WM's Libertarian theory

The feminist movement has moved beyond desiring equality and is fully in supremacist territory. ..........


That's rich. Coming from the same fcker that was just telling us that " but a lot of them (women) love being slapped around"
I criticize stupid idiots like xxxxxx, so i must be gay.

No, I knew you hated women and were gay long before that.

You're a cretin who hates women, and I think you have a crush on Emelio Estevez, or whoever that pretty boy is that you posted pics of.
because he likes men?

It's more about his mother than anything. It always is. She might not have paid, what he felt was the proper attention, to his 5 year old poops. She might have expressed concern to a friend about his penis size and he overheard. Oh, just a million things could have gone wrong here.
No, I knew you hated women and were gay long before that.

You're a cretin who hates women, and I think you have a crush on Emelio Estevez, or whoever that pretty boy is that you posted pics of.

oh yeah, was he the one with the guy p-star as his avatar?

I think he's trolling for guys on this site a lot of the time. I've noticed way too many an.. references toward other guys. I think if Ted, Larry or the congressional page lover were going to pick up guys on this board, they'd do a lot of the same thing a-munch does. I just really hope he comes out of the closet. His venom toward women makes his childhood painfully transparent.
It's more about his mother than anything. It always is. She might not have paid, what he felt was the proper attention, to his 5 year old poops. She might have expressed concern to a friend about his *&&^ size and he overheard. Oh, just a million things could have gone wrong here.

That would actually explain a lot. But definitely, his mom is certainly the center of a lot of the hate he displays on this board.
oh yeah, was he the one with the guy p-star as his avatar?

I think he's trolling for guys on this site a lot of the time. I've noticed way too many an.. references toward other guys. I think if Ted, Larry or the congressional page lover were going to pick up guys on this board, they'd do a lot of the same thing a-munch does. I just really hope he comes out of the closet. His venom toward women makes his childhood painfully transparent.

No venom. I just criticize subpar-intellect femi-goobers who come onto threads and go "that's not JUST a woman thing". No shit. STfu or say something intelligent.
oh yeah, was he the one with the guy p-star as his avatar?

I think he's trolling for guys on this site a lot of the time. I've noticed way too many an.. references toward other guys. I think if Ted, Larry or the congressional page lover were going to pick up guys on this board, they'd do a lot of the same thing a-munch does. I just really hope he comes out of the closet. His venom toward women makes his childhood painfully transparent.

But he can still be helped. You know, if he would go see a therapist they could do some reenacting with him. I would recommend seeing a female therapist, and he can then play-act his tramautic childhood experiences with his mother, this time, arranging events to his liking.

For example...he can go to the bathroom, and come running out of it and back to his therapist/play mommy saying "mommy mommy I made a poopy" and then the therapist instead of replying with a put-down as his mother did, can respond with "OMG! Who's my big boy!?"

If they act this out once a week for twelve years, Asshat might finally be well enough to go on a date. No promises though.