WM's Libertarian theory

at the end of the day, I'm just glad we all agree:

1) Men and women who are products of abusive and unhealthy relationships often find themselves entering into unhealthy and unstable relationships. And people's (men and women) tendency to enter abusive relationships is not a function of gender.
2) As$munch is a raging g@y misogynist who needs therapy.
at the end of the day, I'm just glad we all agree:

1) Asshat is right about there being a lot of fuzucked in the head biatches
2) I'm a douchy, c^nty, idiot who stuck her foot in her mouth and can't seem to get it out in any way besides personal insult.

Fixed it for ya!

I saw your c word filled tirade. I didn't respond to it because I kind of feel sorry for you. The truth hurts and I understand that you'd want to lash out at me and other women. But you have to realize whether or not your mom paid attention to your or if was attending to Johns, you're misogynist projections aren't going to change any of that. Mommy didn't show you the love you thought you wanted and you're going to have to accept it and move on.
I saw your c word filled tirade. I didn't respond to it because I kind of feel sorry for you. The truth hurts and I understand that you'd want to lash out at me and other women. But you have to realize whether or not your mom paid attention to your or if was attending to Johns, you're misogynist projections aren't going to change any of that. Mommy didn't show you the love you thought you wanted and you're going to have to accept it and move on.

Im not lashing out at women. There are just many fuzucked in the head biatches, as you conceded. DO you have a point besides showcasing your immense stupidity?
Im not lashing out at women. There are just many fuzucked in the head xxxxxx , as you conceded. DO you have a point besides showcasing your immense xxxxxxx?

No, she covered all the points quite adquately.

Your a very bizzare person, a cretin, who is most likely a closet gay with deep seated rage issues about women.

Further, to add to her analysis, I would stipulate that no normal, healthy woman is ever going to go out with you, so until you seek therapy, keep seeking sexual gratification from your blow up dolls, your gay male pornstar magazines, and your posters of emilio estivez.
No, she covered all the points quite adquately.

Your a very bizzare person, a cretin, who is most likely a closet gay with deep seated rage issues about women.

Further, to add to her analysis, I would stipulate that no normal, healthy woman is ever going to go out with you, so until you seek therapy, keep seeking sexual gratification from your blow up dolls, your gay male pornstar magazines, and your posters of emilio estivez.

Look, it can talk. ;) (Wanna go out?)
No, she covered all the points quite adquately.

Your a very bizzare person, a cretin, who is most likely a closet gay with deep seated rage issues about women.

Further, to add to her analysis, I would stipulate that no normal, healthy woman is ever going to go out with you, so until you seek therapy, keep seeking sexual gratification from your blow up dolls, your gay male pornstar magazines, and your posters of emilio estivez.

Still noticing how gay is an insult when convenient for you, and how LadyT used @ instead of 'a' as if gay is a curse word.
Note to Darla and LadyT:

Excepting AssholeHat (who is just demented), this conversation, which has managed to offend you two, is pretty familiar to me. I have seen it since I was 11/12, in Middle School, HS, Air Force Basic Training & Tech School, occassionally in college (I tend to be in fewer all-guy settings than in the earlier scenarios in college), and now that I am almost 22, at the bar.

A huge chunk of the male population gets into conversations exactly like this about women. You have undoubtedly seen them recreated in movies (which are pretty well rooted in reality, although I can't speak for how Hollywood portrays all girl conversations). You may not like it, but its a common part of life. Even the nicer guys wind up in these conversations.

I can understand your complaints, because I have a mom who goes so far as to denounce the word "hot" as demeaning to women, so I have always found these guy conversations to be a bit weird (if for no other reason than I can't get mom's objections out of my head).

Anyway, its all good (or not...) and you two seem kinda hot. :)
If you asked, my mom would say she's a christian and not a feminist. She just has moral issues with demeaning women...

Amen to Epicurus, for advocating smaller govt! :clink:

Yes. But HOT isn't demeaning. It means attractive or pretty. Believing that 'hot' is demeaning is a sign of being warped.
Yes. But HOT isn't demeaning. It means attractive or pretty. Believing that 'hot' is demeaning is a sign of being warped.

LOL They just didn't use the word in her day. Although I know she doesn't like the words "dame" or "chick" either... Most girls I know, say they would prefer a boyfriend who considers them beautiful rather than hot though...
LOL They just didn't use the word in her day. Although I know she doesn't like the words "dame" or "chick" either... Most girls I know, say they would prefer a boyfriend who considers them beautiful rather than hot though...

but to me hot and beautiful are not necessarially the same thing.
Hot is more attitude than looks.
Just my slightly demented way of seeing things though I guess.
Doesn't like Dame? She must have a real problem with British peerage then.

Well, more the way it was used back in the day (see the classic 40's film "Laura" as an example). More than Dame, she disaproves of "Broad," which is of much more recent vintage...

Friend: I'm going to study abroad in Ireland.
Me: I don't want to travel 5000 miles right now. I'll stay home and study a broad!