisconsin, the answer is before you. We are at the cusp of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!

We have to face reality everywhere, not just at the Federal level, we just can't afford to continue as we have in the past.

States that are friendly to business growth (jobs) help everyone at every level.

Walker reigning state and local public unions in, is what Carter did to federal public unions back in the day-it is a win win-

Love how he, Walker, highlighted Obama's, and other democrats hypocrisy on this issue. Did you hear Krauthammer on the idea of how public unions are actually regressive?
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The oppressed will eventually forget their oppression, and whimper for scraps from the hands of the powerful. The oppressors (assuming they're successful) will eventually have their crimes forgotten and thanked for the gains made on the backs of the oppressed. This is how history works.
Yah... ;)

The reality is, public sector is different than private sector and even the great "progressive" FDR understood that. Incestuous politics doesn't make for "better" politics, it just makes for inconceivable budget crushing "benefits" for the taxpayer to fork over the taxes in order to pay. In this case they finally got tired of it and sent an R congress with an R governor to their Capital. The Ds then decided that it was best to have a fit rather than face the consequences of an election where their policy failed them.
So what your saying is that due to the result of an election and your ideology that the people of Wisconsin do not have a right to peacably assemble for a redress of grievances?
I would suggest that you don't get real brave and voice that opinion in public, or at least make sure that you're not with a group that might believe differently.

I have. I pissed off a bunch of fat old men but they were to scared to fuck with me cause there wasn't a one of them who's fat old ass I couldn't whip! LOL
States that are friendly to business growth (jobs) help everyone at every level.

Walker reigning state and local public unions in, is what Carter did to federal public unions back in the day-it is a win win-

Love how he, Walker, highlighted Obama's, and other democrats hypocrisy on this issue. Did you hear Krauthammer on the idea of how public unions are actually regressive?
No, I didn't hear Krauthammer on this; I'll have to look that up.
So what your saying is that due to the result of an election and your ideology that the people of Wisconsin do not have a right to peacably assemble for a redress of grievances?
Nobody said that, that's like saying that "Because you think Santa Doesn't Exist and Christmas is more expensive than kids think that means that people can't ever celebrate Christmas"...

That's just inane.
Nobody said that, that's like saying that "Because you think Santa Doesn't Exist and Christmas is more expensive than kids think that means that people can't ever celebrate Christmas"...

That's just inane.

Well, why is he going to all the trouble to force this if it has no meaning, if the people can still strike?

I know, I know, do you?
Well, why is he going to all the trouble to force this if it has no meaning, if the people can still strike?

I know, I know, do you?
He's not making a law that nobody can ever strike, nor one against assembling a union. He is making one that says that cops and other necessary workers can't strike. A law that is normal in most communities. It's staggering how completely people are willing to buy into propaganda rather than actually use their minds on things like this.

He's doing this because the government is crippled and companies are leaving his state due to the poor policy of a predecessor and promises made with too much pudding for the owners of politicians past...
He's not making a law that nobody can ever strike, nor one against assembling a union. He is making one that says that cops and other necessary workers can't strike. A law that is normal in most communities. It's staggering how completely people are willing to buy into propaganda rather than actually use their minds on things like this.

He's doing this because the government is crippled and companies are leaving his state due to the poor policy of a predecessor and promises made with too much pudding for the owners of politicians past...

So, you choose to believe Walker and Koch's propaganda and I don't.

Huh, is he going after the police's collective bargaining? I need to see proof on this??????

Everything I have read is that he is targeting teachers and other state workers and not police and fire...so your claim is that he is taking away the police's collective bargaining as well and this is for public safety issues that he is targeting police? I need to see where you read this Damo, sorry, but this is not what I have read.
I thought this is what Walker said...

On NPR this morning, Walker answered that he couldn’t take the risk of cops and firefighters going out on strike and allow mayhem to ensue. But that’s an appeal to consequences — and a very dangerous one — rather than a principled reason.
I thought this is what Walker said...

On NPR this morning, Walker answered that he couldn’t take the risk of cops and firefighters going out on strike and allow mayhem to ensue. But that’s an appeal to consequences — and a very dangerous one — rather than a principled reason.
Consequences are the same regardless of the principles involved in their creation or solution.
Consequences are the same regardless of the principles involved in their creation or solution.

Sorry, it wasn't my comment, and I didn't post where I got it from, I was distracted and the send button got pushed by another! Ooops

I meant just to copy Walker's words, my badness.:loveu:
Nobody said that, that's like saying that "Because you think Santa Doesn't Exist and Christmas is more expensive than kids think that means that people can't ever celebrate Christmas"...

That's just inane.
You most certainly did. You said they were "having a fit" indicating you don't think they have a legitimate right to redress the government for their grievance.

We live in a Republic Damo and in a Republic individuals and minorities have rights and majorities cannot discard those rights because it is incovenient and makes life less flexible for them.

Redressing the Government with grievances may be "having a fit" in your eyes but in the USA it's called practicing Democracy. It's interesting to note that you didn't condemn Tea Partiers for "having fits" when they were protesting.

Why the double standard Damo?
So, you choose to believe Walker and Koch's propaganda and I don't.

Huh, is he going after the police's collective bargaining? I need to see proof on this??????

Everything I have read is that he is targeting teachers and other state workers and not police and fire...so your claim is that he is taking away the police's collective bargaining as well and this is for public safety issues that he is targeting police? I need to see where you read this Damo, sorry, but this is not what I have read.

Rana, Damo and others are going to learn, eventually, what my two cousins have just learned recently.

My two cousins are both teachers. One is a VoAg instructor and the other is a high school math teacher and basketball coach . Both have BS in engineering or math and MA's in secondary education. They both live and teach in rural western Ohio (John Boehner is their Congressman) and both have been life long Republicans.

Now they are both singing the blues and are royally pissed off at the Governor and Republicans for betraying them. They were both ardent, Fox News watching, Rush Limbaugh loving conservative Republicans until this happened and now their working conditions and livlihoods are being threatened and they are being demonized by politicians they voted for! Now there both singing the blue but it took an incident like this to personally affect them to make them see the light.

When they are impacted by changes like this in the work place that affec them, the'll be singing a different tune too. Just you wait and see.
Rana, Damo and others are going to learn, eventually, what my two cousins have just learned recently.

My two cousins are both teachers. One is a VoAg instructor and the other is a high school math teacher and basketball coach . Both have BS in engineering or math and MA's in secondary education. They both live and teach in rural western Ohio (John Boehner is their Congressman) and both have been life long Republicans.

Now they are both singing the blues and are royally pissed off at the Governor and Republicans for betraying them. They were both ardent, Fox News watching, Rush Limbaugh loving conservative Republicans until this happened and now their working conditions and livlihoods are being threatened and they are being demonized by politicians they voted for! Now there both singing the blue but it took an incident like this to personally affect them to make them see the light.

When they are impacted by changes like this in the work place that affec them, the'll be singing a different tune too. Just you wait and see.

I thought I had already learned this :(, I guess not enough, I have to stay after school?