WM's Libertarian theory


I think that every libertarian knew one really hot girl, really wanted to bang her/did bang her, and she rejected him/broke up with him. And that's how they got to be so apathetic and greedy, because they're bitter and want the rest of the world to suffer like they have.

+ they're all stalkers.

I think I get major props for finding the root cause of libertarianism. :clink:

Maybe, one day, with the advent of sex robots, we can solve this terrible affliction.
My theory on former libertarians....

They gravitated to libertarianism for its strong arguments. They then expressed them to some girl that claimed the views were too radical or unsympathetic to the poor. Being queers, they cried a lot about it, wrote some stupid poetry and then altered their views. They still got jilted by the chick with some new reason.

Advice for such losers... avoid politics or religion until after you have had sex with them. Of course, they are still likely to dump you since you are insecure and a lousy lay.
Watermark, it's really sick, but a lot of them love being slapped around. They've been warped by abusive men, but that is now their model of love, so if you act nice, they will find you weak.
Watermark, it's really sick, but a lot of them love being slapped around. They've been warped by abusive men, but that is now their model of love, so if you act nice, they will find you weak.

Unfortuantely this is all too often true. Often they marry an abusive man and then after a child or two divorce them and look for a nice guy to take care of them and their kids.
You had sex with Chelsea clinton?!

Yep, she is out "whoring" for her mom. After a few hot, grueling, horny weekends trying to convert me she gave up and stopped returning my phone calls...

Like I'd talk to a girl I knew about POLITICS, for christ sake.

Yeah, what do women know about politics? :cheer:

"A woman's grasp of politics... (men at the table chuckle)"
-Don Rafael Monterro, The Mask of Zorro