WM's Libertarian theory

No I suppose it would not to you.

How the fuck does a quote I made about Freud (known for inventing psychoanalysis) make any sense when you change it to say politicalanalysis?

Stop trying to be clever and just admit that you made a dumb joke that didn't even make any sense, it just showed you have the ability to edit text.

these troll wars are really funny! who will win...lady t,duhla,asshat? or will they digress to giving cippie and us cit a bone to play with...:dunno::corn:
But he can still be helped. You know, if he would go see a therapist they could do some reenacting with him. I would recommend seeing a female therapist, and he can then play-act his tramautic childhood experiences with his mother, this time, arranging events to his liking.

For example...he can go to the bathroom, and come running out of it and back to his therapist/play mommy saying "mommy mommy I made a poopy" and then the therapist instead of replying with a put-down as his mother did, can respond with "OMG! Who's my big boy!?"

If they act this out once a week for twelve years, Asshat might finally be well enough to go on a date. No promises though.

Aggressive therapy, but it may be what he needs.
How the fuck does a quote I made about Freud (known for inventing psychoanalysis) make any sense when you change it to say politicalanalysis?

Stop trying to be clever and just admit that you made a dumb joke that didn't even make any sense, it just showed you have the ability to edit text.

Same thing people talking about something they are not a recognized expert on.
but then that is the whole purpose of this board....