WM's Libertarian theory

No, you bitter men who've got yourselves in bad relationships have biased agenda's. I'm a hot, successful, funny woman in a wonderful committed relationship.

Tiana owns every guy posting on the thread!

You can own your own baseball team now Tiana.
usc is talking about someone who was beaten as a child. ANYONE beaten as a child will be a f'd up adult. There are plenty of men walking around who grow up in alcoholic families and are really messed up now. It has nothing to do with gender. It's a real shame, they should get help. It is available.

And that's been my problem with this entire conversation. The implication that its a woman thing is absurd on its face.
Yep there are good ones out there Darla. Sounds like you found one. but keep an eye on him he sounds too good to be true.
It is a shame that our society puts such stigma on those who need help dealing with psyche problems. This only makes the problem worse.

I really lucked out! But I don't keep my eye on anyone, I always figure, the door swings both ways and my life is too busy to worry about that.
Oh, look who's true misongynist colors are coming through.

Take note young Watermark: This is how you become a 35 y/o bitter virg.

No .stupid c&nt, it's your implication that someone said it's a "woman thing". Nobody said that. It's just your kneejerk c&ntiness.
ClosetG@yMan said:
No .stupid c&nt, it's your implication that someone said it's a "woman thing". Nobody said that. It's just your kneejerk c&ntiness.

Have you noticed that a certain someone is always so vile and on the attack of anything that resembles feminine strength or feminism? Its almost like he's trying to "villainize" the feminine perspective by using the c word as weapon of words. I almost feel sorry him. Its so obvious he likes men and hates the fact that he has to pretend to be attracted to women. Its been like this from day one. I really hope closetg@y gets the help he needs and admits to himself and the world that he likes men.
Have you noticed that a certain someone is always so vile and on the attack of anything that resembles feminine strength or feminism? Its almost like he's trying to "villainize" the feminine perspective by using the c word as weapon of words. I almost feel sorry him. Its so obvious he likes men and hates the fact that he has to pretend to be attracted to women. Its been like this from day one. I really hope closetg@y gets the help he needs and admits to himself and the world that he likes men.

The feminist movement has moved beyond desiring equality and is fully in supremacist territory. Stupid c&nts like you prove it daily.