WM's Libertarian theory

Clearly most of you don't have the social graces or instincts to pick up nice, attractive, smart and all around great women. But be that as it may, that DOES NOT reflect on my gender, that's a relection of the women that you seek out.

Thought you were weak b/c you didn't beat her?! You picked crazy chic, not because no other nice ones were around but because that's what you settled for and/or wanted.

A$$munch aka future 45 y/o vir gin,
A lot of them like to be slapped around??!!! Maybe, you should stop trolling for women at Klan rallies if you don't like the type.

News flash, you're not hot or sane.

I'd advise you to not listen to them.

LOL, I don't.
By the same token there are men out there that are just as insecure and socially warped as women. Over generalizing and inferring that mental instability is a female trait is sex ist and just blately wrong at its core.
Yep LadyT, I was stupit. And I am still paying for that mistake.
I found out too late that her daddy beat her mommy. so she thought that was they way it was supposed to be I guess. Abuse begets abuse.

WM, Listen to the voice of experience.
I will try to keep you from making the mistakes I made.
LadyT has a biased adgenda here on this topic :D

No, you bitter men who've got yourselves in bad relationships have biased agenda's. I'm a hot, successful, funny woman in a wonderful committed relationship.
By the same token there are men out there that are just as insecure and socially warped as women. Over generalizing and inferring that mental instability is a female trait is sex ist and just blately wrong at its core.

I didn't realise anyone was doing that--- I thought we were just a bunch of guys being relatively silly and talking about women, which I likewise thought was removed from the usual oversight of crushingly PC observations by the gender police.

In the future, officer, I will be more careful to be fair and balanced in my observations even when in a ridiculous thread about virginity.
No, you bitter men who've got yourselves in bad relationships have biased agenda's. I'm a hot, successful, funny woman in a wonderful committed relationship.

You are not hot, successful, or funny...probably not a woman, either.

See, I can judge you without knowing anything about you, too.
WM the best spouse selecting advise I can give you is look long and hard at her family. Most people grow up to my mostly like their parents. Not all but most. Genetics? nurture ?
I don't know just an observation of results.
No, you bitter men who've got yourselves in bad relationships have biased agenda's. I'm a hot, successful, funny woman in a wonderful committed relationship.

NO? Are you denying the very real dynamic of generational abuse and it how it manifests parent to child until someone realizes and puts and end to it? Guess you have never spoken to a battered woman, and have never heard of battered women's syndrome.
By the same token there are men out there that are just as insecure and socially warped as women. Over generalizing and inferring that mental instability is a female trait is sex ist and just blately wrong at its core.

true nuff, but I am not as qualified to give advice on that angle.
I really think WM is looking for a female though.
WM the best spouse selecting advise I can give you is look long and hard at her family. Most people grow up to my mostly like their parents. Not all but most. Genetics? nurture ?
I don't know just an observation of results.

Now that's some good advice. if her family is nuts, I'd slowly step away.
By the same token there are men out there that are just as insecure and socially warped as women. Over generalizing and inferring that mental instability is a female trait is sex ist and just blately wrong at its core.

usc is talking about someone who was beaten as a child. ANYONE beaten as a child will be a f'd up adult. There are plenty of men walking around who grow up in alcoholic families and are really messed up now. It has nothing to do with gender. It's a real shame, they should get help. It is available.

Of course, even though some men are alcohlics and abusers and drug addicts and losers, I certainly don't judge all men by them.

After all, my bf is 33 and he's already published a book, doesn't smoke or abuse alcohol, and certainly would never hit a woman. There's plenty of good ones out there.

As an aside, anyone taking relationship advice from the stupidest person on this board, gonzo, is never going to get laid.
Yep there are good ones out there Darla. Sounds like you found one. but keep an eye on him he sounds too good to be true.
It is a shame that our society puts such stigma on those who need help dealing with psyche problems. This only makes the problem worse.