WM's Libertarian theory

Unfortuantely this is all too often true. Often they marry an abusive man and then after a child or two divorce them and look for a nice guy to take care of them and their kids.

Yeah. That's a pretty picture. WM finally gets laid at 40 by a burnt out double divorcee who wants him to take care of her kids because he's nice.

Oh well.

Guess I'll go with the other option. *presents "pimp hand", ready for slapping*
Getting laid is not getting married dude. Just always use protection so no unexpected little WM's around and no disease.
Let you upper head rule your lower one too.
Oh, I know em, I even know one who supports Ron Paul. They're all fugly.

Looks ain't everything, getting along with them is if you are thinking of marrying em. The hottest ones are usually the hardest to live with.
in my experience you will find one that is just right if you look long enough.
But then if you have already settled for something less than right ....
Worth it.

It is like that list (I forget if there is an official name)--

Women can be two out of three of the following (or one out of three) but not all three:


Hot is as much attitude as looks.
and yes sometimes you have all three together...Rare, but it does happen.

Sane seems to be the hardest one to match up with the other two items....
I think my post explained it RS.
I have experienced it. I still will not beat a woman, even if they want me to. just leave em.
Clearly most of you don't have the social graces or instincts to pick up nice, attractive, smart and all around great women. But be that as it may, that DOES NOT reflect on my gender, that's a relection of the women that you seek out.

Thought you were weak b/c you didn't beat her?! You picked crazy chic, not because no other nice ones were around but because that's what you settled for and/or wanted.

A$$munch aka future 45 y/o vir gin,
A lot of them like to be slapped around??!!! Maybe, you should stop trolling for women at Klan rallies if you don't like the type.

News flash, you're not hot or sane.

I'd advise you to not listen to them.
Clearly most of you don't have the social graces or instincts to pick up nice, attractive, smart and all around great women. But be that as it may, that DOES NOT reflect on my gender, that's a relection of the women that you seek out.

Thought you were weak b/c you didn't beat her?! You picked crazy chic, not because no other nice ones were around but because that's what you settled for and/or wanted.

A$$munch aka future 45 y/o vir gin,
A lot of them like to be slapped around??!!! Maybe, you should stop trolling for women at Klan rallies if you don't like the type.

News flash, you're not hot or sane.

I'd advise you to not listen to them.

Yep LadyT, I was stupit. And I am still paying for that mistake.
I found out too late that her daddy beat her mommy. so she thought that was they way it was supposed to be I guess. Abuse begets abuse.

WM, Listen to the voice of experience.
I will try to keep you from making the mistakes I made.
LadyT has a biased adgenda here on this topic :D